Title: Detecting Fraud, Errors and Analyzing Data Using IDEA
1Detecting Fraud, Errors and Analyzing Data Using
- Mary G. Elizondo, Comptroller, South Texas
College - Myriam Lopez, System Analyst, South Texas College
- Don Sparks, Audimation Services, Inc.
2South Texas College
- 19,973 Headcount-Fall
- 1,600 Employees
- 14 Years Old
- 96,054,313 Unrestricted Fund Budget
3Overview and Purpose of IDEA
- Fraud Detection
- Errors
- Irregularities
- Auditors recommendation
- Analyzing of Data
- Report on Data
4Importing Data Into IDEA
- Excel worksheets
- Text files
- Databases
- Flat files, Formatted files
- Other
5Importing Data into IDEAFlat Files
6Importing Data into IDEAFlat Files
7Importing Data into IDEAFormatted Files
Requires template setup to capture data
8Functions of IDEA
- Indexing
- Sorting
- Grouping
- Filtering
- Summarization
- Stratification
- Sampling
- Other
9Functions of IDEAIndexing
Index allows you to display the database in a
specified order
10Functions of IDEASorting
Sorting makes a copy of the database physically
sorted in the specified order
11Functions of IDEAGrouping
Grouping is used to organize records, making
expandable and collapsible sorted groups
12Functions of IDEAFiltering
Filtering allows you to display specific records
based on a criteria
13Functions of IDEASummarization
Summarization creates a total of numeric fields
for all records with the same value in the key
14Functions of IDEAStratification
Stratification allows you to categorize records
into bands.
15Functions of IDEASystematic Sampling
- Generates at specific intervals
- (for example every 100th record)
16Functions of IDEARandom Sampling
- Generates a list of random records based on
random number seed
17Functions of IDEAStratified Random Sampling
- Generates a random sample for a specified number
of records for each group. Requires the database
to be stratified.
- Reconciliations
- Join Files for Analysis of Data
- Financial Ratios
- Graphing Financial Data
- Aging of Accounts Receivables
- Trend Analysis
- G/L Balances
- Expense Totals
- Utility Payments
19Analyzing Data for Fraud Detection
- Duplicate payments
- Purchases from employees (conflict of interest)
- Employees also employed as independent contractors
- Comparing W-2 data to final check stubs
- Material changes in key data from period to
period - Lapping of receipts
- Benfords Law digit occurrence analysis
20Fraud DetectionDuplicate Payments
- Import file to IDEA
- Clean the data (Data Extractions)
- Example Remove canceled invoices
- Create new field to remove special characters
- Function _at_upper(_at_strip(vendor invoice)
- Duplicate key detection analysis
21Fraud DetectionDuplicate Payments
- 5. Review results - output table includes all
invoices with duplicate vendor invoice number
22Fraud DetectionCheck Gap Detection
- Analysis / Gap Detection
- Select field to use to detect gaps name results
23Fraud DetectionCheck Gap Detection
- 3. Review results identifying gaps in document
24Trend AnalysisPayments by Month
- Analyze material changes from period to period
25Benfords Law
- First digit analysis
- Second digit analysis
- First two digits analysis
- First three digits analysis
26Benfords Analysis
27Current Errors/Fraud Events(Would Your Audits
- Billion Dollar Electric Bills
- Dummy Vendor Account
- Audit Finds Ghost Employee
- Audit Detects 1 Million Missing
- Top Executive Takes 1.6 Million
- 6 Year Employee Skims 860,000
- School Superintendent to Serve 8 Years
28What to Look for at Your Institution
- Mary G. Elizondo, STC
- Myriam Lopez, STC
- Don Sparks, Audimation Services, Inc.
- Thank You!