Title: April Mabry Ronda Bauman TASB HR Services
1April MabryRonda BaumanTASB HR Services
- Exempt or Nonexempt?
- That is the Question
2Myth or Reality?
- All salaried employees are exempt.
- Myth
- Employees who earn more than 23,660 per year are
exempt. - Myth
3Myth or Reality?
- Employees who direct the work of two or more
employees are exempt. - Maybe
- Employees who hold more than one job in a school
district can be both exempt and nonexempt at the
same time. - Myth
4Myth or Reality?
- Superintendents secretaries are exempt because
of the importance of their work. - Myth
- School districts dont have to worry about the
Fair Labor Standards Act. - Myth
5Myth or Reality?
- The computer employees who know so much and solve
all of our computer problems are exempt. - Myth
6Determining Exemption Status
- The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) assumes jobs
are nonexempt.
Employers are responsible for proving the
exemption claimed is valid.
7Exemption Tests
- Executive Test
- Administrative Test
- Professional Test
- Computer Employee Test
- Highly Compensated Employee Test
To be classified as EXEMPT, a position must meet
all of the criteria for one of the exemption
8Exemption Status Depends On
- Salary Level
- Minimum of 455 per week.
- Primary Duty
- Basis of Pay
- Must receive the full salary for any workweek in
which the employee performs any work.
Ensure the workweek is consistently defined and
9Allowable Deductions from Pay
- Full day
- Personal reasons
- Sickness or disability
- Offset for jury duty, witness fees, military pay
- Unpaid disciplinary suspensions
- First or last week of employment
- Unpaid FMLA leave
- Partial day
- Permission for leave NOT requested
- Permission for leave requested and denied
- Exhaustion of accrued leave
- Unpaid FMLA leave
10Executive Exemption Test
- Primary duty is management of the enterprise or a
recognized subdivision of the enterprise. - Directs the work of two or more full-time
equivalent employees (FTE).
The principal, main, major, or most important
duty the employee performs.29 C.F.R.
11Executive Exemption Test
- Primary duty is management of the enterprise or a
recognized subdivision of the enterprise. - Directs the work of two or more full-time
equivalent employees (FTE). - Has authority to hire or fire employees or whose
recommendation to do so holds weight.
12Administrative Exemption Test
- Primary duty is the performance of nonmanual work
directly related to the management or general
business operation of the employer or employers
customers. - Primary duty includes the exercise of discretion
and independent judgment with respect to matters
of significance.
13Administrator in an Educational Establishment
- Compensated at 445 per week OR at least equal to
the entrance salary for teachers. - Primarily responsible for performing
administrative functions directly related to
academic instruction or training in an
educational establishment or department or
14Professional Exemption Test
- Primary duty is the performance of work requiring
knowledge of an advanced type in a field of
science or learning customarily acquired by a
prolonged course of specialized intellectual
Predominantly intellectual in character requiring
consistent exercise of discretion and judgment.
15Computer Employee Test
- Compensated at 455 per week OR 27.63 per hour.
- Primary duty consists of one or more of the
following - The application of systems analysis techniques
and procedures to determine hardware, software,
or system functional specifications. - Design, development, documentation, analysis,
creation, testing, or modification of computer
systems or programs related to user, system
design specifications, or machine operating
16Highly Compensated Employee Test
- Compensation of at least 100,000 per year.
- Employee regularly performs any one or more of
the exempt duties or responsibilities of an
executive, administrative, or professional
17Nonexempt Employees
- An employee is considered nonexempt if the job
duties do not satisfy one of the exemption tests.
When in doubt, classify as nonexempt.
18What red flags do you see?
- Page 12
- Titles that are usually nonexempt
- Low salaries for exempt positions
19Activity ? Classifying Positions
- Exempt or nonexempt?
- What are the primary duties of the job?
- Place orders
- Track inventory
- Schedule bidding
- What are the daily tasks?
- Place orders
- Answer phones, e-mails
- Follow policy
- April Mabry
- Ronda Bauman
- TASB HR Services
- 800-580-7782
- hrservices.tasb.org