Convergence Technology Curriculum: Cultural Variations on a Theme - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Convergence Technology Curriculum: Cultural Variations on a Theme


Collin County Community College District is the lead Main Convergence lab at CCCCD ... Latte nights, Pizza nights, Summer workshops, HS Science Fair, TechDay, Dev. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Convergence Technology Curriculum: Cultural Variations on a Theme

Convergence Technology Curriculum Cultural
Variations on a Theme
  • North Texas Regional Community College
    Technology Forum
  • February 17, 2006

Convergence Technology
  • 2.469 million over 4 years
  • Awarded August 1, 2004

National Science FoundationRegional Center for
Convergence Technology
Primary Leaders of the Grant
  • Collin County Community College District is the
    lead Main Convergence lab at CCCCD
  • Ann Beheler, Dean of Engineering and Emerging
    Technologies Division PI
  • Two partner colleges Satellite labs
  • El Centro College
  • Dr. Bette Plog, Co-PI
  • Tarrant County College NE
  • Penny Cypert, Co-PI

Convergence Technology is
  • the blending or integration of voice, video,
    data, image into one flexible network
  • the bringing together of products and
    capabilities of multiple vendors so that they
    provide the services the customer wants
  • Active in enterprise businesses and homes

Convergence Technology Center Focus
  • Curriculum
  • Training faculty
  • Case study/problem-based learning approach
  • Convergence technology content
  • Recruiting underserved faculty and students
  • Dissemination

  • We applied for the grant to address an emerging
    need brought on by a changing business climate in
    the region

What changed?
  • Dallas portion of the DFW Metroplex lost 100,000
    jobs between 2000 and 2003 out of about 2.8
    million jobs (Center for Economic Development and
    Research Report, 2003)
  • Causes
  • 9/11
  • Telecom layoffs
  • General economic downturn similar to entire nation

What happened to technology registrations?
  • Typical anecdotal data points for CCCCD but
    representative of regional trend
  • Cisco registration at CCCC in 1999 was about 750
    per semester
  • Cisco registration at CCCCD in 2004 was about 200
    per semester
  • Thriving Telecommunications program in 1999 had
    no graduates in 2004

At The Same Time
  • Rapid rise in home use of cable modem/xDSL
  • Decrease in cost of computer equipment,
    especially models aimed at the home
  • Commodity type wireless equipment available at
    prices attractive to home market
  • Rapid rise in telecommuting population (20 for
    Nortel, for example)
  • Voice over IP gains popularity
  • Fiber to the Premises grows
  • Many entry-level IT jogs are off-shored
  • Voice, data, and video begin co-existing over
    enterprise networks

Home Technology Integrator
  • Independent or working for a company
  • Installs and integrates communications systems
    and entertainment systems in the home, including
  • DSL and Cable Modem
  • Wireless access WITH security
  • Home entertainment systems
  • Home management systems
  • RFid and smart devices
  • Must have great communication skills
  • Likely the new entry level IT job!
  • Cant be off-shored!

Enterprise Convergence Technician
  • Works in a large company handling support for
  • Voice (including old telephony and Voice over IP)
  • Data (like regular computer networking)
  • Video and Image
  • Wired, wireless, different Qualities of Service
  • Must have good communication skills

How do we know?
  • National Skills Standards Skills validated and
    augmented by BI Council
  • Network Infrastructure
  • Network Devices
  • Home Technology Integrator from CompTIA
  • Additional Skills added by council, including
    employability skills

How do we know?
  • Each Skill Ranked using modified DACUM process
    called PCAL7
  • Importance
  • Level of knowledge needed by entry-level employee
  • Amount of time spent on that skill by entry-level
  • Difficulty of the skill
  • Created by Brent Kesterson at Richland College

Skills-based Curriculum
  • Skills needed cross-referenced with curriculum
    from each district to identify gaps
  • Courses to be used as is
  • Courses to be augmented
  • Courses to be created
  • VoIP
  • Intro to Convergence
  • Courses totally focused on case-based learning

Curriculum Built on Business Demand
  • Local Business Industry Advisory council
    initially supported the concept of Convergence
  • Informal survey of only 9 businesses indicated
    job demand of 600-1000 jobs for convergence
    technicians over the next 2-4 years
  • Informal survey of BI Advisory council outlined
    the initial broad curriculum

Convergence Technician Survey Updated 9/05
  • Does entry-level Convergence Technician add value
    to your company
  • 67 yes
  • 33 no
  • Do you employ people with CT skills
  • 71 yes
  • 29 no
  • How many CT in your company
  • Home market 1511
  • Enterprise market - 633

Convergence Technician Survey
  • Where companies recruit (all that apply)
  • 10 - Normal job applicant pool
  • 9 - 4-year colleges and universities
  • 7 - From within company
  • 6 - From 2-year colleges
  • 5 From technical institutes
  • 5 From military training with degree

Convergence Technician Survey
  • Minimum education and work experience
    qualifications required for entry-level CT (all
    that apply)
  • 9 2-yr degree with prior work experience
  • 9 Prior work experience with no degree
  • 8 Bachelors degree with prior experience
  • 5 Bachelors degree with no experience
  • 4 2-yr degree with no experience
  • 4 Military experience with no degree
  • 3 Military experience with degree

Convergence Technician Survey
  • Number of CTs hired in past year 37
  • No. of CTs with 2-year degree to be hired in
  • Month to 1 yr - 63
  • 1-2 yrs 225
  • 2-3 yrs 534
  • 3-5 yrs 825

Convergence Technician Survey
  • No. of CTs with certificate to be hired in next
  • Month to 1 yr - 22
  • 1-2 yrs 70
  • 2-3 yrs 144
  • 3-5 yrs 243

Convergence Technician Survey
  • Classification for 2-year degreed CT
  • 57 hourly
  • 48 salaried
  • Pay range for CT with 2-yr degree
  • Yearly 25,000 - 55,000

Convergence Technician Survey
  • Classification for CT with certificate
  • 68 hourly
  • 32 salaried
  • Pay range for CT with 2-yr degree
  • Yearly 18,000 - 50,000

Convergence Technician Survey
  • Should curriculum include internship or co-op
  • Yes 90
  • No 10
  • No. of employees in your company
  • Less than 10 19
  • Between 11 and 50 10
  • Between 51 and 100 10
  • Between 101 and 500 14
  • More than 500 48

How are these courses different from regular
lecture/lab courses?
  • Focus on broad knowledge across telephony and
    data networking, including security from the
    beginning, not at the end of the course of study
  • Focus on hands-on case studies/problem-based
    learning to hone skills in linking devices and
    systems from different manufacturers together to
    solve the customers problem
  • Focus on solving business problems

Status on Curriculum
  • Created based on skills gap analysis completed by
    faculty from all three districts
  • Initial degree patterns reviewed by BI and
    approved by the state for all three districts
  • AAS degree and certificates in the three
    districts are different, but similar
  • Skills being reviewed by joint faculty committee
  • Courses for Convergence, VoIP, and HTI being
    created according to format used for TX
    curriculum development

Convergence Technology Center Results to date
  • Professional Development for CC Faculty
  • Working Connections IT Faculty Development
    Institute May 16-20, 2005
  • CaseFiles
  • Recruitment Events for Students
  • Latte nights, Pizza nights, Summer workshops, HS
    Science Fair, TechDay, Dev. Ed recruitment, etc.
  • Recruitment Events for Faculty
  • HS Science Fair
  • One and two-day workshops

More results
  • Voice over IP module created for inclusion in
    Network courses
  • Lunch n Learns in Convergence Lab
  • New Courses Complete and Piloted
  • Intro to Convergence Course
  • VoIP Course
  • HTI

Next steps - Mentoring
  • Mentee college criteria for selection being
    finalized, but preliminarily will include
  • Ability to secure sufficient equipment for a lab
  • Committed faculty ready to spearhead the program,
    attend training, set up labs, and work with CTC
    mentor faculty
  • Willingness to create or utilize appropriate
    business advisory council to validate skills list
  • Ability to determine gaps in current curriculum
  • Commitment to develop certificate(s) and degree
    based on the validated skills

Next steps - Mentoring
  • Mentor college will provide
  • An equipment list
  • A mentor faculty member to work with the mentee
    college personnel to provide advice in
    implementing the program
  • Training for faculty from the mentee college
    through Working Connections
  • Initial skills listing (as validated in DFW)

Next steps - Mentoring
  • Mentor college will provide
  • Facilitation in validating skills list regionally
  • Sample degree plans and certificates
  • Recruitment event samples
  • Syllabi, Learning Activities Plans, Assessment
    plans for Convergence, VoIP, and HTI classes
  • A PI or Co-PI will be the administrative point
    of contact

Next steps
  • Working Connections July 17-21, 2006
  • More Case Studies
  • Certificates approved
  • Internship model/implementation
  • More recruitment of all kinds

Ultimately, how do we know the effort was worth
  • Short-term - registration in convergence and
    convergence-related courses is up
  • Longer term
  • Students new to the program complete the AAS and
    go to work or transfer to university programs
  • Retrained students complete courses they need to
    add skills to their repertoires
  • Employers are satisfied with the students work
  • Instruments being developed to track these

Questions and Answers
  • We want to be a resource for you
  • Contact Information
  • Ann Beheler
  • Dr. Bette Plog
  • Penny Cypert

This material is based upon work supported by the
National Science Foundation under Grant No.
0202408 and0402356 Any opinions, findings, and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the National
Science Foundation
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