Title: European Empires in North America, 16601715
1European Empires in North America, 1660-1715
- Four European Empires in North America
- Where? When? Function?
- Native American Reactions?
- Global Perspective?
- (How does North America
- fit into the changing
- World System?)
- Four empires competing around the
- Globe for influence.
- NOW - Analyze North American history during this
time in this context
3New European State Practice - Mercantilism
- Assumption that the worlds wealth was fixed
- One countrys wealth came at the expense of
anothers - American colonies had to serve the mother
country. They were forbidden to trade with
anyone else (in theory) - Mercantilism worked!
- New revenue for European powers unceasing
wars with each other Mercantilism fostered
alliances between the Crown and Merchants (
companies) - North America strongly influenced by these
policies -
4The French Expand Their Empire in North America
5Mercantilism and New France
- French establish forts and missions
- along Mississippi River and environs
- Expansion in Great Lake Regions
- Detroit
- Limited Success
- Few Settlers
- Only profits are from expanded fur trade
6French North America
An arch around English settlements
7Spanish on the Defensive
- Internal Revolts
- Pueblo Revolt 1681
- Reassertion of Native Control for awhile
- Spanish reconsolidated colony by 1706
- Navajo and Comanche Tribes grow stronger in
Southwest and they limit - Spanish Exploration and Expansion
8English Expansion in North America
Stuarts want to consolidate Their own and
Englands power
- English Civil War (1640-1649)
- Charles I Executed 1649
- Cromwells Rule (1649-1660)
- Stuart Restoration
- (King Charles II - 1660-1685)
- (King James II 1685-1688
9The Navigation Acts (1660s)
- (Response to French and Dutch Mercantilism)
- Trade between Colonies and England conducted
- by English Merchants and on English Ships
- Products sold to or bought from other European
- ports had to pass through England first
- Certain products subject to a duty when leaving
- colonies
10Anglo Dutch Wars and Rivalries, 1660s 1670s
- English gain several ports in West Africa
- Royal Africa Company formed 1672
- English seize New Amsterdam and New Netherlands
- Two New Colonies formed
- New York and New Jersey
11Other New Restoration Colonies
- Carolina 1669
- Hudson Bay Company 1670
- Pennsylvania 1681
12Growing Pains Expansion of English Empire in
North America Creates Tension
- Like a Tinder Box
- New Settlers
- Old Settlers
- Non English Settlers
- Religious Experiments
- Indians
- African Slaves
13Metacoms War in New England
- War for Survival
- Unification of Indian Tribes
- Indians lose last stand
- Brutality on both sides
- ½ all Puritan Settlements attacked
14Bacons Rebellion in Virginia1676
- Old v. New Settlers
- indentured servants
- Europeans v. Indians
- Landed v. Landless
- Bacon v. Berkeley
- Rebellion peters out with Bacons Death
- Shift towards African slave labor
15Glorious Revolution in England1688 The English
People Resist the Stuarts Overreach for Power
- Leaders in Parliament overthrow King James II
- New King William of Orange
- wife was Queen Mary a Stuart
- King and Parliament grant Religious tolerance
- Beginnings of Constitutional Monarchy
16France and England begin struggle for North
- Dutch are gone, Spanish have been checked
- Colonists support new English government in
- King Williams War against French. They
identify as English! -
- 1688-1697 King Williams War
- English colonists fail to dislodge France
- Iroquois declare neutrality and act as Buffer
17By 1715
- English have most populous and profitable empire
in North America - But
- Social Unrest
- Salem Witch Trials
- Ethnic Conflict
- Between colonists
- with Indians
- International Rivalry with France