Richard N' Arnold College Associate Professor Certified Crop Adviser - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Richard N' Arnold College Associate Professor Certified Crop Adviser


Richard N' Arnold College Associate Professor Certified Crop Adviser – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Richard N' Arnold College Associate Professor Certified Crop Adviser

Richard N. ArnoldCollege Associate
ProfessorCertified Crop Adviser
  • P.O. Box 1018
  • Farmington, NM 87499

Dry Beans
  • Was an important food plant during time of war
  • Low cost protein food
  • Leading states are Michigan, California, Idaho,
    Colorado, New York, North Dakota, and Nebraska
  • More than half of dry bean production is produced
    west of the Mississippi River

History of Dry Beans
  • Native to South America
  • Beans were being cultivated by the Indians when
    America was discovered
  • They were introduced into the Old World soon
    afterward, being mentioned about 1512 in Europe,
    where they became popular

  • The bean plant is a warm-season annual adapted to
    a wide variety of soils
  • Its optimum mean temperature is 65 to 75 degrees
  • High temperatures interfere with seed setting,
    while low temperatures are unfavorable for growth
  • They are produced most successfully in areas
    where the rainfall is light during the latter
    part of the season

Botanical Description
  • Dry edible beans are more or less flat-seeded
  • They may be either bushy or a vine type
  • They are normally self-pollinated with less than
    1 percent natural crossing

Types of Dry Beans
  • Pea, Pinto, Great Northern, Red Kidney, Small
    White, Pink, Small Red, Black Turtle, Cranberry,
    Yelloweye, Flat Small White, White Marrow, Mung,
    Lima, California, Blackeye, Chickpea (Garbanso)

Seed Characteristics
  • Dry edible beans are separated into market
    classes based on color, size, and seed shape
  • Small-more than 1,800 seeds/lb, ex. Small White,
    Navy and most Black varieties, these beans are
    commonly used for soups and pork and beans
  • Medium-1,200 to 1,800 seeds/lb, ex. Great
    Northern, Pink and Red Mexican varieties, these
    beans are commonly used for Mexican-style food
    and baked beans

Seed Characteristics Cont.
  • Large-less than 1,200 seeds/lb, ex. Kidney,
    Marrow and Cranberry, commonly used for fresh
    salads and baked dishes
  • Plant Type
  • Beans are also classified according to plant
    growth characteristics

Plant Type Cont.
  • The four basic plant types are
  • Type I. Determinate.An upright bush plant in
    which the vegetative growth of stems and lateral
    shoots ends as a flower cluster
  • Type II. Indeterminate upright. An upright viny
    plant in which the vegetative growth of stems and
    lateral shoots continues as short tendrils or

Plant Type Cont.
  • Type III. Indeterminate prostrate. A sprawling
    plant in which the vegetative growth or stems and
    lateral shoots continues as long vigorous
    tendrils or vines
  • Type IV. Indeterminate strong climber. A true
    climbing plant type usually grown on poles or
    trellises. Its stems and lateral shoots continue
    as vigorous tendrils or vines

Bean Plant
  • The seed is covered by a seed coat called (testa)
    which has two scars (hilum and micropyle) on the
    incurved edge
  • The hilum is where the seed separated from the
    stalk that attached it to the pod
  • The micropyle is where the pollen tube entered
    during fertilization

Bean Plant Cont.
  • When testa is broken, the seed may be split
    lengthwise into two cotyledons
  • The cotyledons are simple leaves attached to the
    first node of the primary stem
  • They are sources of food during germination

During Germination
  • Growth begins by elongation of the radicle (root)
    when seed coat is ruptured
  • After the seedling is firmly anchored in the
    soil, hypocotyl elongation begins and results in
    the emergence of the hypocotyl arch and the
    upward pulling of the cotyledons through the soil
  • The hypocotyl arch straightens and the unifoliate
    leaves expand

During Germination Cont.
  • The first true leaves of the dry bean are
    unifoliate, and all future leaves develop from
    terminal or axillary buds as trifoliate (three
  • The time interval between planting and emergence
    depends on planting depth, soil compaction, soil
    temperature, and moisture.
  • Optimum germination range of 65 to 85 degrees

Growth and Development
  • Growth Period 1. (Germination and stand
    establishment), this period starts with planting
    and ends when the trifoliate leaflets at the
    third node no longer touch
  • Growth Period 2. (Rapid vegetative growth), the
    plant responds to increased temperatures during
    this period and develops one new node on the main
    stem approximately every three days

Growth and Development Cont.
  • Growth Period 3. (Flowering and pod development),
    This period starts when the first flower opens
    and continues until the full extension of the
    first pod to set on
  • Growth Period 4. (Pod fill and maturation), This
    period starts when the seed in the first pod to
    set on starts to increase the circular dimension
    of the developed pod and continues to harvest

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Dry Bean Fertility
  • Nitrogen
  • Beans are legumes and can fix N in the presence
    of appropriate strains of Rhizobium unless there
    are inoculation difficulties
  • N deficiency can especially occur on sandy soils
  • Is essential for amino acids, proteins and etc
  • Deficiency symptoms appear as uniformly pale
    green to yellow discoloration of older leaves,
    growth is reduced, and few flowers develop or
    pods fill poorly

Nitrogen Cont.
  • N rec (YG x 2.0) (SN Sub N)
  • N rec Nitrogen fertilizer recommendation (lb/A)
  • YG Yield goal (cwt/A)
  • 2.0 Crop nitrogen requirement (cwt/A)
  • SN Pounds of nitrogen from surface sample
  • Sub N Pounds of nitrogen from subsoil

Nitrogen Cont.
  • Types of N fertilizers, 82-0-0, 34-0-0, 46-0-0,
    Uran 32, 18-46-0, 11-52-0, 16-20-0
  • It takes 2.0 lbs N/A for each 100 lbs of beans
  • Phosphorus
  • Phosphorus deficiency can occur on many soils
    especially those with low or high pH (those high
    in calcium)
  • Types of phosphorus fertilizers, 0-46-0, 18-46-0,
    11-52-0, 10-34-0, 16-20-0

Phosphorus Cont.
  • Phosphorus is part of nucleotides, nucleic acids,
    phosphorylated sugar and etc
  • Slow growth is the main symptom of Phosphorus
    deficiency, upper leaves small and dark green,
    and older leaves may turn yellow, then brown, and
    senesce prematurely
  • Plants are often stunted, and they have thin
    stems and shortened internodes

Phosphorus Cont.
  • Phosphorus Recommended (ppm)

P def
  • Usually not a deficient nutrient in the southwest
  • Becomes less available below pH of 6.0
  • Important for the maintenance of cell turgor and
    in movement of stomata (cooling of plant)
  • Deficiency symptoms usually appear in young
    plants, leaves show margin scorch, spreads
    towards the center and base of the blade
  • Types of potassium fertilizers, 0-0-60, 13-0-7

Potassium Cont.
  • Potassium recommendations ppm

K def
  • Is most available in the pH range of 5.0 to 7.0
  • Essential for activity of several enzymes such as
    lactic acid dehydrogenase
  • Deficiency symptoms appear on younger leaves
    which are pale green with yellow tips and
    margins, they develop and interveinal chlorosis
  • Zinc fertilizer, Zinc sulfate, and chelates

Zinc Cont.
  • Zinc recommended ppm

Zn def
Fe def
  • Seldom occurs in bean production areas anywhere
    in the world
  • The availability of the element declines below pH
  • Component of amino acids cystine, and of proteins
  • Deficiency symptoms appear to be like N,
    pronounced yellow chlorosis of younger leaves
  • Sulfur fertilizers, 12-0-0-26S, Zinc sulfate

Sulfur Cont.
  • S Rec (YG x 0-.67) SS (OM x 3)
  • S Rec Sulfur fertilizer recommendations
  • YG yield goal (cwt/A)
  • 0.67 Crop sulfur requirement (lbs S/cwt)
  • SS Pounds of soil sulfur from surface sample
  • OM Soil organic matter ()

Irrigating Dry Beans
  • It is advantageous in dry bean production to have
    the soil moisture profile full at planting
  • 85 of the moisture used by the crop is taken
    from the top 18 inches
  • Maximum daily water use occurs during a 3-week
    period beginning with flowering and ending with
    initial pod fill
  • In San Juan County daily water use during this
    period is approximately 0.25 to 0.3 inches/day

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Dry Bean Diseases
  • Bacterial
  • Bacterial Brown Spot
  • Plant parts affected-leaves, stems, pods, and
  • Symptoms-small brown lesions form on leaves and
    may be surrounded by a narrow yellow zone
  • Center of old lesions commonly fall out, leaving
    a tattered strip or hole on the affected leaves
  • Pods from infected plants may be bent or twisted
    and ring spots may form on them

Brown Spot Cont.
  • Factors Favoring-planting infected seed may
    enhance early infection and spread of the
    disease, especially if tissue id damaged
  • Survival of bacterium in infected bean debris and
  • Rainstorms and sprinkler irrigation can promote
    spread of brown spot

Brown Spot Cont.
  • Management-plant certified seed
  • Treat seed with streptomycin
  • Incorporate infected bean debris or weeds
  • Crop rotation
  • Stay out of bean fields when wet
  • Use copper to reduce spread of pathogen

Bacterial brown spot on leaf
Bacterial brown spot on pod
Bacterial Wilt
  • Part of Plant Affected-Leaves, stems pods, and
  • Symptoms-May attack young seedlings and kill them
  • Leaves of older infected plants may wilt,
    especially during the warmer parts of the day
  • Golden brown, irregularly shaped leaf lesions may
    occur and leaves may drop off

Bacterial Wilt Cont.
  • Factors Favoring-easily spread by infected seeds
  • May spread rapidly following hailstorms, and
    wounds enhance infection
  • Management-plant certified seed
  • Treat seed with streptomycin
  • Incorporate infected bean debris
  • Crop rotation
  • Minimize cultivation damage to roots

Bacterial wilt on leaf
Bacterial wilt, necrosis on leaves
Common Bacterial Blight
  • Part of Plant Affected-leaves, stems, pods, and
  • Symptoms-small water-soaked spots on the
    underside of leaflets
  • These spots enlarge and merge, becoming dried and
    brown, a narrow bright lemon-yellow border of
    tissue often encircles the lesion
  • Pods develop circular water-soaked spots, and can
    cause shriveled seed, and sometimes yellowing
    under seed coat

Common Bacterial Blight Cont.
  • Factors Favoring-bacteria survives in the field
    from one year to the next in infected seed and
    bean debris
  • Can spread by storms, people and machinery moving
    through field when plants are wet

Common Bacterial Blight
  • Management-plant certified seed and blight
    tolerant varieties
  • Treat seed with streptomycin
  • Incorporate infected bean debris
  • Stay out of fields when wet
  • Use copper sprays

Common bacterial blight, lesions on leaf
Common bacterial blight on pods
Halo Blight
  • Part of Plant Affected-leaves, stems, pods, and
  • Symptoms-small water soaked spots on the leaflets
    (halo appearance), in dry climates they become
    dead and tan-colored
  • Induced yellowing of younger leaves
  • Pods show a water soaked circular spot, and can
    shrivel seed

Halo Blight Cont.
  • Factors Favoring-cool weather, wet weather and
    violent hail and rainstorms which spread the
    disease rapidly
  • Machinery and people movement through field when
  • Continuous cropping to beans favors survival of
    the pathogen

Halo Blight Cont.
  • Management-plant certified seed or Halo resistant
  • Treat seed with streptomycin
  • Incorporate infected bean debris
  • Stay out of fields when wet
  • Use Copper sprays

Halo blight on leaf
Halo blight on pods
Bacterial crust of Halo blight on pod
Fungus Diseases
  • Anthracnose
  • Part of Plant Affected-leaves, pods, branches,
    and seed
  • Symptoms-generally appears on the undersides of
    leaves as linear or angular, dark, brick red to
    black lesions or slightly sunken cankers on leaf
  • Pods show reddish-brown to black circular spots
    which develop into light-colored cankers,
    surrounded by a dark brown to black border, can
    shrivel and abort pods

Anthracnose Cont.
  • Factor Favoring-favored by cool to moderate
    temperatures and prolonged periods of high
    humidity or free water on foliage and young pods
  • Storms, people, and machinery spread the pathogen
    when plants are wet
  • Usually not a problem in semi-arid regions

Anthracnose Cont.
  • Management-plant certified seed of resistant
  • Incorporate infected bean debris
  • Crop rotation
  • Stay out of bean fields when wet
  • Consider fungicides that can prevent or reduce
    infection if applied early during infection

Anthracnose on leaf
Anthracnose on pods
Fusarium Root Rot
  • Part of Plant Affected-hypocotyl and roots
  • Symptoms-root rot initially appears as red to
    reddish-brown streaks on the hypocotyl and
    primary root (2-3 weeks after planting)
  • Infected areas enlarge with age and become brown
  • Plants are seldom killed by the fungus, but may
    be stunted with yellow leaves

Fusarium Cont.
  • Factors Favoring-early planting in cool, moist
    soil favors the disease
  • Improper cultivation, various herbicides are
    known to induce injury of young roots and
    aggravate Fusarium root rot damage
  • Fusarium in usually more apparent during
    blossoming and early pod set when the plant and
    productivity are most sensitive to stress

Fusarium Cont.
  • Management-plant certified seed of tolerant
  • Treat seed or furrow with fungicides
  • Crop rotation
  • Manage irrigation not to cause moisture stress
  • Till soil up around the base of infected plants
    to enhance lateral root development

Fusarium root rot on roots
  • Part of Plant Affected-seed, roots, hypocotyl,
    stem and pods
  • Symptoms-may infect planted seeds, germinating
    seedling, young plants, or even older plants
    during blossoming and pod formation
  • Initial root rot symptoms, elongated water soaked
    areas on the hypocotyl and roots, usually appear
    within 1-3 weeks after planting
  • Plants wilt, water soaked area eventually dries
    out and becomes somewhat sunken, tan to brown in

Pythium Cont.
  • Factors Affecting-high soil moisture, and
    moderate to high temperatures, depending upon
  • High organic matter soils and poor drainage
  • Susceptibility can be increased if roots are
    damaged during cultivation or by other soil borne

Pythium Cont.
  • Management-treat seed with recommended fungicides
  • Crop rotation
  • Plant in warm soils (60 degrees) for rapid
  • Minimize root damage during cultivation

Pythium lesions on roots
Pythium on bean seedling
  • Part of Plant Affected-hypocotyl, roots, stems
    and pods
  • Symptoms-causing seedling death, root and
    hypocotyl rot, stem cankers and pod rot
  • Initial symptoms appear on roots or hypocotyls as
    linear or circular reddish-brown sunken lesions
    or cankers with a reddish-brown margin
  • Cankers enlarge with age, become darker, rough
    textured, and retard plant growth

Rhizoctonia Cont.
  • Factors Favoring-survives in infected plant
  • Moderate to high soil moisture and low soil
  • Damage restricted to young seedlings
  • Can be spread between fields by irrigation water
    and soil movement

Rhizoctonia Cont.
  • Management-treat seed with recommended fungicides
  • Crop rotation
  • Incorporate previous crop residues deeply
  • Plant in warm soils (60 degrees) for rapid

Rhizoctonia cankers on hypocotyls
Rhizoctonia in pith of bean
  • Part of Plant Affected-leaves, pods, and stems
  • Symptoms-first appears as small yellow or white
    slightly raised spots on the upper and lower
    surfaces of leaves
  • Spots enlarge to form reddish-brown or
    rust-colored pustules and may be surrounded by a
    yellow border

Rust Cont.
  • Factors Favoring-cool to moderate temperatures
    with moisture conditions that result in prolonged
    periods of free water on the leaf surface
  • The earlier the plant becomes infected during its
    development, the greater the chance of yield loss

Rust Cont.
  • Management-plant certified seed of tolerant
  • Avoid the use of susceptible varieties when late
    planting is necessary
  • Incorporate infected bean debris
  • Consider various fungicides that can prevent or
    reduce rust infection if applied early, be sure
    coverage in thorough

Rust on upper surface of leaf
Rust on pod
White Mold
  • Part of Plant Affected-leaves, stems, branches,
    pods, and seed
  • Symptoms-initially appears on plants as water
    soaked spots on infected leaves, stems, pods, and
  • Areas enlarge into a watery rotten mass of tissue
    that becomes covered by white fungai
  • Produces sclerotia (mouse like droppings) that
    over winter for next years infection

White Mold Cont.
  • Factors Favoring-wet plant canopy and/or soil
    surface is necessary for the disease to spread
  • Can cause serious yield losses during wet, cool
    periods near the end of the growing season
  • Localized initially within the low-lying areas of
    a field
  • Narrow widths, excess fertilizer, high plant
    populations, and excessive irrigation all
    contribute to the severity of white mold epidemics

White Mold Cont.
  • Management-plant certified seed of upright
    varieties if land has a history of white mold
  • Crop rotation
  • Use recommended plant populations and row widths
    to promote rapid drying of plants and soil after
  • Schedule irrigations only as required by crop
  • Use fungicides during blossoming as protection

White mold on stems and branches
White mold on pods
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Soil Insects
  • Wireworms
  • Plant Part Affected-seed and roots
  • Symptoms-feeds on the seed planted (no emergence)
  • They are yellowish, slender, and hard-bodied
  • They tunnel into the seed where they feed

Wireworms Cont.
  • Factors Favoring-beans following native grass,
    alfalfa, red clover, corn, or small grains
  • Soils high in organic matter
  • Typically live in soil for 2-5 years
  • Management-plant insecticide treated seed,
  • Fall plow previous crop debris

White Grubs
  • Part of Plant Affected-roots
  • Symptoms-severe root pruning if infestation level
    are high
  • Large white larvae with a brown head capsule and
    prominent legs

White Grub Cont.
  • Factors Favoring-beans following native grass or
    small grains are prone to damage
  • Soils high in organic matter
  • Larvae live in soil form 1-3 years
  • Management-plant insecticide treated seed
  • Plant at optimum soil temperatures for rapid
    seedling emergence
  • Fall plow previous crop debris

White grubs
Seedcorn Maggot
  • Part of Plant Affected-seed and roots
  • Symptoms-tunnel into the seed where they feed on
    the inner face of cotyledon and developing shoot
  • Small yellowish-white, cigar-shaped lavae without
    an obvious head or legs

Seedcorn Maggot Cont.
  • Factor Favoring-beans followed by native grass,
    alfalfa, corn, or small grains
  • Soils high in organic matter
  • Larvae feed for 2 to 4 weeks
  • Management-plant insecticide treated seed
  • Plant at optimum soil conditions for rapid
  • Fall plow previous crop debris

Seedcorn maggot
Seedling-Attacking and Leaf-Feeding Insects
  • Cutworm
  • Part of Plant Affected-stem and leaves
  • Symptoms-sever the plants at ground level early
    in the season
  • Larvae are greasy, dark gray to brown with faint
    lighter stripes
  • There are several species, however, that will
    climb up the plant and feed on leaves

Cutworms Cont.
  • Factors Affecting-beans following native grass,
    alfalfa, or small grains
  • Undisturbed field margins provide egg laying and
    over-wintering habitats
  • Management-use registered pesticides should
    severe cutting of plants of leaf drop occur
  • Treatment around the margin of the field is
    usually sufficient

  • Part of Plant Affected-stem and leaves
  • Symptoms-entire stem and leaves may be consumed
  • Factors Favoring-beans following native grass,
    alfalfa, or small grains
  • Discourage migrations from outer edge of fields
  • Management-scout fields in late May and June for
    young grasshoppers
  • Use registered pesticides in field and along

Leaf-Skeletonizing Insects
  • Mexican Bean Beetle
  • Part of Plant Affected-leaves, rarely pods
  • Symptoms-adults and larvae feed on the underside
    of bean leaves
  • Severely injured leaves may have a lace-like
  • Severe infestations can reduce yields by 50 or

Mexican Bean Beetle Cont.
  • Factors Favoring-previous season population
    levels will contribute to early infestations
  • Management-Consider using a preplant systemic
  • Scout fields for adult feeding shortly after bean
    plants emerge
  • Scout fields two weeks after emergence for egg
  • Apply a pesticide only when the majority of
    insects are in the larval or adult stages

Mexican bean beetle adult
Mexican bean beetle larvae
Mexican bean beetle egg mass on underside of leaf
Leaf-Curling Insects and Mites
  • Aphids
  • Part of Plant Affected-leaves
  • Symptoms-leaves show a curling and drought
    stressed appearance
  • Undersides of leaves will have tiny dark-green
    aphids causing leaves to drip a honeydew
  • Can transmit virus diseases

Aphids Cont.
  • Factor Favoring-grassy and broadleaf weeds along
  • Neighbors field may have sufficient number for
    aphids to move to your field
  • Management-scout fields throughout year for
    increasing numbers or threshold levels
  • Avoid unnecessary plant stress (irrigation and
  • Use registered pesticides if needed

Two-Spotted Spider Mite
  • Part of Plant Affected-leaves
  • Symptoms-causes a webbing effect on the
    undersides of leaves
  • Sucks sap from leaves and in heavy enough numbers
    can reduce yield dramatically
  • Factors Favoring-margins of fields containing
    grassy and broadleaf weeds
  • Neighbors field

Two-Spotted Spider Mite Cont.
  • Management-scout fields throughout the season for
    this pest
  • Use insecticides registered for mite if
    infestations level reach an economic threshold
  • Follow recommended irrigation and fertilization
    practices to avoid unnecessary plant stress

Two-spotted spider mite
Pod and Seed-Feeding Insects
  • Western Bean Cutworm
  • Part of Plant Affected-leaves, flowers, pods, and
    developing seeds
  • Symptoms-injury by young larvae is not very
    noticeable, as they feed primarily on tender
    leaves and flower parts
  • As pods form, worms chew holes in the pods and
    begin to feed on developing seed (usually at
    night or on cloudy days)

Western Bean Cutworm Cont.
  • Factors Favoring-emergence of adults from soil is
    aided by rainfall and irrigation
  • On sunny days larvae may be found at base of
  • Management-light traps to monitor moth flights
    during late July and August
  • Apply pesticides 10-20 days after the peak flight
    occurred, and at a time when the larvae are most

Western bean cutworm
Western bean cutworm entrance hole in pod
Western bean cutworm showing seed damage
Insecticides Registered for Dry Beans
  • Insecticides

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Weed Management
  • Research has shown that weeds when not controlled
    can reduce dry bean yields by approximately 70
  • Wilson identified redroot pigweed, kochia,
    nightshade species and barnyardgrass as serious
    competitors in dry beans in Nebraska
  • Keeping dry beans weed free for 8 weeks after
    emergence, vines tend to shade the row
    suppressing weeds from decreasing yields

Weed Identification
  • Russian thistle
  • Rounded, bushy, much branched annual ½ to 3 ft
    tall, reproducing by seed
  • Leaves alternate, the first are long, string-like
    and soft, with later leaves short with a stiff
  • Seeds spread as mature plant breaks off at ground
    level and are scattered by the wind (tumbleweeds)

Russian thistle
Redroot pigweed
  • A coarse erect annual, usually 2 to 3 ft tall
  • Lower stems are often red or red-striped, with
    color continuing down the taproot
  • Leaves have long petioles and prominent veins and
    somewhat lance-shaped
  • Seeds small black and shiny

Redroot pigweed
Prostrate pigweed
  • An annual with prostrate stems radiating in all
    directions from a central taproot
  • Main stems 12 to 18 in long, smooth and usually
    red to purple
  • Leaves are ½ in wide and oval, with tip broader
    than base
  • Seeds are shiny black and lens shaped

Prostrate pigweed
  • Stem is erect, stout, smooth, grooved, often
    striped with pink or purple, much branched and
    grows 1 to 6 ft tall
  • Leaves are alternate, with lower ones being ovate
    or goosefoot-shaped with upper ones narrower
  • Leaves are commonly white-mealy underneath

  • It is a vigorous, warm season annual reaching 1
    to 5 ft tall with bases of many stems reddish to
    dark purple
  • Leaf blades are flat, 3/8 to 5/8 in broad,
    smooth, and without a ligule or auricle at the
  • Flower head often reddish to dark purple

  • A warm season annual grass with rufted stems
  • Grows 8 in to 3 ft tall and usually spreads
    horizontally and forming dense mats
  • Spikes are 1 to 3 in long and bear clusters of 10
    to 30 burs

Yellow foxtail
  • Is a tufted annual 1 to 3 ft tall, with erect
    stems that branch at the base
  • Leaf blade is smooth, with distinct hairs on leaf
    margins near the base
  • Seeds are broadly oval, green to yellow
  • Green foxtail is generally shorter in height
    without hairs and much smaller seeds

Yellow foxtail
Yellow foxtail
Green foxtail
Canada thistle
  • Is a colony forming perennial from deep and
    extensive horizontal roots
  • Stems are 1 to 4 ft tall, ridged, branching above
  • Leaves are oblong or lance-shaped
  • Flowers are purple to white in heads ½ to ¾ in in
    diameter and bracts spineless

Canada thistle
Russian knapweed
  • Is a perennial forming dense colonies by
    adventitious shoots from widely spreading black
  • Stems erect, openly branched to 18 to 36 in tall
  • Cone-shaped flowering heads, with flowers pink to

Russian knapweed
Valor Pre
Outlook Pre
Valor Pre, Raptor Basagran Post
Outlook Pre, Raptor Basagrn Post
Weedy Check
Herbicides for Dry Beans
  • Preplant or Preemergence
  • Dual II Mag or Dual Mag
  • Frontier or Outlook
  • Eptam
  • Sonalan
  • Treflan

Postemergence Herbicides for Dry Beans
  • Assure II
  • Basagran
  • Poast/Ultima 160
  • Pursuit
  • Select
  • Rezult
  • Raptor

Harvesting a Quality Bean
  • Usually harvest dry beans when 30 to 45 percent
    of the vines and leaves are still green and pods
    are creamy white and still moist (less shatter
    when plant and pods are moist)
  • Seed Moisture Content-within the general range of
    10 to 22 percent seed moisture content, the
    combine will cause less damage to seed with a
    higher seed moisture content than to seed with a
    lower moisture
  • Usually 14 to 16 percent seed moisture is optimum

Harvesting Cont.
  • Cylinder RPM-single most important factor the
    combine operator can control to minimize bean
    seed damage
  • Usually run cylinder between 120 and 160 RPM
  • Weeds play a role in how fast the cylinder may
    run, and down time do to plugging

Harvest Cont.
  • Cylinder Bar-based on research results it is
    recommended that the standard bars be used in
    most situations
  • Always put 50-100 hours use on new bars in
    another crop to smooth any rough edges which can
    damage be seed

Thank You
  • If you have any questions contact your local
    Cooperative Extension Service
  • Or NMSU Agricultural Science Center at
    Farmington, NM at 505-327-7757
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