Title: Medical Nutrition Therapy is' ' ' '
1Medical Nutrition Therapy is. . . .
.a multifaceted process .usually done within
an interdisciplinary setting (RD, MD/DO, Nurse,
Pharmacist, PT, etc.)
.the assessment of the nutritional status of
patients with a condition, illness,
or injury that puts them at risk.
2MNT Starts With......
review and laboratory values
anthropometric analysis of
measurements medical and diet history
3After Assessment, What's Next?
Choose the most appropriate type of therapy to
manage or treat the condition. May include
Diet modification and counseling leading to
the development of a personal diet plan to
achieve nutritional goals and desired health
4Specialized nutrition therapies including
Supplementation with medical foods for those
unable to obtain adequate nutrients through food
intake only enteral nutrition delivered via
tube feeding into the gastrointestinal tract for
those unable to ingest or digest food
parenteral nutrition delivered via
intravenous infusion for those unable to absorb
5Nutrition screening
The process of identifying characteristics known
to be associated with nutrition problems. Its
purpose is to pinpoint persons who are
malnourished or at nutritional risk.
Intervention takes place after screening occurs.
The nutrition screening can be done by a health
care team member.
6Cost-Savings Proving MNT
Cost-effectiveness analysis Compares two or
more alternatives to achieve the same
objective. Cost-benefit analysis This extends
cost-effectiveness analysis by placing a dollar
value on the outcomes.