Title: Climate Model Simulations of Extreme Cold-Air Outbreaks (CAOs)
1Climate Model Simulations of Extreme Cold-Air
Outbreaks (CAOs)
Steve Vavrus Center for Climatic
Research University of Wisconsin-Madison John
Walsh International Arctic Research
Center University of Alaska-Fairbanks Bill
Chapman Diane Portis Department of Atmospheric
Sciences University of Illinois
2Importance of Cold-Air Outbreaks
- CAO Incursion of extremely cold polar air mass
into the middle - -lower latitudes of Eurasia and North America
- CAOs cause many deaths each winter (30/year in
U. S., over - 1,000 fatalities during 2003 in Bangladesh and
India) - Result in billions of dollars of economic
losses, especially in - agricultural sector (e.g., Florida citrus
industry) - Cold surges strongly affect climatological heat
balance in subtropics - and may influence onset of El Niños (via
westerly wind bursts)
3Cold-Air Outbreaks are complex phenomena . . .
- Occurrence of CAOs is highly variable and
associated with low- - frequency circulation modes (Arctic
Oscillation, PNA pattern) - CAOs may be triggered by many factors, both
local and remote - Climate models may help explain CAO behavior,
but they have been - underutilized for this purpose
- Trend of CAOs in past decades-century has not
followed mean - warming trend in either U. S. or Europe
4Observed Variability of Extreme Events
United States
Cold Waves
United States
Heat Waves
Kunkel et al., 2002
5Observed Variability of Extreme Events
United States
Cold Waves
Walsh et al., 2001 (J. Climate)
United States
Heat Waves
Kunkel et al., 2002
6Observed Variability of Extreme Events
United States
Cold Waves
Walsh et al., 2001 (J. Climate)
United States
Heat Waves
Kunkel et al., 2002
- Evaluate ability of climate models to represent
CAOs - (frequency, magnitude, synoptics, event types)
- Use models and NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis to determine
the - relative importance of thermodynamic and
dynamic processes - Analyze precursor conditions and forcing factors
(e.g., SSTs, - snow cover, clouds, circulation) to explain
origin of CAOs - Estimate how and why CAOs may change in the
future, due to - enhanced greenhouse forcing
8Observed and Simulated Extreme Cold in GCMs
9Our Definition of a Cold Air Outbreak (CAO)
Two or more consecutive days in which the daily
mean temperature is at least two standard
deviations below the DJF mean temperature
10Simulated and Observed CAO Characteristics in
CCM3 AMIP Runs (driven by observed SSTs from
11Simulated and Observed CAO Characteristics in
CCM3 AMIP Runs (driven by observed SSTs from
12Skewness -0.37
14Very Cold Days Actual (Expected)
T lt Tmean- 2s 4.2 (2.3)
Very Warm Days Actual (Expected)
T gt Tmean 2s 1.0 (2.3)
15Wintertime Temperature Skewness (Observed)
16Wintertime Temperature Skewness (AMIP runs, CSM1,
and Observed)
17CCM3 Wintertime Temperature Skewness in Pacific
Modeled Skewness -1.22 Observed Skewness
18CSM1 Simulation of a CAO (February 24 - March 8)
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25Response of CCM3 AMIP Simulation to ENSO
26Response of CCM3 AMIP Simulation to ENSO
rCAO-Nino3.4 -0.18
rCAO-Nino3.4 0.04
rCAO-Nino3.4 -0.39
27Simulated Future CAOs in CSM1 (Transient CO2
28Simulated Future Wintertime Circulation Changes
29Simulated Future Wintertime Circulation Changes
300 hPa Height Anomalies (m)
Sea Level Pressure Anomalies (hPa)
30Conclusions and Future Work
- Climate models seem capable of reproducing the
first-order - characteristics of cold air outbreaks
- Capability of models to represent other major
aspects of CAOs - is under investigation
- Relative roles of various forcing terms need to
be established - (e.g., SST variability, snow cover, circulation
modes, etc.) - Future behavior of CAOs may be a complicated
function of - mean temperature, circulation changes, and
remote forcings
31Our Definition of a Cold Air Outbreak (CAO)
Two or more consecutive days in which the daily
mean temperature is at least two standard
deviations below the DJF mean temperature (stand
ard deviation defined here as the average daily
standard deviation of interannual air
temperature variations during winter) Standard
Deviation S (sDec.1 sDec.2 sDec.3 . . .
sFeb. 28)/90