APOLLO%20GX55%20GPS%20Basic%20SAR%20Operations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... point on the map using the GPS. But. ... Disneyland. Adding Waypoints to the Database ... A few of the more important Map Setup screens there are many others ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: APOLLO%20GX55%20GPS%20Basic%20SAR%20Operations

APOLLO GX55 GPSBasic SAR Operations
Instructors use the GPS simulator along with
this presentation
  • This presentation is designed to introduce the
    basics of the GX55 GPS
  • Focus will be placed on use of the GX55 for SAR
  • This presentation is not designed to replace
    hands on instruction or the owners manual
  • Always use your Quick Reference Guide for
    assistance until you are proficient using this

GX55 Simulator
  • The GX55 Deluxe simulator is available for
    download from the Garmin website
  • You should use the simulator to gain proficiency
    before you get in the airplane
  • Using the arrow keys on your keyboard you can fly
    the simulator
  • The up and down arrows control speed and the left
    right arrows control direction
  • Be sure that you have the SAR function checked
    under the options menu before you turn the
    simulator on

Buttons and Knobs
On / Off
Data Card Slot
Soft Keys
Hard Keys
Large (Outer) Knob
Small (Inner) Knob
Hard Key Functions
INFO (Information) Key
NAV (Navigation) Key
SEL (Select) Key
NRST (Nearest) Key
Dgt (Direct To) Key
Enter Key
Soft Key Functions
Change when screens change (more on this later)
Basic GX55 Operations
  • Caution!
  • DO NOT attempt to fly using the GPS until you
    master all of the basic functions on the

Database Functions
Remember this! You must press the NAV Hard Key
then the DB Soft Key to enter the database
  • Everything in the database has a name Ex MGJ,
    SWF, HUO
  • The database has in its memory Airports, VORs,
    NDBs and Intersections
  • If it is NOT in the database, you cant go there
    using the GPS

Database (continued)
  • You can navigate to any point on the map using
    the GPS
  • But.
  • If it is not already in the database, you have to
    enter it first
  • Think of it this way If it does not have a name
  • - you cant get there from here!

Whats already in the Database???
  • Airports
  • VORs
  • NDBs
  • Intersections

Whats NOT in the Database
  • Lat / Lon Coordinates
  • Points on a U.S. Grid (299A1 etc.)
  • 15 NM on the 150 deg Radial from MSV
  • The possible wreckage that you just spotted
  • Disneyland

Adding Waypoints to the Database
  • You have to be in the NAV screen to add anything
    to the database (except a SAR mark)

Adding a Waypoint
  • To enter a new waypoint you have to
  • Be in the NAV screen
  • Press the DB (Database) soft key
  • Turn the Outer Knob to the appropriate screen
  • Press Enter to accept that selection

Adding a Waypoint (cont)
  • Now you have to give it a Name
  • You can call other types of waypoints anything
    you want. (AAB 2B1 SAR001 etc.)
  • Grid waypoints must be named using the point on
    the grid that you are navigating to (299A1, 302B4
  • Before We Go On

Its Time for More Basics!!!
  • Knobs Large and Small
  • The Outer (Large) knob changes pages or cursor
  • The Inner (Small) knob changes flashing items or
    lists more data when there is a diamond on the
    screen (unless in MAP mode)
  • Enter is used to accept what is on the screen.
    Most times you only have to hit Enter once, two
    times to enter a search pattern.

Its Time for More Basics !!!
  • Select is used when you want to prompt the GPS to
    accept a change in the data shown

More Basic Facts !!!
  • Sometimes you may get a curve ..
  • I thought that the inner knob changed things that
    were blinking??? In some cases there is nothing
    to change, so all you can do is hit enter to
    accept it

Create User Waypoint by U.S. Grid
Press the NAV button
Turn Outer Knob to Create User Waypoint by U.S.
Press the DB soft key
Press Enter to accept
Turn Outer Knob to right to move cursor to the
next position repeat previous step until you
have completed the grid number
First cursor position will be flashing turn Inner
Knob to enter first digit
Create User Waypoint by Lat/Lon
Press the NAV button
Turn Outer Knob to Create User Waypoint by Lat /
Press the DB soft key
Press Enter to accept
Turn Outer Knob to right to move cursor to the
next position repeat previous step until you
have completed naming the waypoint and entered
the Lat / Lon
First cursor position will be flashing turn Inner
Knob to enter first digit
More Waypoint Functions
  • You can create a Waypoint by Radial / Distance
    does not have to be from a VOR, can be an
    Airport, NDB etc.
  • SAR Waypoints You can mark a position by simply
    hitting a soft key (more on this later)
  • You can Edit, Delete, or change user waypoints
    from the Database as well
  • If you have been paying attention so far, you
    should be able to perform the above functions
    without any difficulty!

Where Am I???
  • You can use the GPS to find your current position
  • OR.
  • You can use it to find the Nearest Airport, VOR,
    NDB etc.

Finding Your Current Position
The Ground Team calls and says Where are you
right now?
You are Here!
Turn the Outer Knob until the GPS Position screen
Press the NAV Button
Tip You can also create a SAR Mark using the
Mark soft key on the SAR screen
Finding the Nearest
Press the NRST Key to see the nearest airport
Turn the outer Knob to see other types of
waypoints VOR, NDB etc.
Turn the Inner Knob to see the next closest
Clear Me Direct
If you want to go to the flashing waypoint simply
press Enter
To go Direct to the nearest waypoint, or any
waypoint, press the Dgt key
If you want to go somewhere else, turn the Inner
Knob to select the type of waypoint
Then use the Outer Knob to move the cursor to
highlight the object that you want to change
Information Please!
The INFO (Information) Key is an onboard facility
directory at the touch of a button
After pressing the INFO Key, turn the Inner Knob
to access multiple pages of information
WARNING If you database is not current, you may
be getting bad info! Always Double Check!
The Map
Pressing the MAP Key brings you to the moving map
4 Map Screens
Full Screen Map
Split Screen Map
Map Setup Screen
Note The diamond means more data on this page
turn Inner Knob
Use the Outer Knob to move between screens
4 Map Screens
The Inner Knob changes map scale on these three
But it changes pages on this one (remember the
Map Setup
  • There are several Map Setup screens that are used
    to configure the map.
  • These setup options allow you to select how much
    information you will see or how the map will be
  • You can either use the knobs or the Soft Keys to
    change the look of the map

Map Setup
A few of the more important Map Setup screens
there are many others
All 4 of these screens require you to press SEL
to manually activate
You can also use the soft keys to activate or
change the data (easier)
SAR Setup
Always make sure that the SAR screen looks like
this (for NY) You can change Positions to other
areas by pressing the POS Soft Key
Route Line Map Orientation
The Route Line option creates a line for you to
follow on the map If it is off, you will not see
a route or a search pattern on the screen
The Map Orientation can be set to North Up
Track UP Desired Track Track up always shows
your track as going toward the top of the screen
Track History
Track History shows where you have been if you
dont want to see it, shut if off
If you want to clear out old history press the
CLR Soft Key
SAR Moving Map
Contains CAP U.S. Grid information including grid
boundaries, grid numbers, sub grid boundaries and
sub grid letters
You can change the amount of information about
the grids by pressing the GRD Soft Key There are
5 levels of detail No Grid Grid Boundaries
Grid Numbers -Sub Grid Boundaries Sub Grid
CAP Grid Review
7.5 X 7.5 ¼ Grid
15 X 15 Full Grid
Grid numbers run clockwise around the grid
Sub Grid letters run left to right
Marking a Find
If you want to create a Waypoint from the SAR
screen, simply press the MRK Soft Key
A screen showing your current position will
appear and it will ask you to name this SAR
Follow the same procedures as you would to name
any other waypoint -Inner Knob to change, Outer
Knob to move cursor, Enter to accept
Write down the SAR and Lat / Lon on your log
before you leave this screen. You want to be sure
that you have an accurate record of all possible
SAR Waypoints
Note that the SAR Waypoint that we just created
does not show up on the SAR Map Screen when the
grids are being displayed. To see it on the map,
you have to either turn off the grid display or
turn the Outer Knob to one of the other Map
Also note that the USR Soft Key has to be on to
see user waypoints. It is found on page 2 of the
Wide Screen or Split Screen Maps
SAR Search Patterns
  • In addition to flying precise Route Searches, the
    GX55 can create three common SAR search patterns
  • Creeping Line
  • Parallel Line AKA Grid Search
  • Expanding Square

Creeping Line search
Direction of Search
Leg Length
Creeping Line SearchMust be in the SAR Screen
Turn the Inner Knob to select the pattern
Press the PAT Soft Key
Press Enter to select pattern
Press SEL to edit the data
Creeping Line
Press Enter to accept
Follow the same procedures as you would to name
any other waypoint -Inner Knob to change, Outer
Knob to move cursor, Enter to accept.
Enter Spacing
Enter Direction (course you will fly) then hit
Enter to Accept
Turn Small Knob to go to next screen
Creeping Line
Edit Leg Length Use Large Knob to move cursor to
Start Select side with Small Knob to enter start
direction for first leg
Press SEL to edit data
Press Enter twice once to accept and again to
go back to map
Creeping Line Review
  • If you are going to start from a User Waypoint,
    enter if in the database first
  • Must be in Map screen
  • Turn Outer Knob to find SAR Map screen
  • Press the PAT Soft Key
  • Turn Inner Knob to find Creeping Line
  • Press Enter to accept
  • Press SEL then Enter to edit waypoint
  • Use Inner Knob to change each field
  • Use Outer Knob to change cursor position
  • Press Enter to accept
  • Use Inner Knob to set track spacing
  • Use Outer Knob to move to Direction
  • Use Inner Knob to change each field
  • Use Outer Knob to change cursor position
  • Press Enter to accept
  • Note the Diamond Use Inner Knob to continue
  • Press SEL to edit Leg Length
  • Use Inner Knob to change Leg Length
  • Use Outer Knob to move cursor to Start Side

Parallel Line AKA Grid Search
Can be flown either North / South or East / West
Parallel Line SearchMust be in the SAR Screen
Turn the Inner Knob to select the pattern
Press the PAT Soft Key
Press Enter to select pattern
Press SEL to edit the data if it is not correct
Follow the same procedures as you would to name
any other waypoint -Inner Knob to change, Outer
Knob to move cursor, Enter to accept. Enter again
to go back to Map Screen
Spacing and Direction are as per the mission
Expanding Square search pattern (second pass
rotated 45)
Spacing remains constant but as you can see the
leg length increases
Direction is the direction of the first leg.
Notice rotated example was changed 45 deg
Expanding Square SearchMust be in the SAR Screen
Turn the Inner Knob to select the pattern
Press the PAT Soft Key
Press Enter to select pattern
Press SEL to edit the data
Expanding Square
Press Enter to accept
Follow the same procedures as you would to name
any other waypoint -Inner Knob to change, Outer
Knob to move cursor, Enter to accept.
Enter Spacing
Enter Direction of first leg
Press Enter twice once to accept and again to
go back to map
Information that effects the flight upcoming
airspace, reaching a waypoint etc.
When blinking, press the MSG button to read
Press it again to go back to where you were
Flight Plans
  • The GX55 offers several advanced features
    including multi leg flight plans
  • Refer to your user manual or quick reference
    guide for information on programming multi leg
    flight plans

Route Search
  • A Route Search can be flown On Route or with an
    offset to either side
  • If you are not flying on a route between one of
    the four waypoint types already loaded in the
    database, you must enter the required waypoints
    first- Remember Nav Database
  • You can not fly a route offset unless you have a
    flight plan activated in the GPS

Route Search
Outer Knob Create Flight Plan
Route Search (Cont.)
Turn Inner Knob to select first letter
Turn Small Knob
Outer Knob to move to next position Repeat until
Press Enter
Press Enter
Press Select
Route Search (Cont.)
Select start point using Inner and Outer knobs
Hit Enter to load next waypoint Repeat last steps
Press Enter when done
Your Flight Plan is now loaded into the database
and can be retrieved at any time
Once you have your waypoints loaded hit Select to
accept the flight plan
Route Search Activate Your Flight Plan
Turn Outer Knob to the desired flight plan
Enter to activate
Flight plan is now active
Route Offset
Use Outer Knob to move between fields Inner
Knob to change
Outer Knob to Parallel Track
Press Enter to complete setup
  • Clear old tracks and user waypoints to avoid
  • Use your quick reference guide until you are
    comfortable using the GPS
  • If you get screwed up start over
  • Practice on the simulator until you can do it in
    your sleep
  • Do Not fixate on the GPS screen. See and Avoid
  • When flying search patterns, find a heading that
    keeps you on course and use it for each leg in
    that direction

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