Title: 2/28: More CPM: Crashing
12/28 More CPM Crashing
- Roll call / return exams / return homework
- Review Critical Path Management
- Creating the CPM diagram
- Calculating the critical path
- Calculating the ES EF, the LS LF
- Calculating the slack
- Crashing When youre willing to spend money to
get the project done sooner. - Small Group Exercise
- Homework for the week
2Exam Scores
- Maximum 100 (four people)
- Minimum 63
- Mean Median 88
- Correct exams are available athttp//www.adbook.
3CPM Creating the Diagram
Act. Dur. Follows
A 4 -
B 5 -
C 2 A
D 4 C
E 7 C
F 5 D
G 1 B
4CPM Calculating the Critical Path
Possible paths from start to finish A-C-D-F
4245 15 427 13 51 6
5CPM Calculating the ES EF
Early start how soon it can start Early finish
ES Duration
D 6 10 4
F 10 15 5
A 0 4 4
C 4 6 2
E 6 13 7
B 0 5 5
G 5 6 1
6CPM Calculating the LS LF
Late finish the last possible time it must be
done to not affect the overall project
time. Late start LF - Duration
D 6 10 4 6 10
F 10 15 5 10 15
A 0 4 4 0 4
C 4 6 2 4 6
E 6 13 7 8 15
B 0 5 5 9 14
G 5 6 1 14 15
7CPM Calculating the slack
Slack how much wiggle room you have for an
activity Slack LS ES LF - EF
D 6 10 4 6 10
F 10 15 5 10 15
A 0 4 4 0 4
C 4 6 2 4 6
E 6 13 7 8 15
B 0 5 5 9 14
G 5 6 1 14 15
8Crashing Buying Time
- Sometimes you can buy a quicker time for an
activity - Paying overtime
- Paying for another worker to help
- Paying for guaranteed quicker delivery (EX
FedEx) - But is it worth it?
9Crashing Activity Times
- Things to consider
- Is the activity on the critical path?
- How much will it cost to crash the activity?
- Are there other activities that are more
cost-effective to crash? - How much do you need to crash the project time?
10Crashing Activity Times Example
- Shorten project by 2 days while minimizing costs.
Activity Duration Follows Normal Cost () Crashed Cost () Max. Time Reduction
A 4 - 600 800 2
B 5 - 1300 2000 2
C 2 A 400 700 1
D 4 C 1000 1200 3
E 7 C 1200 1500 4
F 5 D 300 200 2
G 1 B 400 - -
11Crashing Activity Times Example
- Shorten project by 2 days while minimizing costs.
- First, calculate the cost/day to crash each
Act Dur Foll Norm Cost Crash Cost Max Red. Cost / day to crash
A 4 - 600 800 2 (800-600)/2
B 5 - 1300 2000 2
C 2 A 400 700 1
D 4 C 1000 1200 3
E 7 C 1200 1500 4
F 5 D 300 200 2
G 1 B 400 - -
12Crashing Activity Times Example
- Shorten project by 2 days while minimizing costs.
- Next, see whats on the critical path.
Act Dur Foll Norm Cost Crash Cost Max Red. Cost / day to crash CP?
A 4 - 600 800 2 100 Yes
B 5 - 1300 2000 2 450 No
C 2 A 400 700 1 300 Yes
D 4 C 1000 1200 3 66.66 Yes
E 7 C 1200 1500 4 75 No
F 5 D 300 200 2 50 Yes
G 1 B 400 - - - (irrelevant)
13Crashing Activity Times Example
- Shorten project by 2 days while minimizing costs.
- Finally, see what the cheapest way to reduce is.
Act Dur Foll Norm Cost Crash Cost Max Red. Cost / day to crash CP?
A 4 - 600 800 2 100 Yes
B 5 - 1300 2000 2 450 No
C 2 A 400 700 1 300 Yes
D 4 C 1000 1200 3 66.66 Yes
E 7 C 1200 1500 4 75 No
F 5 D 300 200 2 50 Yes
G 1 B 400 - - - (irrelevant)
14Crashing Activities Watch Out
- If we had to crash the project by more than two
days, we would have had to look again the
critical path may change.
4245 15 427 13 51 6
15Small Group Exercise
- Crash the project by 3 days while minimizing
Act Dur Foll Norm Cost Crash Cost Max Red. Cost / day to crash CP?
A 6 - 600 900 2
B 4 A 500 700 2
C 5 A 1000 1200 1
D 6 B 1300 1600 4
E 7 C 800 1000 3
F 5 E 400 550 2
G 3 B 500 800 2
H 2 F 1100 1500 3
16Homework Do it on PAPER
- Ch. 10 21 a b
- Ch. 10 22 b c
- Ch. 10 24 a, c, d (use 26 weeks), f