Title: SySDSoft A Corporate Overview
1SySDSoftA Corporate Overview
Ahmed Morsy, Ph.D.December 27, 2005
- Who are we?
- What do we do?
- Our Projects.
3Who Are We?
- SySDSoft Inc. is a startup company based in
Cairo, Egypt. - Established in September 2002.
- Funded through design service contracts.
Profitable since 2004. - Our focus communication systems, particularly
wireless technologies.
Our goal is to become a Worldwide leader
in the design of wireless communication systems
4Our Team
- 13 PhDs from US and Canadian Universities
- (MIT, Minnesota, UCLA, SMU, NC State, Duke,
British Columbia, Connecticut) - with Industrial Experience in the US
- (IBM, TI, Lockheed Martin, Ericsson, Cisco,
Intel, Nortel) - and over 150 man-year experience.
- 27 SW Developers
- 19 System Designers
- 18 RF Circuit Designers
- 5 Digital Circuit Designers
- High quality engineers with a big cost advantage
- Access to excellent graduates from the top
universities in Egypt. - Nature of work gives ability to recruit from
the best engineers.
5What Do We Do?
- Design Services
- Feasibility Assessment
- Specification and Systems Engineering
- Coding/Circuit Design
- Testing
- Development of novel ideas and solutions (IP)
6Areas of Experience
RF and AMS Design
Tape out Testing
General Purpose Processor
Analog (RF) Front End
Host Interface
MAC Hardware
7RF Circuit Design
- 90nm RF technology guidelines (completed)
- Analog automotive voltage regulator
- (up to 150C / 40V) (completed)
- Continuous-time ADC (0.09-018um) (completed)
- Switched-capacitor ADC (0.09-0.18um) (completed)
- UWB PLL (phase I)
- GPS PLL and ADC (phase I)
- 802.16e tri-band transceiver (phase II)
8Physical Layer
- System-level Design of 802.11b, 802.11a PHY
- (completed)
- 2) Simulation of 802.16d PHY
- (completed)
- 3) Simulation and Optimization of 802.15.3a PHY
- (development phase III)
- 4) Algorithmic Simulation and VHDL code of
- Bluetooth 2.0 (development phase I)
9MAC Protocol Stack
1) Development of 802.11a/b MAC
(completed) 2) Development of 802.11h
MAC (completed) 3) Development of
802.16-2004 MAC (final integration and
testing) 4) Development of CDMA-DO Protocol
Stack Rel.1.0 (phase III) 5) Development of
802.11e MAC (phase II) 4) Study of 802.16e
- Design of Class 5 Switch with capacities
- up to 200,000 subscribers based on
- Intel HW platforms (completed)
- 2) Design of Soft Switch (on hold)
11Network Modeling
- Modeling of the 802.16-2004 Scheduler
- (completed)
- 2) Modeling of QoS in 802.11e (phase I)
12Projects Timeline
13Customer Funnel
Philips ETC/Quicktel WiLAN UMC Avantquest VIA
Telecom Skyworks Newlogic Firstpass
Siemens SMI Broadcom Analog Devices Thine Wavesat
Morpho Intel
ST Micro Hittite Trendium Symmid Synopsys Altera
gt50 prob.
14Thank You