Title: Stray Dogs
1Stray Dogs Cats
- Draft Conservation Assessment of Commercial
Sector Stand-Alone Measures
- Technical Economic Potential
- Not yet adjusted for achievable potential
- Not yet adjusted for baseline adoption of measure
due to practices or price - Economic Potential based on TRC Benefit/Cost
Ratio gt1.0
- Costs savings modeled under Council Inputs
- 4.75 Discount Rate
- Zero Externalities Credit
- Program costs at 20 of capital cost
4List of Measures
5Quiz Which is the biggest?
6Municipal Sewage Treatment
- Process Optimization
- Sensors Controls
- Remote Monitoring
- Training
7Municipal Sewage Treatment
8MST Major Input Assumptions
- Use per MDG from 194 facilities by type
- Total capacity from survey of 842 with capacity
data on about 500 - Costs, NEB and Savings from BacGen pilots and
site visits - Current penetration minimal
9MST Major Input Assumptions
- Savings Potential Inputs
- Activated Sludge gt10 MGD
- Activated Sludge 1-10 MGD
- Activated Sludge lt 1 MGD
- Extended Aeration Lagoons
- Aerated/Mixed Lagoons
10MST Non-Energy Benefits
- Labor (automation of sampling report)
- Solids reduction (removal disposal)
- Chemical reduction
- Capacity enhancement (not quantified)
11Municipal Sewage Treatment
12Municipal Sewage Treatment
13Municipal Sewage Treatment
- Natural Utility Program
- Each facility is different
- Strong non-energy benefits
- Lots of barriers
- Industrial sewage treatment loads are similar
magnitude - Add to industrial supply curve
14LED Traffic Lights
- Still remaining retrofit potential
- Spotty penetration
- Seattle Portland completed RG
- Ada County Idaho at 10
- Costs dropping
- Green now cost-effective
- Its a question of when
15LED Traffic Lights
- Stock Inputs
- Based on national data on signal density
- Growth with population
- Retrofit Penetration of LED
- Based on informal phone survey by state
- Red 56, Green 38, Walk 4
- New Signal Penetration of LEDs
- Red 90, Green 90, Walk 50
16LED Traffic Lights
17LED Exit Signs
- Stock estimates vary widely
- Used conservative estimate
- 2,000,000 units
- Retrofit penetration
- 20 LED CFL
- Previous CFL available for retro
- New construction penetration
- 80 LED
18LED Exit Signs
- Cost Savings Potential
- Used RTF assumptions
- Retrofit Technologies
- LED 80
- Electro-Luminescent 10
- CFL 5
- Cold Cathode 5
19Exit Signs
20Municipal Water Supply
- Identified during sewage treatment pilots
- Municipal use for treatment is 120 150 MWa
- Aging systems
- 4600 facilities PNW
- Savings potential 20-30
- 24MWa to 45 MWa
- Need cost estimates pilot
21Municipal Water Supply
22Municipal Water Supply
- Real-Time System Modeling Optimization
- Pump Systems Benchmarking Optimization
- Low-cost Metering Data Collection
- Automated Pressure Management
- Automated Monitoring, Control Optimization
- Leak Detection Pipeline Monitoring
23Network PC Management
- Better enabling of power management controls
- Savings 200kWh/PC Existing
- Savings 160kWh/PC New
- Stock changeover
24Network PC Management
- Stock Assumptions
- Growth tied to commercial employment
- Plus 20 increase in density of desktop PC
- Conversion to LCD display
- Conversion to hotter chips
- Savings Assumptions
- 200 kWh/PC existing PCs per RTF
- 160 kWh/PC new PCs
25Network PC Management
26Network PC Management
27Network PC Management
28LCD Computer Monitors
- Market share now 20
- Costs dropping with production capacity increases
- Assume in Forecast
- Remove 45 MWa at 2025
29Power Supplies in Equipment
- TV
- Cordless phone
- Computers
- Visa machine
- Answering machines
- Chargers
30Power Supplies in Equipment
- US Stock 8 per person
- 2.5 Billion Units
- US Power Supply Losses 350 MWa
- Efficiencies
- 40 Low End
- 90 High End
- Savings Potential
- US 175 MWa, PNW 7 MWa and growing
31Packaged Refrigeration Appliances
- Vending Machines
- Ice Makers
- Reach-ins
- Beverage Merchandisers
- Walk-ins
- Water Coolers
32Packaged Refrigeration Appliances
33Not Yet Estimated
- Commercial clothes washers
- Printers and copiers
- Parking garage ventilation
- Air compressors
- GFX heat exchangers
- Street and highway lighting
- High velocity hand dryers
34(No Transcript)