Title: SIGPRO Wireless Inc' Proposed Website Layouts
1SIGPRO Wireless Inc. Proposed Website Layouts
Many corporate websites will do their corporate
branding at the top of the webpage. Having the
main section links near the top of the website is
considered easy to use.
The main website sections that have content
featured on the main page will be determined by
usage stats or by what we would like to present.
Generally, these are News and a brief company
A sitemap location will be included near the top
of each page. Eg home gt company gt investor
relations So that the user can easily
navigate the tree.
2Layout 1a
3Layout 1a NOTES
Influences www.bitflash.com www.lucent.com www.gea
c.com Constant througout all layouts
4Layout 1b
5Layout 1b NOTES
Influences www.bitflash.com www.lucent.com www.gea
6Layout 2
Links to the latest additions to the news section.
7Layout 3
8Layout 4a
9Layout 4a NOTES
4 a-c are similar in that the main content is
loaded into the centre cell of the page. Links,
branding and Tools are located in the other
parts. The main sections are easily recognizable
at the top.
10Layout 4b
11Layout 4c
12Layout 5
13Layout 5 NOTES
This layout is similar to that of the Wipro page
in that it is colorful and can contain lots of
information. Once the user navigates beyond the
main page, the background here is white and a
listing of the sub-sections appears here.
14Layout 6
15Layout 6 NOTES
This layout is firmly based on the original
website design.
Could be an expandable menu tree
16Layout 7
17Layout 7 NOTES
Navigation section could include little pictures
that pertain to the different sections, rather
than explanations.
18Layout 8
19Layout 8 NOTES
Similar to the Oracle website, many portals such
as my.yahoo.com Each module on the left
contains links
20Layout 9
21Layout 9 NOTES
Sub sections are listed here. Main section name
is listed here.
Most of the features mentioned can be seen on
most successful corporate websites. Here is a
short list of some successful websites where
these features are present
- www.palm.com
- www.wipro.com
- www.bitflash.com
- www.ibm.com
- www.motorola.com
- www.lucent.com
- www.oracle.com
- www.siemens.com
- www.deutschetelekom.de
- www.agere.com
- www.geac.com
- www.juniper.net
- www.nokia.com
- www.zim.ca
23Layout Summary
Layout 1
Layout 2
Layout 4
Layout 3
Layout 5
Layout 6
Layout 7
Layout 8
24Layout Summary 2
Layout 9