Title: Introduction to Disaster Management Interoperability Services DMIS
1Introduction to Disaster Management
Interoperability Services (DMIS)
- DMIS Basic School
- DMIS Web Services Release 2.3
2DMIS Basic SchoolCourse Outline
- Brief History
- Description
- Principles
- Architecture
- Development Approach
- Current Capabilities
- The DMIS Collaborative Operations Group (COG)
- COG Functions
- How Do I Establish a DMIS COG?
- How Do I Download DMIS Tools?
3Brief History Timeline
- March 2000 March 2001 CMIS Project Begins
- Requirements analysis and technical prototyping
- Requirements elicitation and architectural trade
- April 2001 September 2001
- Requirements analysis and design/development
- Fast Track development, test, Beta test,
fielded Sep 30, 2002
- August 2002 June 2003
- CMIS transitioned from USMC to FEMA CMIS to
DMIS name change with DM e-Gov - Web Services Release
- July 2003 February 2004
- Broader installations / training
- Service Pack 1 Release
- March 2004 July 2005
- Broader installations / training
- CAP 1.0-compliant Release 2.2
- August 2005 March 2006
- Transition to DHS Science Technology
- CAP 1.1-compliant Release 2.3
4Brief HistoryDisaster Management e-Gov Program
- Began in February 2002 cooperative effort among
federal agencies - DHS/ST IT is managing partner
- In top 3 of 22 E-Government initiatives defined
by Presidents Management Agenda
5Brief HistoryResponders Needs
- The systems we have cant talk to each other
- Most of us dont have budgets for software
- Per executive-level course at NFA
- Common operating picture at ICP and EOC
- Incident documentation
- Media relations
6Brief HistoryResponders Information Problems
City A
City B
Emergency Manager
Organization to organization interoperability
tends to be inefficient
Emergency Manager
Emergency Operations Center
Civil Support Team A
7Brief HistoryResponders Vision
- Leverage technology to gain efficiency
- Develop a national emergency information
interoperability service enabling horizontal and
vertical data sharing
- Open Platform for Emergency Networks (OPEN) an
interoperability backbone that lets systems talk
to each other - Nationally scalable and secure
- Gives responders freedom to choose software that
best suits their needs - Provides access to common services supporting
basic automated tools - DMIS Tools - basic automated tools
- CAP Alert Messages
- Tactical information exchange
- Mapping
- Private Messaging
9ArchitectureWhat do you mean interoperability
DMIS OPEN is the thing in the middle enabling
data sharing
10Key DMIS Principles
- All disasters are local
- Maps are a central exhibit to most emergency
response exchanges - Use the data where it lies
- Creator of information controls where it goes and
what can be done with it no big brother - Nationally-scalable, private, interoperability
infrastructure is the main thing - Interface available to all
- Evolving interoperability maturity
11Evolving MaturityInteroperability Standards
- OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee
- Industry and government membership
- Building XML data standards under the formal
standards development umbrella - Resolving data semantic mismatches is key to
higher interoperability maturity - Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)
- Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL)
- Interoperability demonstrations and trials
12Development Approach Of, by, and for responders
. . .
Engaged Responders
13Where is DMIS used?
ICP must share OPERATING PICTURE throughout the
Rear Information Zone (RIZ), to aid strategic
decision support and resource management.
In the Forward Information Zone (FIZ), different
data capture devices need to use wireless
communications to send data to the ICP for
visualization by humans.
Supporting EOCs
Local ICP
Local EOC
DMIS serves in the RIZ and the FIZ / RIZ overlap.
At the ICP, data must be received, transformed
into information for human consumption and
tactical decision support, and presented visually
via (ideally) one interoperability platform.
14Current Capabilities - Tools
- Tactical Information Exchange
- Mapping
- Specific Needs Request
- DMIS Messenger
- CAP Alerts
- National Summary Map
- Weather Forecasts Observations
- COG Location Map
15Current Capabilities - OPEN
- Access control
- Transaction management
- Alert
- Auto-generate DMIS incident record
- Attach
- Post
16The DMIS Collaborative Operations Group
(COG)What is a COG?
Computer technology and DMI-Services make it
17What is a COG?
- A group of DMIS Operators who need to
- Coordinate actions
- Communicate quickly
- Exchange consequence management information in a
collaborative environment situational awareness - Enhance incident reporting
- Local SOPs define your local COG configuration
and policies - The local DMIS Administrator implements and
maintains the COG(s)
18How do COGs Work?
Like your current people in their organizations,
except . . .
19How do COGs Work?
20How Do I Establish a DMIS COG?
- Register for a COG at www.dmi-services.org
- Select Enter Website, then Register, then
Registration Form. Complete and submit the
form. - Use Remarks field to state if you want a CD,
download, or both - Be patient for 2 weeks while DMIS
- Verifies that you are a member of the responder
community - Creates your COG in the DMIS database
- Creates your initial COG Administrator
id/password - Tests the COG and id/password
- Sends you an Installation Kit, sends id/password
to download client software, or both per your
21How Do I Download DMIS Tools?
- When you receive your download userid and
password, go to www.DMI-Services.org and enter
the site - On the Home Page select Click Here to Download
- Remember to follow the installation instructions
and to Run the Configuration Tool after
Problems? help_at_dmi-services.org or phone
22Course Conclusion
- DMIS is
- Of, by, and for responders
- An interoperability backbone and basic tools
- An evolving work in progress
- Being used nation-wide
- Organized by Collaborative Operating Groups
(COGs) - Congratulations on completing DMIS Basic School