Title: BERT
1The Orange County Chapter Presents
Business Emergency Response Teams
As emergency events become larger and community
services become more overburdened, every business
should have its own response team to assure its
survival and ensure it is handled by trained
responders. This presentation will discuss in
detail how to develop, implement, and
administrate an effective emergency response team
for both small and large businesses.
Greg Bendel, CBCP BC Consultant for Hewlett
Planning Problems
Program Change!
Envelope Solutions
Problems pop up all the time without also
presenting an obvious solution. Envelope
Solutions provides a fast and easy process to
obtain multiple solutions and maximize your
alternatives. Using real-life issues, this
hands-on workshop will let you learn the process
so you can use it within your own organization.
Facilitated by Susan Jacobo, ACP Program Director
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 Noon to 300 PM
Members 10, Non-Members 20
Cal State Fullerton Extension Building 12901
Euclid Street, Room 158-159, Garden Grove, CA
92840-5214 The building is shared with Coastline
Visit www.acpoc.com
A map is available on the ACP-OC website
Register by June 6 Send RSVP to