Title: Reasons Why Situation Ethics Is Not Ethical
1Reasons Why Situation Ethics Is Not
2Reasons Why Situation Ethics Is Not Ethical
- It Puts Others At Risk Gen 1212-13
- Abraham, in effect, abandoned his wife to the
desires of Pharaoh v. 19 - The fact that adultery was not consummated was
not due to anything Abraham did - God had to intervene to prevent that sin from
3Reasons Why Situation Ethics Is Not Ethical
- It Seeks Fraudulent Gain Gen 1216
- Abraham deceived others for his own personal
advantage, gain - He even used his wife as a pawn
- The gain he sought was life v. 13
- Though prosperity was not his initial objective,
he accepted it nonetheless - Despite doing wrong, he still was blessed cp.
Mt 545
4Reasons Why Situation Ethics Is Not Ethical
- It Thwarts Gods Purposes Gen 1217
- Abraham was supposed to be a blessing on
others cp. Gen 123 - In this situation, he was more concerned about
himself than about others
It Casts Doubt On Believers Gen 1218-19
- Abraham pitifully lowered himself below the
morals of a pagan cp. 1 Cor 51
5Reasons Why Situation Ethics Is Not Ethical
- Answering One Final Objection Mt 123-4
- Situation Ethicists persist this passage proves
their point - If wrong is always wrong, then why did David
seemingly escape punishment? - Thus, they affirm their example of situation
ethics - Therefore, a close examination of the history
behind Mt 123-4 is warranted
6Reasons Why Situation Ethics Is Not Ethical
- Answering One Final Objection Mt 123-4
- The Law did specify for whom the bread was
intended Lev 245-9 - The episode to which Jesus refers is recorded in
1 Sam 216 - However, other valuable information is also found
at 1 Sam 217 and 226-15
7Reasons Why Situation Ethics Is Not Ethical
- Answering One Final Objection Mt 123-4
- An Edomite named Doeg played a key role
- He testified Ahimelech the priest inquired of
the Lord for David 1 Sam 229-10 - Ahimelech later confirmed his testimony vv. 13,
15 - Therefore, we conclude God granted permission to
David, his men to eat the showbread - A plausible conclusiona priest would not have
given priestly food without prior approval from
the Lord
8Reasons Why Situation Ethics Is Not Ethical
- Answering One Final Objection Mt 123-4
- Thus, the situation re David was not one of
situation ethics - God apparently made an exception to His own law
- As God, He can do so cp. Mal 216 Mt 196, 9
- Thus, when Jesus says re David not lawful in
Mt. 124, He meant it was not ordinarily lawful - There was no blame to be found re David cp. Mt
9Reasons Why Situation Ethics Is Not Ethical
- Situation Ethics is not ethical because...
- it ignores the existence of absolute truth
- Truths greatest enemy is relativism
- Truth isnt in the eye of the beholder
- Trust is in the eye of Him who gave it Jn 1717
831-32 - Situation Ethics has truth varying all over the
place - The Bible declares otherwise Mt 2435 Heb
412 1 Pet 125
10Reasons Why Situation Ethics Is Not Ethical
- Situation Ethics is not ethical because...
- it makes man the decider of what is right
- Such a philosophy is descriptive of a
spiritually-decadent period cp. Judg 2125 - God has never given man such a position, role
- Rather, He has always taught man to seek Him out
to determine what is right Prov 1412 Isa
558-9 Jer 1023
11Reasons Why Situation Ethics Is Not Ethical
- We agree that sometimes life can bring upon us
tough situations - Then is not the time to be our own ethicist
- Then is the time to prove our faithfulness to
what God has said in His word Phil 214-16