Title: A1258598790RVaZo
1 Research at Emory Committee Two Survey of
Chairs Findings by Disciplinary Clusters NOTES
1. The asterisk () following a variable
indicates that the differences in the mean
ratings or percentages for the four clusters of
departments are statistically significant at the
.5 level. 2. Basic sciences include natural
sciences and mathematics in Emory College and
Oxford as well as the basic sciences departments
in School of Medicine. The codes in the tables
are as follows Basbasic sciences Humhumanities
Socsocial sciences Heahealth sciences Theology
areas were included in the humanities cluster
while Business departments were classified as
social sciences.
2Overall response rate--50 Total number of
department/division chairs invited to
participate-- 112
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13What rewards does your department/division offer
for research excellence?
14What rewards does your department/division offer
for research excellence?
15What rewards does your department/division offer
for research excellence?
16What rewards does your department/division offer
for research excellence?
17What rewards does your department/division offer
for research excellence?
18What rewards does your department/division offer
for research excellence?
19What rewards does your department/division offer
for research excellence?
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