Title: A1258598551jKenF
1Understanding Asthma in New Mexico How Does
Region 2 Compare? Brad Whorton Asthma
- Prevalence Data
- Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data
- Emergency Department Data
- School Health Data
- Mortality Data
2SOURCE NM BRFSS, 2004-2006 combined dataset.
4 plt.05. SOURCE Public Education Department,
School Health Report data.
5NOTE Rates are based on deaths to New Mexico
residents and are age-adjusted per 100,000
standard population. SOURCE Data provided by
6 plt.05. NOTE Rates are based on deaths to New
Mexico residents and are age-adjusted per 100,000
standard population. SOURCE Data provided by
7Asthma Emergency Room Discharge Rates, 2001-2003
All Ages
NOTE Age-adjusted rates are per 10,000 standard
population. The data include state residents who
were admitted to in-state non-federal
hospitals. SOURCE Analysis by EHEB, NMDOH.
Data from statewide emergency departments.
Rates based on fewer than 20 cases are
statistically unreliable and should be
interpreted with caution.
8ASTHMA Emergency Department Discharge Rates (All
Ages), 2001-2003 Average
plt.05. SOURCE Analysis by EHEB, NMDOH. Data
from non-federal emergency departments in New
9 plt.05. SOURCE Analysis by EHEB, NMDOH. Data
from non-federal emergency departments in New
10Asthma Hospital Discharge Rates by County,
2003-2005 Average
All Ages
Rates are age-adjusted per 10,000 standard
Data are based on primary diagnosis. State
residents who were admitted to in-state
non-federal hospitals are included. American
Indians are excluded.
Rates based on fewer than 20 cases are
statistically unreliable and should be
interpreted with caution.
11NOTE Rates include those cases where asthma was
the primary diagnosis and are per 10,000 standard
population. State residents who were admitted to
in-state non-federal hospitals are included.
American Indians are excluded. SOURCE Analysis
by EHEB, NMDOH Data from NM Health Policy
12(No Transcript)
13NOTE Rates include those cases where asthma was
the primary diagnosis and are per 10,000 standard
population. State residents who were admitted to
in-state non-federal hospitals are included.
American Indians are excluded. SOURCE Analysis
by EHEB, NMDOH Data from NM Health Policy
14 plt.05. NOTE Rates include those cases where
asthma was the primary diagnosis and are per
10,000 standard population. State residents who
were admitted to in-state non-federal hospitals
are included. American Indians are excluded.
SOURCE Analysis by EHEB, NMDOH Data from NM
Health Policy Commission.
15 plt.05. NOTE Rates include those cases where
asthma was the primary diagnosis and are per
10,000 standard population. State residents who
were admitted to in-state non-federal hospitals
are included. American Indians are excluded.
SOURCE Analysis by EHEB, NMDOH Data from NM
Health Policy Commission.
16(No Transcript)
17NOTE Only in-state non-federal hospital
discharges are included. Since many American
Indians receive services from I.H.S. hospitals,
they are excluded from the analysis. SOURCE NM
Health Policy Commission.
18NOTE Rates are age-adjusted per 10,000 standard
population. Only in-state non-federal hospital
discharges are included. Since many American
Indians receive services from I.H.S. hospitals,
they are excluded from the analysis. SOURCE NM
Health Policy Commission.
19NOTE Crude rates were calculated based on U.S.
Census population estimates. SOURCE NM Health
Policy Commission.
20NOTE Crude rates were calculated based on U.S.
Census population estimates and are per 10,000
population. The Los Alamos rate is the county
rate since city population estimates are not
available. SOURCE Data provided by the NM Health
Policy Commission.
21NOTE The red bars are for youth less than age
15 blue bars are for all ages. American Indians
are excluded from the analysis. Statistically
significant compared to state average. SOURCE NM
Health Policy Commission.
22 23NOTE New Mexico residents who were discharged
from non-federal hospitals in the state are
included. American Indians are excluded. SOURCE
Data provided by the New Mexico Health Policy
24Primary Asthma Hospitalization Source of
Admissions, 2000-2005
SOURCE NM Hospital Policy Commission.
25NOTE Data are presented by patients city of
residence. SOURCE Data provided by the NM
Hospital Policy Commission.
26SOURCE New Mexico Health Policy Commission.
27SOURCE New Mexico Health Policy Commission.
29SOURCE NM BRFSS, 2004-2006 combined dataset.
31(No Transcript)
32NOx Emissions from Active Facilities by Youth
Asthma HID Rates, 2003-2005
NOx Quartiles
Youth HID Rate Quartiles
NOTE The data presented in this slide have not
been tested for statistical significance. Data
for Bernalillo County are not included. SOURCE
NM Environment Department, Air Quality
Bureau. SOURCE NM Environment Department, Air
Quality Bureau.
33SO2 Emissions from Active Facilities by Youth
Asthma HID Rates, 2003-2005
SO2 Quartiles
Youth HID Rate Quartiles
NOTE The data presented in this slide have not
been tested for statistical significance. Data
for Bernalillo County are not included. SOURCE
NM Environment Department, Air Quality
Bureau. SOURCE NM Environment Department, Air
Quality Bureau.
34PM10 Emissions from Active Facilities by Youth
Asthma HID Rates, 2003-2005
PM10 Quartiles
Youth HID Rate Quartiles
NOTE The data presented in this slide have not
been tested for statistical significance. Data
for Bernalillo County are not included. SOURCE
NM Environment Department, Air Quality
Bureau. SOURCE NM Environment Department, Air
Quality Bureau.
35VOC Emissions from Active Facilities by Youth
Asthma HID Rates, 2003-2005
VOC Quartiles
Youth HID Rate Quartiles
NOTE The data presented in this slide have not
been tested for statistical significance. Data
for Bernalillo County are not included. SOURCE
NM Environment Department, Air Quality
Bureau. SOURCE NM Environment Department, Air
Quality Bureau.