Title: Successful Elements of a grassroots water chestnut control program
1Successful Elements of a grassroots water
chestnut control program
- Or, one size does not fit all!!
2What is the Adopt-A-Shoreline Program?
- Volunteer Monitoring
- Education and Outreach
- Control Days
- Workshops and presentations
- Unusual Publications
- Media
- Partnerships!!!
3 Volunteers are the heart of the program
4Want to Adopt Some Shoreline?
- Sixty volunteers adopted2/3 Oneida, all
Onondaga, some of Skaneateles and the Three
Rivers - Eastern most point of infestation on Oneida
eliminated - Western edge on Oneida significantly reduced
5Remember to Recognize Volunteers
6What else do volunteers want?
- Thank you!
- Informative Newsletters
- Special assignments
- Refreshments
Chestnuts floating on an open pond (Not!)
Thanks so much for your help! From the Staff
at Cornell Cooperative Extension Adopt-A-Shoreline
7Outreach to the Public is Important
8Have Fun with Control
9With Friends or Family
10Work with the Media
- Develop relationships
- What is the angle?
- Try again
- And again
Everyone likes a story about kids who volunteer!
11Try New Ways of Doing Things
- Coming in 2007
- A water chestnut scavenger hunt, a water chestnut
relay race, a water chestnut mascot - New educational partners
12Partners and Plans
13Thanks to Funders Past Present
- US Fish and Wildlife Foundation
- Oneida Lake Association
- Great Lakes National Program Office
- CNY Regional Planning Development Board
- Onondaga County DOH
- Finger-Lakes Lake Ontario Water Protection
Alliance - City of Syracuse
- Onondaga Lake Partnership
14Thank you!
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