Title: CDA II: Curriculum, Schedules
1CDA II Curriculum, Schedules Room Arrangements
An organized framework that Identifies content
that children are to learn, Activities that will
assist children in learning and exploring
content Explains what teachers can do to assist
children Gives the how, where, and with what
children will explore content
3Remember CARE
4Problem-Solving Your Rooms
- Divide into groups
- Read the handout aloud
- Write down 3 problems you have with your room
arrangements - Go around the group and share ideas for solving
the problems. Share one idea at a time. If there
is more time go around again and share.
5Learning Centers
- Organize your work with children
- Assure that you provide a variety of activities
in all developmental levels - Provide more guidance and structure for children
- Are fun for children!
6Why Plan Your Time
- We plan for haircuts, doctor appointments, TV
shows, going to a movie, why not our activities
with children? - Saves Time
- Saves money (you can buy ahead in bulk).
- Helps you provide different activities for
different areas of development - Creates a more secure atmosphere and fewer
discipline problems.
7When you schedule your day
- Use large blocks of time arrival, sleeping,
eating, etc. or by each activity - Allow for flexibility
- Post your daily schedule
- Schedule and balance time for active and quiet
play, small and large motor activities, indoor
and outdoor, individual and group activities - Develop routines and procedures and follow them
- Handout
8Lesson Planning the Easy Way
- Identify interests
- Brainstorm (What do you wonder or What would you
like to know about) - Choose key questions
- Develop Activities and Put into lesson plan
- Locate materials
- Conduct activities
- Evaluate unit
- Keep the Ideas and materials that worked!
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11How they grow
Cooking pumpkin
Color of Pumpkin
12Planning Health, Safety, and Nutrition Curricula
- Using books to identify activities
- Using the internet
- Using curricula books