Title: Sre Odakli Yazma
1Süreç - Odakli Yazma
2Düsünce Gelistirme
Gözden Geçirme
Yapi Olusturma
A Modal of Process Writing, White Armdt 1991
3Etkinliklerin siralanisi
- Beyin firtinasi/ not alma/ soru sorma
- Hizli yazma/ düsüncelerin seçimi/ bakis açisi
- Ön Taslak
- Ilk degerlendirme
- Bilginin düzenlenmesi/ metnin yapilandirilmasi
- Ilk Taslak
- Ögrenci isbirligi ile form ve içerigin
degerlendirilmesi - Ortak Degerlendirme
- Ikinci Taslak
- Öz-degerlendirme/ gözden geçirme
- Son Taslak
- Son gözden geçirme
4Düsünce Üretimi
- Yazilan konuya iliskin bir metin okuma
- Arastirma yapma
- Beyin firtinasi (grup)
- Düsünce Listesi Olusturma (bireysel)
- Tartisma
- Ögretmenin yönlendirici sorularini cevaplama
- Serbest Çagrisim (anlam haritasi çikarma)
- Serbest yazma
5If the whole world was a state, Istanbul would
be the capital of it.
Napoleon Bonaparte
- Istanbul (Turkish Istanbul, historically
Byzantium and later Constantinople see Names of
Istanbul) is Europe's most populous city (the
world's 4th largest city proper and 19th largest
urban area) and Turkey's cultural and financial
center. The city covers 27 districts of the
Istanbul province.2 It is located on the
Bosphorus Strait, and encompasses the natural
harbor known as the Golden Horn, in the northwest
of the country. It extends both on the European
(Thrace) and on the Asian (Anatolia) side of the
Bosphorus, and is thereby the only metropolis in
the world which is situated on two continents. In
its long history, Istanbul served as the capital
city of the Roman Empire (330-395), the Byzantine
Empire (395-1204 and 1261-1453), the Latin Empire
(1204-1261), and the Ottoman Empire (1453-1922).
The city was chosen as joint European Capital of
Culture for 2010. The historic areas of Istanbul
were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in
7Life in Cities
8Raising Questions
- How does life in big cities influence the family
life? - What are the main reasons of overpopulation in
big cities? - What facilities are there in big cities?
- How does city life challenge or strengthen
traditions? - What would be the cost of living in big cities?
- You are walking on a crowded street, What can you
hear, smell, feel? - Why are the cities centers for civilization?
- Metin hangi okuyucu kitlesini hedef almaktadir?
- Metnin amaci nedir?
- Hangi düsünceler, ikna edici noktalar metinde yer
almalidir? - Hangi düsünceler en etkili ve önemli olanlardir?
- Hangi dilsel özellikler okurun metne olan
ilgisini artirabilir?
10(No Transcript)
11Yapi Olusturma
- Ana düsünceleri ve yan düsünceleri belirlemesi
- Hangi düsüncelerin bir arada gruplandirilabilecegi
ne karar vermesi - Düsünce gruplari arasindaki mantiksal iliskileri
kurmasi - Bu düsüncelerin ne tür bir düzenlenis içerisinde
sunulacagini belirlemesi - Bazi önemli noktalari destekleyecek ek bilgileri
olusturmasi gerekmektedir.
12- Architectural achievement
- Monuments
- Palaces
- Mosques
- Squares, boulevards
- History
- Rulers
- Governments
- Power
- Traditions
Cradle for civilisation
- Symbolic significance
- -beauty
- imagination
- harmony
- Artistic achievement
- Museums collections
- Galleries
- Theatres
- Music
- Festivals
The train halted. Anxiously, I peered out of the
door. I climbed down and, with my suitcase,
walked towards the exit. Stepping out under the
porch, I caught my breath. In front of me was a
busy and sparkling water stretching towards a
coastline dominated by half-familiar buildings of
architectural beauty. I had arrived in
Istanbul. Many layers of history, stretching
from classical to modern times, summarize the key
feature of the city and city life. Cities have
always been the seat of power and influence since
mankind first established urban civilization.
They become the artistic expression of the
civilization. Istanbul is no exception when we
consider the elegance of The Blue Mosque, Topkapi
and Galata Tower. I felt a thrill at being in
the centre of such a significant city poised at
the meeting point of Asia and Europe. The museums
and galleries were waiting for me to whisper the
secrets of the East and the West. One might have
wished for less noise and pollution but Istanbul
would be very generous in sharing its variety,
beauty and excitement with its inhabitants. Adopt
ed from White and Arndt 1991, p 101
- Yazma sürecinin degerlendirilmesi
- Ortaya çikan ürünün degerlendirilmesi
- Içerik
- ana ve yan düsüncelerin desteklenerek ve
örneklendirilerek gelistirilmesi, betimlemelerin
sunumu - Düzen
- etkili bir giris ve sonucunun bulunmasi,
düsüncelerin mantiksal dizini, metnin yeterli
uzunluga sahip olmasi - Söylem
- metin türüne ve amaca uygunlugu,paragraf
bütünlügü, baglaçlarin etkin kullanimi,
göndermelerin uygunlugu, yinelemelerden kaçinmak
amaciyla farkli dil yapilarinin kullanimi,
akicilik - Dil Kullanimi
- dil yapilarinin dogru kullanimi, kelimelerin
dogru yazilimi, düzene iliskin genel görünüm - Yaraticilik
- (Konunun ve metin türünün uygun olmasi
kosuluyla) yaratici düsüncelere, özgün örneklere,
öznel dil kullanimlarina ne ölçüde yer verildigi
16Süreç odakli yazmada ögretmenin rolleri
Yanit veren
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19Düzeltme sembollerinin Kullanimi
Harmer,J. 2004. How to teach writing. Longman,
Essex, p 110