Title: Mind Set
1 2Mind Set
Develop the right mental attitude
Emotional Rollercoaster
Have long-term thinking!
3BE COACHABLE!Keep it Simple!
4Positives down Negatives up
Everything you do will duplicate
5Lead by example!!
6The List
7Make a List?
- Your list will become your point of reference
(For piquing and exposing) - As fast as you think of someone, you will forget
Most overlooked tool in our business Greatest
resource we have
8Start with Your Warm Market
- Warm Market is people you know
- Cold Market is people you dont know
9Why Warm Market?
Warm Market is the most effective way to build a
Because you have Trust and Rapport!
10Examples of Warm Market
- Friends
- Family
- Co-Workers
- Church
- School
- Organizations, Clubs, or Charities
- People you do business with
11When Compiling your List
- Dont Pre-Judge, list everyone!
- Those you think will, wont
- Those you think wont, will
- Those you think can, cant
- Those you think cant, can
12Three Types of People on your List
People you look up to
Your peers
People who look up to you
13When Contacting Your List
Three Types of People you will Talk to
- Red Apples
- Green Apples
- Rotten Apples
14Dont Sell!
Time spent
Red apples 80 Green apples 20
Rotten apples 0
15Consistently update your list
16 Expanding Your Warm Market list
17We are in the people business!
If you
- Talk to a lot of people, youll make a lot of
money! - Talk to a less people, youll make less money!
- Talk to no people, youll make no money!
Dont be afraid to talk to people!
18Why Expand Your Warm Market?
- Youre new to an area
- You think you have
- talked to everyone
- you know
- You plan to open up a new area
19Ask Yourself
What do you like to do?
- Work out
- Play sports
- Go out to eat
- Dance
- Volunteer for charities
- Go to Art Galleries, Museums, Plays
- Travel
Other people like what you like!
20Do the things you enjoy everyday and youll
automatically meet a lot of people!
21When expanding your Warm Market dont recruit
everyone right away!
- People dont buy from people they dont trust
- Focus on building Relationships first
- Once you have established the relationship,
people will open up
22As soon as the time is right start adding those
names to your list.
23 Getting Warm Market Referrals
24Warm Market
- Two types of Warm Market
- Yours
- Someone else's
You will never be limited! You will never run out
of people to talk too!
25Get Referrals
- The most powerful Question
- Who do you know?
Everyone knows a minimum of five people they
could invite to a presentation
26Get Referrals
- The best way to get a referral
- Create value
- Create fear of loss
27Never stop getting Referrals