Title: FRE 306 Global Food Markets Global Trade
1FRE 306- Global Food MarketsGlobal Trade the
Developing WorldDr. Nisha Malhotra-UBCSession
Oct 4th, 06
- Dan Badulescu (guest instructor)
- columbus_at_columbus-grp.com
- 604-6123986
2Global Trade Developing World
- Global Trade Agricultural Trade
- History China, Phoenicians, Arabs, Portugal,
Spain, England, Canada (HBC) - What was/is being traded (bartered) ?
- Sugar, spices, tea, cotton, fur, silk, wool,
wood, grain, cereals, coffee, fruit, tobacco,
bananas, orange concentrate, vegetables, meat,
milk, rubber, fish, seed
3Global Trade Developing World
- Expeditions to raw materials, precious foods
- Vikings -America before English, Spanish, French
- Trading common between indigenous groups
- Trade between colonies and capitals-
competitiveness - e.g. England and Portugal XVIII (wool, machinery
gtlt wine, tobacco) - e.g. Central America and Europe/NA
4Global Trade Developing World
- Global Trade exponential growth in last 20 yrs.
- Main commodities traded
- Value of trade
- Trade blocs
- WTO-Gatt-Uruguay Round
- Agricultural trade vs. industrial or services
- Some drivers communication, insurance, finance,
exchanges, logistics, payment payment systems,
affluence, standards, regulations
5Global Trade Developing World
- Key concepts in trade (is globalization new?)
- Trade triggers development? What kind ?
- Slave trade followed sugar business
- Fur tradethe indigenous communities in Canada
- Canada a country or a trading corporation?
- Oil trade and the current history in Middle East
- Trade brought the railway to the West of NA
- Panama Canal global trade
6Global Trade Developing World
- Trade vs. free trade fair trade
- Trade blocks NAFTA, EU, Asean, Africa,
Mercosur, Caricom, CAFTA, FTAA - Doha Agenda Launched Nov 01 in Qatar, comprises
wide range of topics agriculture, development
issues, trade in services, industrial tariffs,
WTO rules and trade and environment. Progress has
been uneven, talks to be concluded Jan 05
7Global Trade Developing World
- Trends in trade
- Stakeholders? Citizens, women, farmers, kids,
corporations, governments, global governance (UN) - Who controls trade? Citizens, small medium size
enterprise (SME), global corporations (MNC) - How is trade being controlled? Where is value
being added? How to become competitive?
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