Title: Urban Aboriginal Community Dialogue Process
1Urban Aboriginal Community Dialogue Process
- Originally Prepared by Shalene Jobin
- December 19, 2006
- Updated March 8, 2007
2Aboriginal Community Dialogue Process
- Undertaken by the City of Edmonton, EAUAC,
Western Diversification, Aboriginal Affairs and
Northern Development and Edmonton Housing Trust
Fund. - Elders Circle a key element in the process.
- Survey, talking circles, open houses, and an
executive forum, engaged over 1800 people between
July 2005 to December 2005. - Three main themes emerged
- Acknowledgement that there needs to be new ways
of working together - Collaborations already exist concerning
Aboriginal Edmonton, but further collaborations
need to be explored - Action on key priorities identified by the
Aboriginal community
3Guiding Principlesfor the Community Dialogue
- Maintain an Aboriginal community-led and
community-driven process that is inclusive of all
interested individuals and organizations.
4Community Dialogue Process Creating Options
- Community Leaders Gatherings, July 2006
- New Ways of Working Together (NWWT) volunteer
working group August November 2006 - Community Action Circles, Sept 2006 and ongoing
- November 30th Aboriginal Community Gathering to
conclude this phase of the Dialogue Process and
to help move forward on the communitys wishes
concerning ongoing collaborations
5New Ways of Working Together (NWWT)
- Purpose
- To develop options for an Aboriginal community
coordination mechanism.
6NWWT Group Activities
- Beginning in August, we met most Thursday
evenings, until early November - Also held a one day workshop October 21st
- Engaged a neutral facilitator to guide our work
together - Reviewed models for Aboriginal community
mechanisms from other Canadian urban centres and
7NWWT Activities
- Also reviewed all input from community collected
throughout the Community Dialogue Process,
including Your City, Your Voice Report, Community
Leaders Gathering notes, Executive Forum notes,
and more - More than 1800 voices were honoured in the
materials reviewed - Based on community input, four possible options
for a made in Edmonton community mechanism were
8Community-led Action Circles
- Improvements to Shelter Housing
- Respect for Aboriginal Histories, Cultures,
Languages - Improved Employment Appropriate Skills Training
- Improvements in Aboriginal Health Well-Being
- Services That Help People Who Are New to the City
- Culturally Appropriate Education
- Improvements to the Justice System
- Aboriginal People Helping Each Other Through
Volunteerism - Note listed in order of community identified
9Community-led Action Circles
- For an update on the Community-led Action
Circles that resulted from the Urban Aboriginal
Community Dialogue Process, please visit website
- www.aboriginaledmonton.ca/aboriginal accord
10Aboriginal Community Gathering
- Four Aboriginal coordination models were
developed, presented, and a choosing activity
undertaken at the Aboriginal Gathering on
November 30, 2006 - There were 130 people who attended this gathering
11Draft OptionsAll Options begin with the community
- Community
- Edmonton Urban Aboriginal Dialogue process
All Options
12DRAFT OPTION Aboriginal Elected Council
- Membership is free or paid to vote for the
elected council within Edmonton - Action Circles form subcommittees to initiate
planning on the identified priorities and bring
forward issues and to the elected council - Elder Counsel provides guidance and input to
addressing the priorities - Aboriginal Elected Council will be elected to
represent and advocate on behalf of Urban
Aboriginal Edmonton
Aboriginal Elected Council
13DRAFT OPTION Existing PoliticalRepresentatives
- Aboriginal representative organizations develop a
mechanism to better work together for the greater
good of the Edmonton Aboriginal community - Needs to be established by the respective
leadership groups
Representative Political
14DRAFT OPTION Coalition on Service Providers
- Action Circles - eight specific priority areas
take action on the community identified needs and
priorities. Each action circle nominates a
service agency as Chair to promote and
cross-coordinate initiatives at the Leadership
Circle - Elders identified by Action Circle participants
to provide guidance and input - Leadership Circle - unified voice to speak and
advocate on behalf of urban Aboriginal Edmonton
to the levels of government. Each Action Circle
will have a service agency Chair as well as an
identified Elder represented at the Leadership
Coalition of Service Providers / Deliverers
15DRAFT OPTION Traditional Leadership/Stewardship
- Action Circles priority areas that will create
action strategies. Participants will nominate a
Speaker to bring forward the voice on the Shared
Circle of Responsibility/Leadership Circle - Shared Circle of Responsibility/ Leadership
Circle address and implement solutions created
by the work of the Action Circles. Participants
include reps from Action Circles and orders of
govt with participation from Elders, Youth, and
Women - Elders Circle - provide guidance and input
- Youth Circle - guidance and input
- Women Circle - guidance and input
- Secretariat - administrative, technical, and
logistical support
Traditional Leadership / Stewardship
16Choosing Options for a Community Mechanism
- Each participant had 2 dots to make choices
amongst the four options - Placed the red dot on the preferred Option
- Placed the yellow dot on the Option diagram that
represents the option they could live with
17Choosing Options for a Community Mechanism
- Of the 84 people who participated in the choosing
activity, the choices were - Traditional Leadership/Stewardship Model
- Red 52 Yellow 17 Total 69
- Coalition of Service Providers/Deliverers Model
- Red 15 Yellow 38 Total 53
- Aboriginal Elected Council Model
- Red 10 Yellow 13 Total 23
- Existing Political Representatives Model
- Red 4 Yellow 11 Total 15
18Traditional Leadership/ Stewardship Option
- Provide the Aboriginal community with a mechanism
that brings forward their concerns, needs,
issues, and priorities through interested
individuals, community agencies, groups, or
organizations that currently operate within the
Edmonton region
Traditional Leadership / Stewardship
19Traditional Leadership/ Stewardship Purpose
- Address community-identified needs, issues,
opportunities, and priorities in a planned and
coordinated way - Form long-term sustainable relationships
- Open and inclusive mechanism
Traditional Leadership / Stewardship
20Structure - Roles and Responsibilities
- Action Circles priority areas that will create
action strategies. Participants will nominate a
Speaker to bring forward the voice on the Shared
Circle of Responsibility/Leadership Circle - Shared Circle of Responsibility/ Leadership
Circle address and implement solutions created
by the work of the Action Circles. Participants
include reps from Action Circles and orders of
govt with participation from Elders, Youth, and
Women - Elders Circle - provide guidance and input
- Youth Circle - guidance and input
- Women Circle - guidance and input
- Secretariat - administrative, technical, and
logistical support
Traditional Leadership / Stewardship
21Next Steps
- There will be a community meeting/forum early in
2007 to move forward on this initiative - The Canadian Native Friendship Centre offered to
host this meeting at its location