Title: Trigger detectors: ageing test at GIF
1- Trigger detectors ageing test at GIF
Francesca Poggio Università degli Studi di
Torino I.N.F.N. sezione di Torino
2ageing requirements (I)
max luminosity (cm-2 s-1)
integrated hits (106/cm2)
max hit rate (Hz/cm2)
collision system
heavy-ion program
integrated hits in the most irradiated zone of
the most irradiated RPCs is 100 Mhit/cm2, 10
3ageing requirements (II)
very different requirements for Pb-Pb wrt p-p.
small Cluster size good position resolution
Rate capability Detector lifetime
2 RD lines to fullfill the different requirement
both operating modes work with the same FE
- ageing test in streamer mode
- RPC1 (full size g 70x210 cm2), results
- efficiency measurement after ageing (cosmic rays)
- ageing test in avalanche mode
- small prototype 1
- results
- efficiency measurement after ageing (m beam)
- small prototype 23
- efficiency measurement before ageing (m beam)
- ongoing ageing test
5experimental layout at GIF (side view)
g monitor the efficiency of the detection for
cosmic ray under ?-induced counting rate
NOTE effective voltage correction HVeff
HV(p0/p)(T/T0) p0970 mbar, T0
20C current, rate and efficiency continuously
monitored with source on periodical
data-taking with source off dark current rate
current rate in absence of irradiation
6ageing in streamer mode (50.5 Ar, 41.3 C4H10,
7.2 C2H2F4, 1 SF6)
7RPC1 ageing results
see G. Travaglia talk Dimuon Meeting 2004,
Berg-en-Dal A. Musso talk June 1
first ageing test of a full size RPC (RPC1)
differentiated custom shielding to recreate
ALICE-like conditions of irradiation 6-60
after 100 Mhit/cm2 (corresponding to 50 mC/cm2)
- dark current 13 mA
- dark rate lt0.4 Hz/cm2
- slight efficiency loss with 60 Hz/cm2
irradiation due to resistivity increase - efficiency without irradiation (1 Hz/cm2) stable
at 95 - rate condition similar to the Pb-Pb operation
- (max 3 Hz/cm2)
RPC1 works satisfactorily up to about 100
Mhit/cm2 fulfilling the requirement for the 10
year heavy-ion program
8RPC1 efficiency measurement
RPC1 tested in the bench test for final RPCs
see M. Gagliardi talk June 6 efficiency for
cosmic rays detection has been measured over the
whole surface of the RPC with 20x20 cm2 cells
(cosmic ray tracked with 2 RPCs)
9RPC1 efficiency radiography
see M. Gagliardi talk June 6
efficiency map at HV8300 V (working point) in
the most irradiated area
uniform and high efficiency (94), after 100
10ageing in avalanche mode(88 C2H2F4, 10 C4H10,
2 SF6)
11small prototype 1 ageing results
see G. Travaglia talk Dimuon Meeting 2004,
Berg-en-Dal A. Musso talk June 1
- after 225 Mhit/cm2 (34 mC/cm2)
- dark current 1 mA and dark rate lt1 Hz/cm2
- no efficiency loss without and with g
irradiation (120 Hz/cm2) - efficiency stable at 94
- problem after a first period (100 Mhit/cm2),
from time to time at high rates (120 Hz/cm2), we
observe - a fast increase of the current that gives
instability - after HV off the RPC recovers a normal behavior
- (high efficiency, low dark current and low dark
rate) -
- NOTE g gas mixture 88 C2H2F4, 10 C4H10 and 2
SF6 - working point HV10900 V
12beam test, setup
after the ageing test efficiency plateau
measurement for the detection of muons (m beam
from SPS-X5) scanning the whole surface of the RPC
13small prototype 1 efficiency map
- in all position the plateau reaches 0.95-0.97 of
efficiency - the mean efficiency at HV10900 V (working point)
is 0.95?0.001
low efficiency due to geometrical problems
14small prototype 1 instability problem (I)
- hp local discharge g the temperature in
correspondence of the discharge point should
increase appreciably - RPC without external
- mechanics, with the
- ground side fully covered
- by thermosensitive adhesives
15small prototype 1 instability problem (II)
mean T ?25 C over the whole surface (measured
with an IR thermometer)
16- the instability is given by a local discharge
- the current trend during the instability seems to
have a strict correlation with the high rates and
also with the high voltage - NOTE g gas mixture 88 C2H2F4, 10 C4H10 and 2
SF6 - working point HV10900 V
- we try to decrease the SF6 percentage to lower
the working point - beam test to check the performances of RPCs with
the gas mixture 90 C2H2F4, 10 C4H10 0.3
SF6 - working HV10100 V
- performances no significant differences wrt 2
SF6 gas mixture - tested 2 small prototypes
17small prototypes 23 efficiency plateaux
small prototype 2
small prototype 3
- in all position the plateau reaches 0.95-0.96 of
efficiency - the mean efficiency at HV10100 V (working point)
is 0.94?0.01
- in all position the plateau reaches 0.95 of
efficiency - the mean efficiency at HV10100 V (working point)
is 0.94?0.01
18small prototype 2 efficiency map
19current vs int.hits small prototype 2
- after 170 Mhit/cm2 (corresponding to 25.5
mC/cm2) - dark current 6 mA
- dark rate lt4 Hz/cm2
20efficiency vs int.hits small prototype 2
- after 170 Mhit/cm2 no efficiency loss, both with
and without irradiation, - (HV 10050 V, effective voltage)
21current vs int.hits small prototype 3
- after 145 Mhit/cm2 (corresponding to 22 mC/cm2)
- dark current 1-2 mA
- dark rate lt1 Hz/cm2
22efficiency vs int.hits small prototype 3
- after 145 Mhit/cm2 no efficiency loss, both with
and without irradiation - (HV 10010 V, effective voltage)
23ageing in avalanche mode conclusions
- small prototype 2 g after 170 Mhit/cm2
- dark current 6 mA and dark rate lt4 Hz/cm2
- no efficiency loss without and with g
irradiation (100 Hz/cm2) - efficiency stable at 93-95
- small prototype 3 g after 145 Mhit/cm2
- dark current 1-2 mA and dark rate lt1 Hz/cm2
- no efficiency loss without and with g
irradiation (80 Hz/cm2) - efficiency stable at 93-95
- the 2 prototypes work satisfactorily up to about
145-170 Mhit/cm2 - fulfilling the requirement
- for 1.5 years of the p-p program for the most
irradiated RPC - for 8 years of the p-p program for other RPCs
- the test is going on
24(No Transcript)
25the ageing problem
- the RD program to understand the RPCs ageing
problems was focused on two aspects - effects due to flowing the RPCs with dry gas
- g increase of bakelite resistivity
- effects due to long-term operation of the
detector in condition of high counting rates - g increase of bakelite resistivity and a surface
damaging due to the streamer discharge
ageing proportional to integrated current per
surface unit (mC/cm2), i.e. to the integrated
hits per surface unit (Mhit/cm2) g increase of
the current drawn by the detector, a (minor)
increase of the single rate and a possible
efficiency decrease.
26beam test small prototype 2
- in all position the plateau reaches 0.95-0.96 of
efficiency - the mean efficiency at HV10100 V (working point)
is 0.94?0.01
27beam test small prototype 3
- in all position the plateau reaches 0.95 of
efficiency - the mean efficiency at HV10100 V (working point)
is 0.94?0.01
low efficiency due to geometrical problems