Title: Forming Distribution Lists in Outlook 2003
1Forming Distribution Lists in Outlook 2003
2What is a distribution list?
- A distribution list is a collection of e-mail
addresses that provides an easy way to send
e-mail to multiple people at one time. It can be
helpful to have a distribution list of everyone
in your department or a list of all students in a
particular class. It is managed within Contacts
in Outlook.
3Creating the distribution list
Step 1 Select Contacts from the navigation
pane in the main Outlook window.
4Step 2 Within Contacts, select the book you
would like the distribution list to be stored in
(In this example, Contacts or Frequent Contacts).
Step 3 Click on drop-down arrow of New and
select Distribution List.
5Step 4 Give the distribution a name and click
on Select Members
Step 5a To select staff from Outlook address
book, find the appropriate staff and click on
Members - gt to add to list. Click OK when list
is complete.
6Step 5b If selecting e-mail addresses from
another source, such as a spreadsheet, highlight
the addresses and copy. (Either by selecting
EditgtCopy or by holding down CtrlC). Then paste
the addresses into the Members - gt line by
clicking into the line and holding down
CtrlV. Click OK when complete. NOTE There
is an maximum of 100 e-mail addresses allowed.
See Appendix A for further information.
Step 6 Click on Save and Close when complete.
7Staff Members is now saved in Contacts. To send
an e-mail to the group, type Staff Members in the
To line, or right click on group in Contacts and
select New Message to contact.
This completes the guide to creating distribution
lists. See Appendix A for more information on
creating groups larger than 100. If you have any
questions please contact the Technology Contact
Center (TCC) at 312-362-8765 or x28765.
8Appendix A Distribution lists containing over
100 e-mail addresses Outlook will only allow 100
e-mail addresses stored in each distribution list
(shown in step 5a and 5b). To create a list with
more than 100 e-mail addresses, you will need to
create multiple lists and then you can combine
into one large list. For example, if you need
to have a list with 300 e-mail addresses, first
create 3 separate lists and name them List 1,
List 2, and List 3. Then, you can create one
master list with all 3 lists called Master List.