Title: Mobilstart 72500 Developing Mobile Solutions
1Mobilstart / 72500Developing Mobile Solutions
- Jonas Engström, New Business, Telenor Sverige AB
- Martin Strömberg, MD, Bozoka
- Norway 5-6 times Swedish turnover per mobile
customer - Turnover of mobile content services
- Similar Nordic development elsewhere
- Financial barriers
- Incompatible pricing (set-up, fixed, unit)
- High threshold to connection the operators
- Technical barriers
- Technical complexity preventing the
non-professionals from starting - Complex market structure
- Non-professionals do not know where to go for help
3Nordic comparison 2006 Sweden is falling behind
Source PTS and Telenor estimate
4Success example from Norway Police radar
warning by SMS
Early success in Norway Entrepreneurs with New
mindset is the key to success
5Previously preventing the entrepreneur
Good ideas meet barriers
- 1. Costly
- Agreement with all operators
- Exclusive short number (40 SEK/month)
- High initial costs
- 2. Complex
- Different pricing models
- Difficult to build mobile services
- No overview of relevant information
- Four different contracts
Leading to aggregator contracts
- 3. Unprofitable
- 10-20 remaining from sales value
- Service unprofitable shop is closed
6Pricing overview today
Telenors best guesstimate of existing pricing
structure (simplified)
7Pricing Telenor Mobilstart
8Mobilstart a new offering to content providers
- Reach 9,3 million potential customers!
- Mobile subscribers at all Swedish operators
- Simple and transparent revenue share model
- You keep 2/3-delar of what you earn
- Good prices on sent SMS/MMS
- No start-up costs on shared short numbers
- Simple tools to build, sell and distribute
services - Plug Play tools ready to use
- YouBuild API to build your own services
- WeBuild consultancy services by Bozoka
- Support and community
- Be inspired and get advice by cases and forum
- Support included
- Grow with us. You start by a shared short number,
build it yours self or should you need to grow
etc we can support you.
- Keep 2/3 of what you earn!
9Why does Telenor launch Mobilstart?
- Telenor wishes to cooperate with other operator
to improve the conditions for - Content providers on the Swedish market
- Telenor taking the first step and thereby showing
how simple it can be. - Mobilstart is the first step to improve
cooperation between operators. - Telenor helps companies, organisations and in
time even the private - individual to create, sell and distribute mobile
services. - We simplify and improve the financial model for
the entrepreneur - We reduce the technical barriers
- We show what you can do and how to do it
- Case, forum, support and advice
10A billion SEK market awaits operators
- We need to agree on a price model
- Make it easy to understand and compare
- Offer the entrepreneur one interface and a single
contract towards the whole market - Reduce fees and financial barriers
- Let the entrepreneur keep more
- Increased traffic will increase the industry
income - Create an industry forum
- Improve industry conditions and grow the market
- Create new market boosters (ex positioning)
11Demonstration of mobilstart