Title: ORCA Alerts Enhancements:
1ORCA Alerts Enhancements Pop up message appears
when opening the chart of a patient who has a
clinical alert set.
2Enhanced alerts tab All alerts are shown above,
and any Alert Care Plans or Patient Care
Agreements will be displayed in the window below.
3Click on the document to view it
4Frequently asked questions about alerts Q. Can I
turn this function off for myself, or a specific
patients (e.g., my clinic patients who I know
well)? A. No, we asked, and the vendor does not
support this option. Q. Why does my patient have
an alert but no documents are being displayed? A.
The window on the alerts tab only displays
documents of the type Patient Care Agreement and
Alert Care Plan. Some patients have agreements
or plans that were written as letters or clinic
notes. Those note types dont display on this
tab (use the Clinical Notes tab). Both UWMC and
HMC medical records committees are working on
cleaning up these charts. If you come across one
of these patients you can send Dr. Dom Reilly an
email, and he will forward it to the right group
5Frequently asked questions about alerts (cont) Q.
How do I set an alert for a patient (e.g.,
creating a patient care agreement)? A. The actual
alert must be set in the Registration computer
system by a member of the admitting staff. There
are rules around the setting of alerts and all of
the things that need to be done and documented.
It is a good idea to review the policy at your
institution (see links below). Dont hesitate
to ask for help. Your clinic manager, charge
nurse, social worker, attending and Stat nurses
are great resources. If you have any other
questions or concerns email Dr. Dom Reilly
HMC Patient Data Services Electronic Alerts
Policy 100.12 https//hmcweb.washington.edu/ADMIN/
MC Patient Data Services Electronic Alerts Policy
100-30 https//know1.mcis.washington.edu/manuals/u