Title: MTEC Education and Training Committee Draft Goals and Outcomes
1MTEC Education and Training Committee Draft
Goals and Outcomes
2Preliminary Goals
- Publish a Report on the State of Missouris
Workforce by December 2003. - Design and Deploy a Workforce System Performance
Scorecard by December 2003. - Missouri Career Centers Will Become a Pipeline of
Referrals to Vocational Education and Community
3Preliminary Goals (cont.)
- Identification of Essential and Technical Skills
Needed by Business/Industry. - Community College Realignment.
4Workforce System Performance ScorecardTargeted
- Connecting Students to Careers K-16 Outcome
- Adult and Lifelong Learning Outcome
- Quality of Life Outcome
- Businesses Outcome
5Connecting Student to Careers K-16 Outcome
- Percent and number of students testing at
proficient or above on the MAP, NAEP, ACT - Percent and number of students transitioning to
jobs with wages above the county average
without remedial training. - Percent and number of students transitioning to
post-secondary education without remedial
6Students Transitioning Without Remedial Education
- Strategies
- Establish a baseline on the percent and number of
students transitioning to post-secondary
education without remedial education - Establish a performance baseline regarding
referrals from Missouri Career Centers to
education and training providers
7Students Transitioning (cont.)
- Strategies
- Provide career path information to students
including supply/demand gap analyses that
identify growth occupation - Utilize the Counselor Academy to help counselors
work with students and parents to explore choices
and options job shadowing - Expand access to community college and technical
education, resulting in greater affordability for
students, particularly those from low-income
8Students Transitioning (cont.)
- Strategies
- Scale statewide business/labor/education
partnership best practices found in high
performance schools. - A-Team available to assist regions, communities
and schools to improve student outcomes. - Identification of essential and technical skills
needed by business and industry
9Businesses Outcome Measures
- Percent and number of regional targeted industry
companies able to find qualified (skilled)
candidates. - Strategies
- Provide career path information to students and
job-seekers, and supply/demand gap analyses that
identify growth occupation trends to communities
10Businesses Finding Qualified (Skilled) Candidates
- Strategies
- Utilize the Counselor Academy to help counselors
work with students and parents to explore choices
and options job shadowing - Identification of essential and technical skills
needed by business and industry by region - Provide the education and training curricula and
capacity to provide essential and technical
skills in a just-in-time basis
11Businesses Finding Qualified (Skilled) Candidates
- Strategies
- Increase the number of students and adults
pursuing career paths in regional targeted
industry occupations - Increase the number of referrals from Missouri
Career Centers to private/public education and
training providers
12Missourians with High School Diplomas or GEDs
- Measures
- Percent and number of Missourians without a high
school diploma, or GED or work readiness
credential - Percent and number of Missourians with a post
high school certificate or credential - Percent and number of Missourians who are
literate - Percent and number of Missourians with an
Associates degree or higher
13Missourians with High School Diplomas or GEDs
- Retention rate of Missouri Associate and
Baccalaureate graduates - Percent and number of Missourians who are
actively engaged in learning skill-based
training - Measures such as those included in Great Hires,
Toolbox, etc.
14Missourians with High School Diplomas or GEDs
- Strategies - Measure No. 1
- All Missouri Career Centers will provide access
to GED/ESL or appropriate occupational or work
credential - Career Boot Camp, Job Corp, GED options or other
out of school programs for those at risk of
dropping out of school. - Establish Career Academies on community and
technical college campuses (residential)to assist
students to complete high school and make a
seamless transition to post-secondary education.
15Missourians with High School Diplomas or GEDs
- Strategies - Measure No. 1
- All Missourians without a high school diploma or
GED or work credential will participate in the
Missouri Career Center GED program or and on-line
GED program.
16Missourians with High School Diplomas or GEDs
- Strategies - Measure No. 2
- Expand inventory of Web-based or electronic media
short term instructional and training modules
available to all education and training provider
and businesses.
17Missourians with High School Diplomas or GEDs
- Strategies - Measure No. 3
- All Missouri Career Center will offer literacy
programs. - Local Workforce Investment Boards to build
coalitions of education,community, and faith
based action agencies, and representatives of
local businesses to establish literacy
improvement programs in their region. - Unemployment rate, average length of employment,
wage and turnover rates.
18Missourians with High School Diplomas or GEDs
- Strategies - Measure No. 4
- Maintain the states community and technical
colleges as points of access to affordable,
quality post secondary education. - Increase participation in the States community
and technical college out of district
instructional and other off campus training sites
as outlined in the State Technical Education Now
19Missourians with High School Diplomas or GEDs
- Strategies - Measure No. 6
- Expand programming available through the states
electronic delivery system. - Showcase Regional Technical Education Councils
(RTECs) best practices. - Develop additional private/public partnerships to
increase business profitability and worker
20Missourians with High School Diplomas or GEDs
- Strategies - Measure No. 6
- Design and deploy distance learning programs in
targeted industry and occupational clusters, and
thereby reduce duplication.
21Missourians with High School Diploma or GEDs
- Recognize existing or establish new occupational
skill standards adopted by CBHE and DESE,
validated by business and industry and
effectively communicated to education providers
and business.
22Missourians with High School Diplomas or GEDs
- Reduce course redundancy for students through
recognition and implementation of skill standards
between institutions.