PEIMS SUMMER UPDATE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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In the event that there appears to be a question as to which ethnic or racial ... who associate in the commission of criminal activities under Penal Code 71.01 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • April 23, 2009

  • Welcome
  • Lonestar Reports
  • Data Standard Changes for 09/10
  • Summer PEIMS Reminders
  • Edit and PET
  • Texas Records Exchange (TREx)
  • Student Attendance Handbook Reminders
  • Discipline Data Validation Reminders
  • Getting Ready for Summer PEIMS

Data Standards Changes 2009-2010
  • 011/033 records have more clarification.
  • Next year Regional Day School for the Deaf will
    be eligible to collect ADA.
  • RDSD will begin reporting the 033 record for the
    member districts in 2010-11.

New 090 Record
Old 090 Record
Where did you come from?
New Ethnicity and Race Data Collection
  • The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is implementing
    the new federal standard for the collection of
    ethnicity and race information beginning with
    data collected in the 2009 2010 school year.
  • For just the 2009-2010 school year, PEIMS will
    collect this information using both the old
    (1977), and the new (1997) federal reporting
  • This will enable the agency to link the data
    collected under the two different systems across
    multiple years.

  • This new reporting standard was used during the
    2000 Census.
  • In October 2007, the United States Department of
    Education (USDE) issued their final guidance to
    educational institutions on the adoption of new
    federal standards for collecting and reporting
    ethnicity and race data for students and staff.
  • A copy of the final guidance published in the
    Federal Register can be found at
  • http//

1. The USDE requires that ethnicity and race be
collected separately using a specific two-part
question, presented in a specific order. Both
parts of the question must be answered.
  • Part 1. Ethnicity Is the person
    Hispanic/Latino? Choose only one.
  • _____Hispanic/Latino
  • _____Not Hispanic/Latino
  • Part 2. Race What is the persons race?
    Choose one or more regardless of
    ethnicity. ____a. American Indian or Alaska
  • ____b. Asian
  • ____c. Black or African American
  • ____d. Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
  • ____e. White

  • 2. Respondents may select only one category for
    ethnicity, but may select multiple designations
    for race.
  • 3. The categories for ethnicity are
    Hispanic/Latino and Not Hispanic/Latino.
    Regardless of the category selected for
    ethnicity, respondents must still select one or
    more categories for race.

  • 4. One of the major changes is the recognition
    that members of Hispanic populations can be of
    different races. The federal government would
    like to afford Hispanic/Latino populations the
    opportunity to better describe themselves
    according to their culture and heritage.
  • 5. An additional category for race was created by
    separating Asian or Pacific Islander into two
    separate categories. The categories for race
    include American Indian or Alaska Native,
    Asian, Black or African American, Native
    Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White.
    Note that Hispanic/Latino is not a racial

Seven categories for aggregate reporting
  • 6. The categories to be used when reporting
    aggregate data to the USDE differ from the
    categories to be used for data collection. Each
    student or staff member is associated with only
    one of the seven aggregate reporting categories
    listed below. Use of these seven categories for
    aggregate reporting eliminates the possibility of
    counting an individual twice.
  • Hispanic/Latino
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Two or More Races

  • 7. Educational institutions must retain all
    original, individual responses for a minimum of 3
    years, unless there is litigation, a claim, an
    audit, investigation or other action involving
    the records that has commenced before the
    three-year period ends, in which case the
    responses must be retained until the action is

Collecting the Information
  • Self identification by an individual staff
    member, or by the parent or guardian in the case
    of a student, is the preferred  method for
    collecting information on ethnicity and race.
  • In the event that there appears to be a question
    as to which ethnic or racial category is most
    appropriate, the respondent should select the
    category with which they personally identify.
  • Any attempt to validate the individuals
    selections should be avoided.

  • The Texas Education Agency has requested and
    received additional clarification from the USDE
    on the definition of American Indian or Alaska
    Native. Based on the information we have
    received, an individual does not have to be a
    tribal member in order to select this option.

Suggestions for Observer Identification
  • The USDE requires the use of observer
    identification at the elementary and secondary
    school level as a last resort, if racial and
    ethnic data are not self identified. In addition
    to visual observation, the following sources of
    information are suggested to assist school
    district staff in conducting observer
    identification if a parent/guardian or staff
    member declines to provide the requested

  • Ensure that the parent/guardian or staff member
    has not overlooked or misunderstood the question.
  • Check the students or staff members prior
    record to determine whether a racial category was
    selected in the past.
  • Check the students birth certificate.
  • Check the students home language or parents
    language of preference.
  • Check with a teacher or counselor who has first
    hand knowledge of the student or their family.

  • Respondents who select Hispanic/Latino for
    ethnicity will be counted in this category for
    aggregate reporting to the USDE, regardless of
    the responses provided to the question on race.
  • Respondents who select Not Hispanic/Latino for
    ethnicity, and select more than one category for
    race, will be counted in the category Two or
    More Races for aggregate reporting to the USDE.
  • Respondents, who select Not Hispanic/Latino for
    ethnicity, and select only one category for race,
    will be counted in the single racial category for
    aggregate reporting to the USDE.

2-4 Hour Rule
  • Remember next year that students in dual credit
    courses who are charged tuition must take enough
    classes that meet the 2-4 hour rule in addition
    to taking the dual credit classes in order to
    claim eligible attendance for a full or half day.

Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Reminders
2.2.5 Attendance System Procedures Manual
  • Your district or charter school must maintain a
    procedures manual that provides specific,
    detailed information on the district's school
    attendance accounting system. This procedure
    manual must include the following information
  • how and when teachers are to take official
  • how attendance is entered into the attendance
    accounting system,
  • which position(s) is/are responsible for the
    coding of special programs (such as career and
    technical, special education, Pregnancy Related
    Services, etc.),
  • how changes to special programs are to be
  • how student membership is to be reconciled
    between the teacher rosters and the attendance
    accounting database,
  • how your district will maintain attendance
    accounting records (including computerized
    records, period absence slips, and official
    calendar) after the completion of the school
  • what backup systems are in place to protect the
    attendance accounting records (more detail if
    using file banc), and
  • which position is responsible for the maintenance
    and security of the attendance accounting

Student Attendance Reports
  • 2.3.1 Student Detail Reports
  • 2.3.2 Campus Summary Reports
  • 2.3.3 District Summary Reports
  • 2.3.4 Reconciliation of Teacher's Roster
    Information and Attendance Accounting Records
  • Remember these reports must be signed and on file
    at district or be able to recreate.

2.3.5 Additional Required Documentation
  • 1. Gradebooks (retained for one year after
    entering grades into the student's Academic
    Achievement Records AAR). Gradebooks are
    especially important in proving a student's
    special program service when end-of-semester
    grades were not received.
  • 2. Period absence reports (e.g., slips, 6-week
    attendance cards, etc.), if used, from the
    official attendance hour/period, signed by the
  • 3. For paperless accounting systems in which
    absences are posted directly to the ADP system,
    sufficient paper documentation to support any
    changes to posted absences (see 2.2.3 "Paperless"
    Attendance Accounting Systems)
  • 4. Campus Daily Absence Summary Reports, if used
  • 5. Class admittance slips or other documentation
    to support the claim that a student was with a
    nurse, counselor, assistant principal, or other
    school official at the time attendance was taken
    (see 3.6.3 Requirements for a Student's Being
    Considered Present or Absent)

  • 6. Documentation supporting the claim that a
    student was attending a board-approved activity,
    accompanied by a certified teacher/adjunct staff
    member of the district, signed by the person who
    supervised the student(s).
  • 7. Documentation supporting the claim that a
    student was at a documented appointment with a
    health care professional (see 3.6.3 Requirements
    for a Student's Being Considered Present or
  • 8. Documentation supporting the claim that a
    student was participating in a district-approved
    mentorship through the Distinguished Achievement
    Program (see 3.6.3 Requirements for a Student's
    Being Considered Present or Absent)
  • 9. If any data changes are made subsequent to
    submission to TEA, updated and/or corrected
    copies of all reports are required to be
    available for audit (see 3.10 Quality Control).
  • 10. Copies of the student's schedule showing the
    date of change if the student experienced a
    program change, including dates of withdrawal.
    For example, documentation must be on file if a
    student changed from a 1-hour to a 3-hour career
    and technical course or if the student withdrew
    from the program.

  • 11. Copies of any approved waivers your district
    may have received that affect funding
  • 12. A copy of the official school calendar
    reflecting all days of instruction and holidays
    (including bad weather days) for each
    instructional track offered in your district.
    (Each 6-week reporting period must be clearly
  • 13. Special program documentation as described in
    each special program section in this handbook,
    including proof of service (see item 1 above)
  • 14. Documentation that indicates the meaning of
    all locally designed codes in the attendance
  • 15. A copy of the Community-Based Dropout
    Recovery Education Program contract, if
  • Local Schedule SD, Texas State Library and
    Archive Commission

Things the Auditors wanted
  • 1. Any attendance changes the Attendance Clerk
    needs to make after student has been marked
    absent must be documented and initialed by
  • 2.Make sure 1st and 4th six weeks reconciliation
    reports are signed.
  • 3. Six Weeks Superintendent and Principal Report.
    (page 34 in Attendance Accounting Handbook)
  • 4.Make sure all enrollment and withdrawal forms
    are signed by parent or guardian and dated.  If
    unable to obtain signature, document.
  • 5.Copy of SS card and Birth Certificate are vital
    in permanent files.
  • 6.Organize permanent files by fiscal year.
  • 7.PRS homebound logs need place for Student ID or
    SS.  Plus place for student to initial by date
    and time served.  Prenatal Home Instruction must
    require Dr. order on file.

Summer PEIMS Reminders!
PEIMS Data Collection Due Dates 2008-2009
Data Standards Reminders
  • LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT on the 101 record is the
    student's final day of enrollment in the regular
    school year. If the student was enrolled in the
    district on the final day of the regular school
    year, the LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT is the final
    day of the school year. If the student was
    enrolled in the district at some time during the
    year, but not on the final day of the school
    year, the LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT is the last day
    the student was enrolled in the district.

  • Each student has only one LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT
    regardless of the number of times he or she was
    enrolled during the school year. If a student was
    enrolled in the district, left, and then enrolled
    again, LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT is the students
    final date of enrollment.

Career and Technical Code Summer Submission
  • For Submission 3, the CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-
    CD is reported based on the end of year status
    for the student. Generally, the students last
    CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD would be reported
    for submission 3.
  • For example, if the student was a
    CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD of 1 in the fall
    but changed to a CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD
    of 2 for the spring, then the
    CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD would be reported
    as a 2 for Submission 3.

  • For students who are coded as CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL
    -ED-IND-CD 1, they must have completed a CTE
    course during the course of the school year.
  • For students who are reported with a
    they must have either been enrolled in a CTE
    course during the school year, or have already
    completed at least one CTE course which is part
    of their CTE coherent course sequence.
  • (See the CTE Summer Decision Chart on page 2.70.)

  • careertechsummer.doc

Campus ID of Accountability
  • CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY is reported because
    some students attend only DAEP and/or JJAEP
    campuses. Beginning in 2008-09,
    CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY will be reported in
    Submissions 1 and 3.
  • Submission 3, this field is used to determine
    attendance and/or leaver data attribution for
    campus accountability.
    JJAEP. This field is used for a student who was
    only enrolled at a DAEP and/or a JJAEP.

  • Also reported on the 400 record.
  • 0 - Not LEP
  • 1 - Identified as limited English proficient
  • F - Student exited from LEP status - Monitored 1
  • S - Student exited from LEP status - Monitored 2

New PEIMS Records 2008-2009

PEIMS Edit Release Letter Summer/Extended Year
  • PET Reminder! From June 1 through August 31,
    there is a temporary overlap of two school years.
    Please remember the following

  • verify that you have selected the correct school
    year from the PET Home page and
  • verify your PET file has the correct file-naming

  • For the 2008-2009 School Year The PET system
    will allow transfer of PET files using the
    8-character file naming convention of P9District
    ID through 8/31/09.
  • For the 2009-2010 School Year and beyond The PET
    system requires the new 11-character file naming
    convention of P2010District ID beginning
  • Note During the 6/1/09 through 8/31/09 time
    frame (when there is an overlap of the 2008-2009
    and the 2009-2010 school years), any PET file
    submitted for the 2008-2009 school year must use
    the 8-character file naming convention.

New Summer Reports
  • Added Reports for Flex Attendance Optional
    Flexible School Day

TREx v 3.4 Enhancements
  • Expect to see new version in June

TREx v 3.4 Enhancements
  • Manual Update - Records can now be updated after
    they have been uploaded to the TREx server. This
    provides the ability to add data to an existing
    record instead of scanning and attaching a
    document. Example adding immunization
    information to an existing record.
  • Attachments can now be added on the Inbound
    Request screen without going through Manage
  • ESC Viewer Role - Reports can now be run for ALL
    DISTRICTS or for an individual district or
    campus. Results can be grouped by -
    Sending Institution - Receiving Institution
    - Sending District - Receiving District
  • A new Final Grade Average element has been added
    to the student record and the transcript for year
    long courses. If a school uses the local option
    to average both semester grades to award credit
    for a year long course, the final grade average
    must be populated. If populated, the final grade
    average will be sent through SPEEDE in lieu of
    the grade average.
  • 5 Grade Level EE can now be reported through

TREx v 3.4 Enhancements
  • Grade Level is no longer required for students
    who have graduated if a valid graduation date is
  • The Graduation Program Type now appears on the
    student record and the transcript in addition to
    the code.
  • Course Special Explanation Code "0" (zero) will
    no longer print on the student record or
    transcript. Course Special Explanation Code V"
    will no longer print on the transcript. Records
    containing these codes can still be uploaded
    through TREx, but the codes will no longer appear
    on the printed records.
  • The Completed Transaction Report now displays
    whether a college or university has rejected a
  • Inactive TREx users no longer receive email
  • On National Option Records - Assessment Names and
    Scores now appear on the same row.
  • 12 On the History view of a National Option
    institution the duplicate delivery status after
    a SEND has been eliminated.

TREx v 3.4 Enhancements
  • If an XML file contains the word Exempt in the
    Assessment Score field the file will still
    upload, but the word Exempt will no longer
    appear on the student transcript.
  • The watermark Unofficial no longer appears on
    the transcript when a record is first uploaded.
  • The watermark Pending only displays until
    record is accepted by the requester.
  • 16 Upload Legend now clarifies that the
    uploaded file will be attached to every record
    sent through TREx from the campus. This function
    was intended for campus grade scales and other
    documentation to be send with every student
    record or transcript.

TREx v 3.4 Enhancements
  • 17 Add new Race/Ethnicity values (requires new
  • One or more of the following races/ethnicities
    may be displayed
  • Hispanic/Latino
  • American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • Black
  • White
  • Asian
  • Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

TREx v 3.4 Enhancements
  • 18 Distinguished Achievement Program - The
    following will display after the Assessment Table
    on the transcript
  • Distinguished Achievement Program
  • Advanced Measure 1 Original research/project
  • Advanced Measure 2 Original research/project
  • Advanced Measure 3 Qualifying PSAT score
  • Advanced Measure 4 College course - 3.0 or
  • A - Original research/project
  • B - AP score 3 or
  • C - B score 4 or above
  • D - Qualifying PSAT
  • E - College course -
    3.0 or higher
  • F - Articulated course
    - 3.0 or higher

Discipline Data Validation
  • Discipline Data Validation Indicator 1 Length
    of Students Out-Of-School Suspension
  • This indicator identifies districts with students
    reported as suspended out-of-school (OSS) for
    more than the three school days allowed under TEC

Out-of-school suspensions are those that have the
followingAction Codes
  • 05Out-of-school suspension
  • 25Partial day out-of-school suspension

  • Discipline Data Validation Indicator 2
    Unauthorized Student Expulsion
  • This indicator identifies districts with students
    reported as expelled from their regular education
    setting based on a disciplinary reason not
    allowed under TEC 37.007.

  • A district will trigger this indicator if it
    reports one of the following Reason Codes in
    combination with one of the Action Codes below
    and on the next page
  • 01Permanent Removal by a Teacher from Class
    TEC 37.002(b)
  • 02Conduct punishable as a felony TEC
  • 07Public lewdness or indecent exposure TEC
  • 21Violation of student code of conduct not
    included under TEC 37.002(b), 37.006, or 37.007
  • 28Assault under Penal Code 22.01(a)(1) against
    someone other than a school district employee or
    volunteer TEC 37.006(a)(2)(B)

  • 33Possessed, purchased, used, or accepted a
    cigarette or tobacco product as defined in the
    Health and Safety Code, Section 3.01, Chapter
  • 34School-related gang violence Action by three
    or more persons having a common identifying sign
    or symbol, or an identifiable sign or symbol, or
    an identifiable leadership who associate in the
    commission of criminal activities under Penal
    Code 71.01
  • 41Fighting/Mutual combat Excludes all offenses
    under Penal Code 22.01

  • Discipline Data Validation Indicator 3
    Unauthorized Expulsion of a Student under Age 10
  • This indicator identifies districts that reported
    expelling a student under age 10, which is
    prohibited under TEC 37.007(h) unless the
    student is expelled to a DAEP program for
    bringing a firearm to school, as defined by 18
    U.S.C. Section 921.

  • The following Action Codes pertaining to
    expulsion are not appropriate for students under
    age 10. Reason Code 11 (Used, exhibited, or
    possessed a firearmTEC 37.007(a)(1)(A) and
    37.007(e) and/or brought a firearm to school
    TEC 37.007(e)) is not considered in this
  • 01Expulsion (TEC 37.007) without placement in
    another educational setting as a result of a
    formal expulsion hearing TEC 37.009(f)
  • 02Expulsion (TEC 37.007) with placement in a
    JJAEP as a result of a formal expulsion hearing
    TEC 37.009(f)
  • 03Expulsion (TEC 37.007) with placement in an
    on-campus DAEP as a result of a formal expulsion
    hearing TEC 37.009(f)
  • 04Expulsion (TEC 37.007) with placement in an
    off-campus DAEP as a result of a formal expulsion
    hearing TEC 37.009(f)
  • 09Continuation of other districts expulsion
  • 11Continuation of the districts expulsion order
    from the prior school year
  • 12Continuation of the districts expulsion with
    placement to a JJAEP from the prior school year
  • 15Continuation of other districts expulsion
    with placement to a JJAEP

  • 50Expulsion without placement in another
    educational setting as a result of a
    determination by a special education hearing
    officer (not a hearing officer employed or
    appointed by the district)
  • 51Expulsion with placement to a JJAEP as a
    result of a determination by a special education
    hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed
    or appointed by the district)
  • 52Expulsion with placement to an on-campus DAEP
    as a result of a determination by a special
    education hearing officer (not a hearing officer
    employed or appointed by the district)
  • 53Expulsion with placement to an off-campus DAEP
    as a result of a determination by a special
    education hearing officer (not a hearing officer
    employed or appointed by the district)
  • 56Continuation of other districts expulsion
    order as a result of a determination by a special
    education hearing officer (not a hearing officer
    employed or appointed by the district)
  • 58Continuation of the districts expulsion order
    from the prior school year as a result of a
    determination by a special education hearing
    officer (not a hearing officer employed or
    appointed by the district)
  • 59Continuation of the districts expulsion with
    placement to a JJAEP from the prior school year
    as a result of a determination by a special
    education hearing officer (not a hearing officer
    employed or appointed by the district)
  • 61Continuation of other districts expulsion
    with placement to a JJAEP as a result of a
    determination by a special education hearing
    officer (not a hearing officer employed or
    appointed by the district)

  • Discipline Data Validation Indicator 4
    Unauthorized DAEP Placement of a Student Under
    Age 6
  • This indicator identifies districts that reported
    a DAEP placement of a student under age 6, which
    is prohibited under TEC 37.006(l) unless the
    student is expelled to a DAEP program for
    bringing a firearm to school, as defined by 18
    U.S.C. Section 921.

  • Discipline Data Validation Indicator 5 High
    Number of Discretionary DAEP Placements
  • This indicator identifies districts with a high
    number of discretionary DAEP placements for all

The following Action Codes are used in this
  • 07Placement in an on-campus or off-campus DAEP
    (TEC 37.008) as a result of a conference TEC
    37.009(a), rather than a formal hearing as
    required for expulsion
  • 08Continuation of other districts DAEP
  • 10Continuation of the districts DAEP placement
    from the prior school year

  • The following Reason Codes are used for this
  • 01Permanent Removal by a Teacher from Class
    TEC 37.002 (b)
  • 10Based on conduct occurring off campus and
    while the student is not in attendance at a
    school-sponsored or school-related activity for
    felony offenses not in Title 5, Penal Code TEC
    37.006(d) and TEC 37.007(b)(4)
  • 21Violation of student code of conduct not
    included under TEC 37.002(b), 37.006, or 37.007
  • 22Criminal mischief TEC 37.007(f)
  • 23Emergency Placement/expulsion TEC 37.019
  • 33Possessed, purchased, used, or accepted a
    cigarette or tobacco product as defined in the
    Health and Safety Code, Section 3.01, Chapter
  • 34School-related gang violence Action by three
    or more persons having a common identifying sign
    or symbol, or an identifiable sign or symbol, or
    an identifiable leadership who associate in the
    commission of criminal activities under Penal
    Code 71.01
  • 41Fighting/Mutual Combat Excludes all offenses
    under Penal Code 22.01
  • 49Engages in deadly conduct TEC 37.007(b)(3)
  • 50Used, exhibited or possessed a non-illegal
    knife as defined by student code of conduct and
    as allowed under TEC 37.007. (Knife blade equal
    to or less than 5.5 inches.)
  • 51Firearm (Off Campus 300 ft. Zone)
  • 52Illegal Knife, Club, or Prohibited Weapon (Off
    Campus 300 ft. Zone)

For each district, calculate the district
discretionary DAEP placement rate for all
  • District number of discretionary DAEP placements
    of all students in 2007-2008
  • / Divided by
  • District number of all students in attendance in
  • Equals
  • District discretionary DAEP placement rate
  • A district will trigger this indicator if its
    discretionary DAEP placement rate is 5.0 or
    higher (i.e., more than two and half times higher
    than the 2007 state rate of 1.9).

  • Discipline Data Validation Indicator 6 African
    American Discretionary DAEP Placements (Report
    Only Indicator)
  • This indicator provides districts with reporting
    information about the number of African American
    discretionary DAEP placements compared to the
    number of discretionary DAEP placements for all

  • Discipline Data Validation Indicator 7 No
    Mandatory Expellable Incidents Reported for
    Multiple Years
  • This indicator identifies districts that have one
    or more campuses with no mandatory expellable
    incidents reported for three years.

Getting Ready for Summer Collection
  • Student Attendance Data
  • PRF7D001 005 Superintendent/Principal reports
    and compare to your software reports.
  • Run PRF7D007 Comparison of Current and Prior Year
  • Attendance Diagnostic Reports Run all before
    completing your file!

  • Course Completion Data
  • PRF7D006 Number of Students Completing Courses by
    Pass/Fail Indicator
  • PRF7D015 Students Completing Courses by
    Distance Learning Code
  • PRF7D016 - Students Completing Courses by Dual


  • Discipline Data
  • PRF7D014 Student Disciplinary Action Summary

  • Restraint Data
  •  PRFRD007 Student Disciplinary Action Detail
    Report by Reason, Including Restraint Instances
  • Title I, Part A Data
  • PRF7D051 Title I Part A Student Summary by

Summer PEIMS submission
  • Remember this is the submission that funds your
  • The data is very important.
  • It is critical that each campus become
    responsible for checking campus reports and the
    PEIMS coordinator check district reports!

  • Process important reports by district
  • AND by campus
  • Check your reports by campus!
  • You do not want your district to be flagged on
    Performance Based Monitoring Data Integrity

Student Attendance Data
  • Run PRFAD012 Duplicate Student Report for
    Attendance after the Summer PEIMS submission due
  • Report PRFAD012 will be in the Turnaround reports

Remember to submit PET
  • Remember to send one last PET submission after
    your final Summer PEIMS submission and before you
    Rollover to the new year.
  • Please call us!
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