Title: Once in a lifetime opportunity
1Once in a lifetime opportunity
2Lesson 1 Visual 2
3Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
What is the most spectacular event you have ever
been invited to participate in? How do these
compare to being at the Lords eternal banquet?
4I. Jesus Ministers and Teaches as He Works His
Way Toward Jerusalem (Luke 1322-30)
5As followers of Christ, God brings people into
our lives who need to be saved. Who is one
person God has brought across your path and into
your life who does not currently have a reserved
seat at Gods banquet table?
6B. Jesus Does Not Answer the Question Directly,
But Instead, Refocuses the Question (vv.24-30)
7For those involved in other religions, how do we
tell them that the door to Heaven is very narrow,
and that there is only ONE way to Heaven, without
offending them and their beliefs?
8II. Jesus Compares the Kingdom to a Banquet
(Luke 1324-30)
9 What are the most common efforts you see re
lost people trying to get to Heaven on their own?
10 B. Pleading Will Not Bring Admittance to the
Banquet Because There is No Relationship Between
the Host and the Many Seeking Entrance v. 25
11Why do you think people who have heard a clear
presentation of how to spend eternity in Heaven
refuse to accept Christ or procrastinate (Ill
do it later)
12Have YOU received Christ as your personal Lord
and Savior? If so, consider sharing your
story with the class. If not, would YOU be
willing to receive Christ today?
13- Since it is Gods will for people from all over
the world to have a seat at His banquet table,
have you ever considered participating in a CFBC
Mission Trip? What are the possibilities of your
Life Group teaming up to participate in a CFBC
Mission Trip?
14Who are some people or people groups that might
be considered to be last on earth that likely
will be considered first in Heaven?
15Enter the Narrow Gate