Title: Fish in the global food supply chain
1Fish in the global food supply chain
- GrĂmur Valdimarsson, Director
- Fish Products and Industry Division
- Food and Agriculture Organization
- of the United Nations,Rome
2- Production and consumption
- The business side of fisheries and aquaculture
- Globalization and some side effects
- The classics of ineffective fisheries management
- The new wholesomeness paradigm of food
3Utilization supply World (19512005)
4Contribution to food
5World fish consumptioncompared with meat
FAO Stat and Fish Stat 2005
6The business side of fisheries and aquaculture
7BIG GROWING gt Attractive to Investors
The Seafood Industry Value Chain
Estimated Total Value 400 billion
Source Davidsson, K. 2007 (Glitnir Bank and FAO)
8Value Chain revenue distribution
FAO study
9Retail prices on selected food products and
retail price index in UK
10How are developing countries doing in value
- FAO survey 6000 branded seafood products in
Italy and France - Only 10 originated in developing countries
mostly canned fish - Very low share of prepared seafood meals
11(No Transcript)
12FAO/OECD workshop...
- Clear commitment to environmental certification
- Governments moving too slowly
- Free trade arrangements under threat by the rise
of private standards
13Government vs the private sector?
14Objectives of government sector
15Objectives of private sector
16Corporate Social Responsibility
17At the FAO/OECD workshop Peter Redmond from
Wal-Mart said...
- Sustainable sourcing matters for Wal-Mart
because - It entails a continued license to for the company
to grow - - It is the right thing to do
18Quentin Clark, Waitrose Sustainability too
important to be left to the market
19More classical fishery problems ineffective
management of capture fisheries
20- Catch limits not set
- Open /semi open access still prevails
- Ineffective regulatory approach
21- Addressing the real problem
- Assign legally secure fishing rights to the
people in the fisheries sector
May 2005
May 2005
22Facing our Alternatives
- The FAO Secretariat has moved, beyond a doubt,
on the matter of whether fishing rights are good
or not. They are absolutely necessary and
fundamental to the sustainability of the worlds
fisheries resources. - Nomura, 2006
23Aquaculture Processing Marketing
- Sophisticated quality and logistics
- Ineffective regulatory regimes
- Uncontrolled
- Just-in-time supplies - ISO standards - HACCP -
GHP/GMP - Traceability
Data poor
Data rich
24Safety of fishery products wholesomeness
25Fish safety regimes
- Preventive HACCP has been a sucess
- Risk assessment separated from risk management
- Primary responsibility rest with food business
- Competent authorities of states function well
- Still too much end product sampling
- More harmonization of standards needed
- Still too many standards that are not science
26Wholesomeness Codex request for risk-benefits
analysis for fish consumption. Terms of reference
- Assessment of the health risks associated with
the consumption of seafood and other seafood - Assessment of the health benefits of fish and
other seafood consumption -
- Comparison of the health risks and health
benefits of fish and other seafood consumption. - to develop a methodology and identify the data
necessary for carrying out quantitative
assessments of risks and benefits related to fish
and other seafood consumption.
..the study results confirm the validity of the
recommendations formulated by various national
scientific bodies that the general population
should consume fish at least twice a week,
including some oily fish, and that pregnant or
breast feeding women should consume predator fish
not more than once a week
28(No Transcript)
29Healthy diet and healthy food in the Netherlands
- Inadequate diet 13.000 deaths
- Food-borne infections 20-200 deaths
- The business side of fisheries underestimated
- Environmental concerns are real and will be
pursued - Poor / inefficient fisheries management could
mean lost business - Globalization calls for more harmonization of
standards - The wholesomeness paradigm very important for
the seafood sector
31Thank you