Title: Life%20Coaching%20Presentation%20By%20Samantha%20Hamilton
1Life Coaching PresentationBy Samantha Hamilton
2Introduction Overview
Life Coaching Helping you to see life in
focus Reminding you off your achievements Empowe
ring you to learn from your disappointments Helpi
ng you to heal from your mistakes Triggering you
to notices areas for improvement Encouraging you
to develop invaluable qualities from within
yourself, to take your life to the next level.
3Circle of Life
Circle of Life
4Circle of Life
- Integrate action into your daily life
- Imagine your goals already exist
- Accept the ebbs and flows are a part of learning
- Just the act of writing is very therapeutic
- Experience the healing of releasing your emotions
and thoughts on paper - Instantly relax and get yourself centered
5Positive affirmation for Health
I balance my life between work rest and play I
allow equal time in all areas of my life I do
something new or at least different every day My
potential is unlimited
6(No Transcript)
7Wheel of achievement
- Are you living the life you dream of ?
- Imagine everything being possible
- Take your career to the next level and enjoy the
process - The power of positive thinking
- Understanding the emotions within
- Turning your failures into success
- Discover your true passion in life
- Understanding stagnation is the next stage to
transformation - Learn how to be a true optimist
8Self Esteem
How satisfied are you with your life? In most
ways my life is close to my ideal The conditions
of my life are excellent I am satisfied with
life So far I have got the important things I
want in life If I could live my life over, I
would change almost nothing.
9Taking Action Self Motivation
- Appreciating the present moment
- Are you happy with your present script?
- Are you doing the things you really want to do?
- Do you want to take action now?
- If you were to describe your life what kind of
script would you write - How would your life story begin and how do you
see yourself in this - Do you value every moment, every feeling
10Job success
My job allows me to express my talents and
abilities I am grateful for this employment At
my job my co workers and I encourage each others
success and growth.