Title: Chp' 32 Magnetism of Matter slide 1
1- Chapter 32
- Magnetism of Matter
- Magnets
- Earths Magnetic Field
- Origin of Magnetism
- Magnetic Materials
- Diamagnetism
- Paramagnetism
- Ferromagnetism
232-3 The Magnetism of Earth
Law of induction 1831 (Faraday -
England) (Henry - USA)
Equator 30 ?T, Poles 60 ?T Earths core few
thousand oC
Modern technology Magnetic tapes disks
(video recorders, credit cards,
computers) Motors, Generators, Telephones,
Yamanashi MLX01 Maglev train 552 km.h-1
ro_magnet.htm http//www.rtri.or.jp/rd/maglev/html
332-4 Magnetism and Electrons
- 29-9 The Magnetic Dipole
- ? Magnetic dipole moment
- Vector which describes a dipoles magnetic
Atom spinning electron orbital electron
?S ?orb
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632-5 Magnetic Materials Paramagnetic Diamag
netic Ferromagnetic Ferrimagnetic Antiferrom
Ferromagnetism ? exchange coupling
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8Diamagnetism No external B-field ? No net
dipole moment no. of e- clockwise no. of e-
anti-clockwise External B-field induces a
magnetic moment (?) opposite to external B-field
direction. Superconductors (? ? 0) frictionless
bearings (repelling magnetic force).
Paramagnetism No external B-field ? No net
dipole moment spin and electron orbit moments
are randomly oriented and cancel one another.
B-field induces a magnetic moment (?) parallel
to external B-field direction.
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