Title: 1 of 7
th E. Williams
JPL 303-411 AM / 301-427 PM LMA MSA 1 818
354-1275 0800 AM - 0500 PM PST 20 Nov 2003
2Navigation Requirements
- None specified, expected Navigation performance
and capability adopted as requirement - Must deliver S/C to 300 km flyby within 16 km
(1-sigma) in B.T and B.R after last TCM
(nominally at E-18h) - Must know (but not control) Time of Encounter to
1,100 km or 180 sec (1-sigma) at E-8h - This level of accuracy provides for
- Collecting 500 particles 15 mm or larger
- Gives a probability of serious impact to the
spacecraft shielding 60 times less than Giotto at
Halley Encounter or less than 2 - Enables the spacecraft to maintain carrier signal
during Wild 2 Flyby
3Robust Wild 2 Encounter Navigation Design
- Maneuver startegy flexible to accommodate
uncertainty in time of comet detection - Success of Wild 2 Encounter and ease of
operations dependent on two major factors - Optical Nav must detect Wild 2 before E-8d
(DONE!) - Expected to be seen by E-20d (already detected as
of E-45d) - At least two TCMs must be performed during
Approach - One at E-10d (nominal), E-6d or E-2d
(contingencies) - Another at E-2d (nominal) or as late as E-18h or
E-12h - Option to do early TCM at E-30d if comet already
detected - Opportunity to correct Wild 2 ephemeris error
early - Not critical - 80 m/s margin available to ensure
100 psia for ACS response during Encounter
(another 100 m/s in reserve thru EOM) - Nav had implemented all timelines and interfaces
during the Annefrank Encounter real-time
operations and has retested for recent ORT
4Maneuver Design
- Maneuvers prior to E-2d to target to 150 km
- First TCM opportunity at E-30d (preliminary
Delta-V 1.5 m/s) - Next TCM at E-10d (lt 7 m/s in worst case, 275 km
1-sigma delivery error) - Time-of-flight does not need to be controlled
- 180 sec (1-sigma) worst case if uncorrected
(Delta-V lt3 m/s) - Can slip as late as E-6d (lt5.4 m/s with no TOF
correction) - Maneuver at E-2d to shift to final target at 300
km - 70 probability within ?90 roll about approach
velocity vector - Project desire to avoid gt 90 turn away from
Sun/Earth if possible - Requires lt 4 m/s to improve to lt65 km, 1-sigma,
delivery error) - Time-of-flight not controlled (8-hr development
5Maneuver Design - Continued
- Maneuver may be performed at E-18h to clean up
execution errors from E-2d TCM to improve
targeting precision - Will be performed only if statistically
meaningful - 28 probability not needed at all
- 22 probability beyond ?90 roll about approach
velocity vector - Time-of-flight not controlled (8-hr development
timeline) - Can be slipped to as late as E-12h (lt 2.3 m/s
Delta-V and lt24 km, 1-sigma, delivery error --gt
13.5 bank angle at CA --gt still supports MGA
carrier only) - GO/No-GO criteria in place for all Wild 2
approach maneuvers (tested at Annefrank and to be
retested in upcoming ORT) - Near-continuous DSN coverage in place with dual
coverage within E2h
6Maneuver Design - Contingencies
- TCM at E-30d can be cancelled
- TCM at E-10d can be slipped to E-6d or E-2d
- TCM at E-2d can be slipped to as late as E-12h
- As final option, up to 5 TCMs pre-designed and
tested to move away from comet in Earth-Wild 2
plane at E-6h - Will be uplinked and stored on S/C before E-2d
- No attitude turns needed
- Designed to cover range of 100-1000 km of
movement in B-plane at E-6h - If desired, can be executed anytime after E-2d if
desired to further augment movement away from
Wild 2 - In the event of camera failure, flyby will be
targeted to safe distance (gt1,000 km) based on
latest Wild 2 ephemeris knowledge - Implemented by 1 of 5 stored TCMs if desired as
late as E-6h - Nav stands down for the remainder of the
Encounter period
7Navigation Readiness Status
- All operations, timelines and interfaces tested
successfully at previous Annefrank Flyby - Annefrank too dim on Approach - Opt Nav performed
with Flyby Annefrank/star images - New ORTs have/will retest for last 2.5 days prior
to Wild 2 Encounter - Participants to be certified for operations by
Project/MMO - Doppler and Ranging Only, no-Delta DOR
implemented - No new observations, facilities, first-time
events for Radio Nav and Maneuver - Workforce, Backups and Contingencies in place
- Navigation Advisory Group (NAG) Readiness Review
successfully completed - 9 RFAs considered
- Reduced number and complexity of approach
maneuvers where feasible and adjusted staffing
plans to reduce fatigue, meet CAN rqmts - Possible Opt Nav staffing at LMA still an open
issue - All will be reconciled before Dec 15
- Agreed that Nav ready and qualified, pending
final ORT, for Wild Encounter Operations
8Backup Charts
9Navigation Staffing Plan
10Some Feedback from Navigation Peer Review
- Simplify Maneuver Plan v
- TOF control not required (adjust encounter seq
start time allow schedule for final two days to
float 1 hour, provided known by Dec 30) - Test of compressed (2.5 day) full TCM design
entails schedule risk - not needed (rely on
existing 8-hour and 10-day TCM design templates) - Clarify requirements/rationale for avoiding
off-sun rolls for later TCMs - Adjust Staffing Plan v
- Additional OD support recommended to avoid
fatigue while still meeting CAN requirements - Reduced MMNAV support (critical activities only)
- Wider participation in meetings involving key
decisions (include in ORT) - Recommend backup OPNAV support at LMA in case JPL
goes down (as additional measure to support
selection of 1 of 5 canned maneuvers) - Dual DSN coverage desirable for TCMs (probably
not feasible given contention for DSN resources)
11Nav Personnel Training and Certification
- Thread Tests
- Starting condition prior to first TCM (TCM-10 on
12/3/03) - Exercise interfaces among Nav subteams (OPNAV,
Radio/OD, Maneuver include Solar System Dynamics
for second test) - Repeat interactions through subsequent TCMs up to
Wild 2 Encounter - ORTs
- Annefrank Encounter ORT (10/31/02)
- TCM-12 and Preliminary Nucleus Tracking Update
(Completed 11/5/03) - TCM-13, TCM-14 Contingency and Final Nucleus
Tracking Update (Planned for 12/9-10) - Participation by all Nav personnel in recent
activities provides for operational certification
(endorsed by Stardust Project Mgr and MMO GNC
Team Chief)
12Navigation External Interfaces
13Navigation Internal Interfaces
14Communications for 300 km Flyby
15Selected Maneuver Analysis Results
16Final TCM GO/No-GO and Selection Criteria
E-2d (150 --gt 300 km) and E-18h TCM
E-6h TCM (Contingency)
E-18h Target Selection
17Contingency Maneuver (E-6 Hours) for Operational
- Can be used at E-6 hours to deal with
last-minute anomaly or earlier (e.g., E-2d) if - JPL disabled (e.g., earthquake)
- Maneuver identified according to aimpoint shift
expected at E-6 hours - (effect would be 8 times greater at E-2d)
- Select according to last JPL contact by default
- If Op Nav support available at LMA, select
according to estimate of OD uncert. - 100 and 1000 km shifts also recommended to round
out set of 5 canned TCMs