Title: Access to dark fiber in Serbia
1Access to dark fiber in Serbia Montenegro
NREN National Research and Education Network of
Serbia Montenegro
- Zoran Jovanovic
- Slavko Gajin
- Belgrade University Computing Center
2Backbone of the NREN in 2000.
Novi Sad
2 Mbps
2 Mbps
2 Mbps
2 Mbps
2 Mbps
3First access to dark fiber after the SINSEE pilot
Novi Sad
1 Gbps
2 Mbps
2 Mbps
155 Mbps
2 Mbps
2 Mbps
4Topology - January 2004. SEEREN and Gbps backbone
SMIN Telekom Srbija 34 Mbps
1 Gbps
Novi Sad
1 Gbps
SEEREN 34 Mbps
1 Gbps E
1 Gbps E
2 Mbps or 1 Gbps (E?)
5MAN backbone of Belgrade
1 x C3550-12G
Institute Vinca
1 x C3550-12G PMF distribution node
Internal Optical network of Vinca
International and intercity links
University of Arts
1 x C3550-12G LOSTUD Distribution node
1 x C3550-12G LOV distribution node
1 x C6509 RCUB Central Node
Faculty of Economy
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
1 x C3550-12G LOMED distribution node
Faculty of Philosophy
Institute of Economy
1 x C3550-12G LOTEH distribution node
6Where are we now
- Completing the national Gbps backbone
- Completing the Gbps MAN networks in Belgrade, Nis
and Novi Sad. - Starting the Gbps backbone in Kragujevac
- Expanding the network to high schools and even
primary schools - Establishing services
- For the first time normal international
connectivity - SEEREN
7Newest technology
- Avoiding the PST infrastructure and using dark
fiber - Low end newest technology (still 1 Gbps)
- 500 times higher capacity on the internal
backbone and 45 times higher capacity for
international connectivity in 3 years - Dark fiber to individual institutions wherever
possible - Investments are very low compared to POS
- Exceptional cooperation of all universities,
Ministry of Science and Technology and Telekom
Srbija - Even without a legal entity, all key players were
pushing in the same direction - Contracts with Telekom Srbija where we guaranteed
that the NREN cannot be used for any form of
commercial traffic (according to GEANT AUP) - Young team of experts at university computing
centers throughout the country
9Conclusions (1)
- From 0.1 of the backbone capacities of developed
countries, we reached about 40. - Capacity of the international connectivity is
below 1 of the capacity of most developed
countries. - All Web and FTP traffic on international links is
still passing through proxy servers - We believe that our technological solution has
the best price/perfomance - There will be a fast increase in the number of
users of the network - Our wish is to soon be on the better side of the
digital divide at least for the NREN
10Conclusions (2)
- The development was done under the following
circumstances destroyed economy, 600.000
refugees, more than 1.000.000. unemployed and
very low salaries. Donations like SEEREN were
crucial. - Our NREN had the best possible support,
especially from the Ministry of Science,
Technology and Development of Serbia - Cooperation with Telekom Srbija, when clear AUP
is defined in contracts, opened the access to
dark fiber - New services on the NREN are emerging distant
learning, GRID infrastructure, - Our Network Information System NetIS is already
expanding to the SEEREN network
- The best way to change the less developed SEE
countries - Exceptional cooperation between participants
new friendships - Coordination by GrNet in SEEREN and EU and NATO
proposals at the highest level - Thanks to EU, GrNet, DFN, Hungarnet, RoEduNet,
Dante, Cesnet and CEENET for helping us to make a
great step forward - Best investment in the future of the region