INF 397C Introduction to Research in Library and Information Science Fall, 2003 Day 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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INF 397C Introduction to Research in Library and Information Science Fall, 2003 Day 5


More than anything else, scientists are skeptical. ... Nomothetic approach establish broad generalizations and general laws that ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: INF 397C Introduction to Research in Library and Information Science Fall, 2003 Day 5

INF 397CIntroduction to Research in Library and
Information ScienceFall, 2003Day 5
The Scientific Method
  • More than anything else, scientists are
  • P. 28 Scientific skepticism is a gullible
    publics defense against charlatans and others
    who would sell them ineffective medicines and
    cures, impossible schemes to get rich, and
    supernatural explanations for natural phenomena.

Research Methods
  • S, Z, Z, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 7, 8
  • Researchers are . . .
  • like detectives gather evidence, develop a
  • Like judges decide if evidence meets scientific
  • Like juries decide if evidence is beyond a
    reasonable doubt.

Science . . .
  • . . . Is a cumulative affair. Current research
    builds on previous research.
  • Scientific Method
  • Empirical (acquires new knowledge via direct
    observation and experimentation)
  • Systematic, controlled observations.
  • Unbiased, objective.
  • Operational definitions.
  • Valid, reliable, testable, critical, skeptical.

  • . . . Is the essential ingredient of science,
    distinguishing it from nonscientific procedures.
  • The scientist, the experimenter, manipulates the
    Independent Variable (IV treatment at least
    two levels experimental and control
    conditions) and controls other variables.

More control
  • After manipulating the IV (because the
    experimenter is independent he/she decides what
    to do) . . .
  • He/she measures the effect on the Dependent
    Variable (what is measured it depends on the

Key Distinction
  • IV vs. Individual Differences variable
  • The scientist MANIPULATES an IV, but SELECTS an
    Individual Differences variable (or subject
  • Cant manipulate a subject variable.
  • Select a sample. Have half of em get a

Operational Definitions
  • Explains a concept solely in terms of the
    operations used to produce and measure it.
  • Bad Smart people.
  • Good People with an IQ over 120.
  • Bad People with long index fingers.
  • Good People with index fingers at least 7.2
  • Bad Ugly guys.
  • Good Guys rated as ugly by at least 50 of
    the respondents.

Validity and Reliability
  • Validity the truthfulness of a measure. Are
    you really measuring what you claim to measure?
    The validity of a measure is supported to the
    extent that people do as well on it as they do on
    independent measures that are presumed to measure
    the same concept.
  • Reliability a measures consistency.
  • A measure can be reliable without being valid,
    but not vice versa.

Theory and Hypothesis
  • Theory a logically organized set of
    propositions (claims, statements, assertions)
    that serves to define events (concepts), describe
    relationships among these events, and explain
    their occurrence.
  • Theories organize our knowledge and guide our
  • Hypothesis A tentative explanation.
  • A scientific hypothesis is TESTABLE.

Goals of Scientific Method
  • Description
  • Nomothetic approach establish broad
    generalizations and general laws that apply to a
    diverse population
  • Versus idiographic approach interested in the
    individual, their uniqueness (e.g., case studies)
  • Prediction
  • Correlational study when scores on one variable
    can be used to predict scores on a second
    variable. (Doesnt necessarily tell you why.)
  • Understanding cont. on next page
  • Creating change
  • Applied research

  • Three important conditions for making a causal
  • Covariation of events. (IV changes, and the DV
  • A time-order relationship. (First the scientist
    changes the IV then theres a change in the
  • The elimination of plausible alternative causes.

  • When two potentially effective IVs are allowed to
    covary simultaneously.
  • Poor control!

Intervening Variables
  • Link the IV and the DV, and are used to explain
    why they are connected.
  • Heres an interesting question WHY did the
    authors put this HERE in the chapter?
  • Because intervening variables are important in

A bit more about theories
  • Good theories provide precision of prediction
  • The rule of parsimony is followed
  • The simplest alternative explanations are
  • A good scientific theory passes the most rigorous
  • Testing will be more informative when you try to
    DISPROVE (falsify) a theory

Populations and Samples
  • Population the set of all cases of interest
  • Sample Subset of all the population that we
    choose to study.

Population Parameters
Sample Statistics
Ch. 3 -- Ethics
  • Read the chapter.
  • Understand informed consent, p. 57 a persons
    expressed willingness to participate in a
    research project, based on a clear understanding
    of the nature of the research, the consequences
    of declining, and other factors that might
    influence the decision.
  • Odd quote, p. 69 Debriefing should be informal
    and indirect.
  • Know that UT has an IRB http//

Ch. 7 Independent Groups Design
  • Description and Prediction are crucial to the
    scientific study of behavior, but theyre not
    sufficient for understanding the causes. We need
    to know WHY.
  • Best way to answer this question is with the
    experimental method.
  • The special strength of the experimental method
    is that it is especially effective for
    establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Good Paragraph
  • P. 196, para. 2 Discusses how experimental
    methods and descriptive methods arent all THAT
    different well, theyre different, but related.
    And often used together.

Good page P. 197
  • Why we conduct experiments
  • If results of an experiment (a well-run
    experiment!) are consistent with theory, we say
    weve supported the theory. (NOT that it is
  • Otherwise, we modify the theory.
  • Testing hypotheses and revising theories based on
    the outcomes of experiments the long process of

Logic of Experimental Research
  • Researchers manipulate an independent variable in
    an experiment to observe the effect on behavior,
    as assessed by the dependent variable.

Independent Groups Design
  • Each group represents a different condition as
    defined by the independent variable.

Random . . .
  • Random Selection vs. Random Assignment
  • Random Selection every member of the population
    has an equal chance of being selected for the
  • Random Assignment every member of the sample
    has an equal chance of being placed in the
    experimental group or the control group.
  • Random assignment allows for individual
    differences among test participants to be
    averaged out.

Lets step back a minute
  • An experiment is personkinds way of asking
    nature a question.
  • I want to know if one variable (factor, event,
    thing) has an effect on another variable does
    the IV influence the DV?
  • I manipulate some variables (IVs), control other
    variables, and count on random selection to wash
    out the effects of all the rest of the variables.

Block Randomization
  • Another way to wash-out error variance.
  • Assign subjects to blocks of subjects, and have
    whole blocks see certain conditions.
  • (Very squirrelly description in the book.)

Challenges to Internal Validity
  • Testing intact groups. (Why is the group a
    group? Might be some systematic differences.)
  • Extraneous variables. (Balance em.) (E.g.,
  • Subject loss
  • Mechanical loss, OK.
  • Select loss, not OK.
  • Demand characteristics (cues and other info
    participants pick up on) use a placebo, and
    double-blind procedure
  • Experimenter effects use double-blind procedure

Role of Data Analysis in Exps.
  • Primary goal of data analysis is to determine if
    our observations support a claim about behavior.
    Is that difference really different?
  • We want to draw conclusions about populations,
    not just the sample.
  • Two ways stat and replication.

Two methods of making inferences
  • Null hypothesis testing
  • Assume IV has no effect on DV differences we
    obtain are just by chance (error variance)
  • If the difference is unlikely enough to happen by
    chance (and enough tends to be p lt .05), then
    we say theres a true difference.
  • Confidence intervals
  • We compute a confidence interval for the true
    population mean, from sample data. (95 level,
  • If two groups confidence intervals dont
    overlap, we say (we INFER) theres a true

What data cant tell us
  • Proper use of inferential statistics is NOT the
    whole answer.
  • Scientist could have done a trivial experiment.
  • Also, study could have been confounded.
  • Also, could by chance find this difference.
    (Type I and Type II errors hit this for real in
    week 5.)

This is HUGE.
  • When we get a NONsignificant difference, or when
    the confidence intervals DO overlap, we do NOT
    say that we ACCEPT the null hypothesis.
  • Hinton, p. 37 On this evidence I accept the
    null hypothesis and say that we have not found
    evidence to support Peters view of hothousing.
  • We just cannot reject it at this time.
  • We have insufficient evidence to infer an effect
    of the IV on the DV.

  • Many things influence how easy or hard it is to
    discover a difference.
  • How big the real difference is.
  • How much variability there is in the population
  • How much error variance there is.
  • Lets talk about variance.

Sources of variance
  • Systematic vs. Error
  • Real differences
  • Error variance
  • What would happen to the standard deviation if
    our measurement apparatus was a little
  • There are OTHER sources of error variance, and
    the whole point of experimental design is to try
    to minimize em.
  • Get this The more error variance, the harder
    for real differences to shine through.

One way to reduce the error variance
  • Matched groups design
  • If theres some variable that you think MIGHT
    cause some variance,
  • Pre-test subjects on some matching test that
    equates the groups on a dimension that is
    relevant to the outcome of the experiment. (Must
    have a good matching test.)
  • Then assign matched groups. This way the groups
    will be similar on this one important variable.
  • STILL use random assignment WITHIN the groups.
  • Good when there are a small number of possible
    test subjects.

Another design
  • Natural Groups design
  • Based on subject (or individual differences)
  • Selected, not manipulated.
  • Remember This will give us description, and
    prediction, but not understanding (cause and

Weve been talking about . . .
  • Making two groups comparable, so that the ONLY
    systematic difference is the IV.
  • CONTROL some variables.
  • Match on some.
  • Use random selection to wash out the effects of
    the others.
  • What would be the best possible match for one
    subject, or one group of subjects?

  • When each test subject is his/her own control,
    then thats called a
  • Repeated measures design, or a
  • Within-subjects design.
  • (And the random groups design is called a
    between subjects design.)

Repeated Measures
  • If each subject serves as his/her own control,
    then we dont have to worry about individual
    differences, across experimental and control
  • EXCEPT for newly introduced sources of variance
    order effects
  • Practice effects
  • Fatigue effects

  • ABBA
  • Used to overcome order effects.
  • Assumes practice/fatigue effects are linear.
  • Some incomplete counterbalancing ideas are
    offered in the text.

Which method when?
  • Some questions DO lend themselves to repeated
    measures (within-subjects) design
  • Can people read faster in condition A or
    condition B?
  • Is memorability improved if words are grouped in
    this way or that?
  • Some questions do NOT lend themselves to repeated
    measures design
  • Do these instructions help people solve a
    particular puzzle?
  • Does this drug reduce cholesterol?

Hinton typo
  • P. 62, para. 1 . . . population standard
    deviation, µ, divided by . . . .

Some questions wed like to ask Nature
  • Emphasize
  • How to lie with statistics concepts
  • To know a fly concepts
  • SZZ Ch. 1, 2, 7, 8
  • Hinton Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • De-emphasize
  • SZZ Ch. 3
  • Other readings
  • Totally ignore for now
  • SZZ Ch. 14
  • Hinton Ch. 6, 7, 8
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