Title: FCAL Workshop in Cracow
1FCAL Workshop in Cracow
W. Lohmann, DESY
The BCD (Baseline Configuration Document) The
next calendar dates Where we are with FCAL
2 The BCD
Executive Committee for Baseline
Configuration GDE Director Barish Regional
Directors Dugan Americas Foster
Europe Takasaki Asia Accelerator
Leaders Yokoya - Asia Raubenheimer -
Americas Walker - Europe Responsible for
decisions and documentation for the Baseline
Configuration Document (BCD)
GDE Executive Committee
3 ILC Parameters
4The BCD
The Baseline Machine (500GeV)
The 1 TeV upgrade
5 2 Interaction Regions
Two Detectors, because
- Confirmation and redundancy
- Complementary Collider options
- Competition
- Efficiency, reliability
- Historical lessons
We have to contimue with two design options! 2
mrad and 20 mrad
6 GDE groups
Machine design, Cost ..
Siting, civil construction .
Physics, Detectors
- - J. Brau (America)
- F. Richard (Europe)
- H. Yamamoto (Asia)
Area subsystem leads
Beam delivery system
- A. Seryi, H. Yamamoto (MDI panel)
- D. Angal-Kalinin
7The next calendar dates
EUDET kick-off meeting in Hamburg, February
We have to present our plan for the next 4 years
LCWS Bangalore, March 9-13.
LDC outline document, presentations
Physics Research Committee, May 11-12
A written report and a presentation are expected
ECFA WS, Valencia, November, 2006
prepare ourselfs, FCAL meeting before?
8 Where are we with FCAL
-We worked out an advanced design for zero or
small crossing angle -this was accepted and
acknowledged in Snowmass and Vienna (Several
talks by H. Abramowicz, K. Afanaciev, C.Grah,V.Dru
gakov, A.Elagin, B. Pawlik, A. Sapronov) -the
performance (resolutions, efficiencies, biasas)
are understood from simulations for partly
realistic detectors -the backscattered background
( into the central detector part) is estimated -
Some studies are done for the 20 mrad version
(beamstrahlung background, systematics of
9Very Forward Detectors
- Detection of Electrons and Photons at very
low angle extend hermeticity
Beamstrahlung Depositions 20 MGy/year Rad. hard
sensors e.g. Diamond/W BeamCal
- Measurement of the Luminosity
- with precision (lt10-3) using
- Bhabha scattering
300 cm
L 4m
Silicon/W sandwich
LumiCal 26 lt q lt 82 mrad BeamCal 4
lt q lt 28 mrad PhotoCal 100 lt q lt 400 mrad
RD for ILC (DESY PRC RD 02/01) Instrumentation
of the Very Forward Region of the ILC Detector
10A few topics to be thought
Selection of Bhabha events
Energy selection cut
- At which energy this cut has to be put?
- Theoretical uncertainty
- Energy scale uncertainty
11A few topics to be thought
The Bhabha cross section depends on the
- How well is this understood?
- -higher order corrections
- considered in the Monte Carlo
12A few topics to be thought
Electron detection efficiency
Look on Dumping Rings
- How stable is this mechanism?
- Bunch-to-bunch fluctuations
- (Contact to machine people )
Algorithm relies on constant bunch charge
1320 mrad design
- Changes within LDC
- -TPC is shorter
- -HCAL should cover
- smaller angles
- -LumiCal aligned with
- or in front of ECAL
- -Montage-friendly
- -Background on
- LumiCal ?
- Background in the
- inner Detector?
14 What has to be done
We need a design for 20 mrad crossing angle -new
geometry -repetition of many simulations -studies
of backgrounds, beamstrahlung, backscattered
into the central detector
- We have to understand Bhabha phenomenology in
more details - -Status of the theory and generators
- - How influence radiative effects for a given
detector - the uncertainty of the measurement
- - Optimised segmentation/structure for LumiCal
- - Realistic readout scheme
15 What has to be done
- Sensor and Readout
- -Continuation of diamond studies (more samples
- with promising diagnostics, linearity,
homogeneity, - high radiation doses.)
- -Si sensor studies (to learn to work with them).
- -Si sensor radiation test.
- -Assembly of full sensor planes ? prototype test.
- -Readout electronics design for the prototype
- O(1000) channels.
- -Concept for the readout electronics
- -Concept Design for the fast readout and
- fast diagnostics (related to Eurotev).
16 This meeting at INP
- -Reports on many topics mentioned
- -Discussions on critical Issues
- 20 mrad design
- more realistic simulations
- prototyps and testbeam
- electronics concept
- preparation of the EUDET kick-off
- meeting
- Lets make a WORKshop and see at the
- end where well go