Title: Forward Neutron Asymmetry Persists at 410 GeV
1Forward Neutron Asymmetry Persists at 410 GeV
Average 7.8 DAQ hrs/day
38 DAQ hours in the previous week (6/1 6/7) 57
DAQ hours 5/24-5/31
days since April 17th
3200 GeV pp Integrated Luminosity
PHENIX Goal 5.5 pb-1 live BBCLL1 (45 pol.)
June 25, 2005
5.81 pb-1 live ZDCLL1
(3.48 pb-1 projected, 3.31 pb-1 with
transverse running )
2.48 pb-1 live BBCLL1
55.8 B BBCLL1 events sampled
4200 GeV pp Figure of Merit
PHENIX Goal 226 nb-1
June 25, 2005
(216 nb-1 projected, 204 nb-1 with transverse
running )
140 nb-1
5Average Polarization
205 GeV development
6Transverse component in x-y region.
BLUE (AN 6.24)
YELLOW (AN 5.27)
Transverse component is systematically remaining
radial component. Vertical component seems 0.
(SPIN rotator and SNAKE are not changed)
7Plan for Transverse Running
- PHENIX needs 0.1pb-1 sampled transverse
luminosity to limit the systematic effect of ATT
on the ALL measurement - Currently we are integrating luminosity at
0.055nb-1 per day - Less than three days of running required
- Polarization can be transverse (vertical), do not
require radial! - Want to limit the effect on longitudinal running!
- Switch to transverse running for STAR and PHENIX
following June 13th beam experiments - Run until PHENIX has 0.1pb-1 sampled
- Agreement with STAR to limit running to lt 60
hours (morning of June 16th)
- What does PHENIX want for Run-6?
- The collaboration needs to discuss this in light
of new results from both the CuCu and pp portions
of Run-5 - Natural timescale for this is after the summer
conferences - PHENIX would benefit from a longer shutdown
- TOF-W installation, HBD engineering run
- Support within PHENIX for a long pp run
- Strong interest in running with radial
polarization to study Sivers effect - Ask CAD to keep this in mind while planning for
Run-6 - Strong interest in a pp run at 62.4 GeV
- Reference dataset for RAA measurements