Applying TimeSeries Analysis in Sport Management Research: Avoiding the Pitfalls - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Applying TimeSeries Analysis in Sport Management Research: Avoiding the Pitfalls


Non-stationarity and cointegration ... The greatest non sequitur in econometrics? Perhaps the greatest non sequitur in the history of econometrics is the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Applying TimeSeries Analysis in Sport Management Research: Avoiding the Pitfalls

Applying Time-Series Analysis in Sport Management
Research Avoiding the Pitfalls
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Research Methodology Seminar
Focus of seminar
  • Time-series analysis the statistical analysis of
    a sample of time-ordered, periodic observations
  • Example annual performance data for a sporting
  • Focus of seminar how to avoid the various
    potential pitfalls in the statistical analysis of
    time-series data that can invalidate the
    empirical results

Potential pitfalls in time-series analysis
  • Dynamic dependence current outcome depends on
    past events (including past outcomes)
  • Structural instability the non-local causal
    process (i.e. DGP) changes over time
  • Residual autocorrelation estimated residuals are
    correlated over time
  • Non-stationarity the statistical properties of
    the data (i.e. mean, variance and
    autocovariances) are time-dependent such that
    each observation has different distributional

Plan of workshop
  • Introduction
  • Dynamic dependence
  • Structural instability
  • The autocorrelation problem
  • Non-stationarity and cointegration
  • Application Man Utd average league gate
    attendances, 1946/47 2002/03
  • Practical laboratory session

Dynamic Dependence in Time-Series Models
Dynamic dependence
  • Dynamic model
  • Current outcome f(past outcomes, current and
    past events)
  • Formal representation (single period lag, one
    independent variable)
  • Yt a0 a1Yt-1 ß1Xt ß2Xt-1 et
  • Autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) model
  • Mathematics stochastic linear difference equation

A simple dynamic model
  • Yt a0 a1Yt-1 et
  • 1st order difference equation
  • Mathematically this can be solved to yield an
    expression for Yt in terms of the parameters,
    current and past disturbance terms and the
    initial value of Y
  • Three components to solution
  • long-run equilibrium position (Yt Yt-1, et
  • history of short-run disturbance effects
  • current effect of initial deviation from long-run

Dynamic dependence implies history matters
  • Yt a0 a1Yt-1 et
  • Solution
  • Yt a0/(1- a1) ?(a1)iet-i (a1)tY0 - a0/(1
    - a1)
  • a0/(1- a1) long-run equilibrium position
  • ?(a1)iet-i history of short-run disturbance
  • (a1)tY0 - a0/(1 - a1) current effect of
    initial deviation from long-run equilibrium
  • a1 is known as the characteristic root
  • Magnitude of a1 is crucial to determining the
    behaviour of Yt over time

The nature of the adjustment path
  • Yt a0 a1Yt-1 et
  • Yt a0/(1- a1) ?(a1)iet-i (a1)tY0 - a0/(1
    - a1)
  • a1 lt 1 gt stable, equilibrium-convergent
    adjustment path
  • a1 gt 1 gt explosive, non-convergent path
  • a1 1 gt unit-root process non-convergent
  • a1 gt 0 gt direct adjustment
  • a1 lt 0 gt oscillating (i.e. cyclical) adjustment
  • Vital to determine whether or not you are dealing
    with a unit-root process

The random walk model
  • Yt a1Yt-1 et
  • Random walk model a1 1
  • Yt Yt-1 et
  • gt ?Yt Yt Yt-1 et
  • Solution
  • Yt Y0 ? et-i
  • Implications
  • Yt follows a random, non-predictable path
  • disturbances have permanent effects
  • If a1lt1, disturbances have a decaying effect
  • e, a1e, (a1)2 e, ...

Short-run and long-run impacts
  • Simple multivariate ADL
  • Yt a0 a1Yt-1 ß1Xt et
  • Example
  • Dynamic win-wage benchmark model
  • W/Lt a0 a1W/Lt-1 ß1WAGES t et
  • Short-run impact of WAGES ß1
  • Long-run impact (W/Lt W/Lt-1) ß1 /(1 - a1)
  • a1Yt-1 represents learning/momentum effects

Structural Instability
Structural instability
  • OLS estimation assumes that the DGP is
    structurally stable (i.e. parameter constancy)
    over the whole sample
  • But time-series data may cover periods of
    structural change and regime shifts
  • Structural stability may also be an inappropriate
    assumption for ordered cross-sectional data

Consequences of structural instability
  • Parameter estimates summarise the average effects
    across alternative regimes
  • OLS estimates are biased for any individual
  • Benchmarks and simulations based on the OLS
    estimates are biased

Methods of detecting structural instability
  • Residuals
  • Chow tests
  • Chow test for structural instability
  • Chows second test for predictive failure
  • Recursive least squares
  • Within-sample forecasting
  • Hansen test

The limitations of OLS residuals
  • OLS residuals are based on full sample
  • Smoothing effect that may disguise the presence
    of structural instability and outliers (i.e.
    observations far removed from rest of sample)
  • Important to use other types of residuals to
    detect structural instability and outliers

Alternative residuals to detect instability and
  • Predicted residuals estimated coefficient on
    impulse dummy (i.e. predicted values obtained
    from estimated regression with observation
  • Studentised residuals t-ratios of impulse dummy
  • Time-series residuals
  • Estimated innovations determined using parameter
    estimates that utilise only past sample
  • One-step residuals determined using parameter
    estimates that utilise only current and past
    sample information

Chow test for structural stability
  • Estimate pooled (i.e. full sample) regression
  • Estimate separate regression model for each
  • Apply F test for linear restrictions
  • F(J,N-K) (RRSS URSS)/J
  • URSS/(N K)
  • RRSS restricted RSS
  • URSS unrestricted RSS
  • J no. of restrictions
  • N sample size
  • K no. of parameters in unrestricted model

Recursive least squares
  • Recursive estimation involves
  • estimating the regression model for an
  • initial sub-sample and then re-
  • estimating the model repeatedly as the
  • sub-sample is expanded to include the
  • next (ordered) observation

Dealing with structural instability
  • Separate sample into structurally stable
    sub-samples and estimate separate regression
  • Or
  • Estimate single regression model for pooled
    sample with dummy variables for intercept and
    slope shifts
  • Both approaches are equivalent

TheAutocorrelation Problem
What is the autocorrelation problem?
  • Residual autocorrelation OLS residuals, et,
    serially correlated with lagged values, et-1,
  • Common occurrence in estimated time-series models
  • Autocorrelation problem multiple possible causes
    of residual autocorrelation with different

Tests for detecting residual autocorrelation
  • Durbin-Watson (DW) test
  • Berenblut-Webb test
  • Durbins h test
  • Durbins alternative test
  • Breusch-Godfrey test

The DW test for autocorrelation
  • Traditional test for residual autocorrelation
  • Test statistic
  • d ?(et-et-1)2/?et2 ? 2(1 - ?)
  • 0 lt d lt 4
  • 0 lt d lt 2 ltgt positive residual autocorrelation
  • 2 lt d lt 4 ltgt negative residual autocorrelation
  • d 2 ltgt zero residual autocorrelation
  • Appropriate only if 1st-order residual
    autocorrelation and no lagged dependent variables

The Breusch-Godfrey test for higher-order serial
  • Regress residuals on explanatory variables and
    lagged residuals
  • et f(X1t,..,Xkt, et-1,,et-j)
  • Test the joint hypothesis that all the estimated
    coefficients on the lagged residuals are zero
  • Test statistic, LM jF ?2(j)
  • where F ? F statistic for joint significance of
    lagged residuals
  • Alternatively test the overall significance of
    the auxiliary regression using LM nR2 ?2(kj)

One possible cause of residual autocorrelation
  • One possible cause AR errors, et f(et-1, et-2,
  • Example AR(1) error process, et ?et-1 ut
  • where
  • autocorrelation parameter, ? ? corr(et, et-1)
  • pure stochastic disturbance, ut IID(0, s2)
  • AR error processes violate OLS assumptions
  • Consequences
  • OLS estimates unbiased but inefficient
  • variance estimate biased rendering interval
    estimation and statistical tests invalid
  • Solution error misspecification requires either
    reparameterisation to produce IID error process
    for OLS estimation (e.g. Cochrane-Orcutt
    quasi-differencing procedure) or use of
    alternative estimation methods e.g. RALS
  • Conventional approach to residual autocorrelation

But other possible causes of residual
  • Residuals may be autoregressive for several
  • AR disturbances (i.e. error misspecification)
  • Model misspecification (e.g. excluded variables)
  • Misspecified dynamics (e.g. static model
    estimated when dynamic dependence)
  • Structural instability
  • ARCH effects (i.e. error variance is
  • Solution re-specify structural model if DGP
  • AR disturbances are a special restricted case of
    misspecified dynamics

The greatest non sequitur in econometrics?
  • Perhaps the greatest non sequitur in the
    history of econometrics is the assumption that
    autocorrelated residuals entail autoregressive
    errors, as is entailed in correcting serial
    correlation using Cochrane-Orcutt.
  • (Doornik and Hendry)

Test, test and test again
  • Dont rely only on the DW test
  • Use other tests for residual autocorrelation e.g.
    Breusch-Godfrey test
  • Test for general model misspecification e.g.
    Ramsey RESET test
  • Test for misspecified dynamics
  • Test for structural instability and ARCH effects
  • Test for validity of imposing restriction of AR
  • Investigate robustness of parameter estimates to
    alternative model strategies

Non-Stationary Time Series and Cointegration
Stationary, non-stationary and integrated
  • Stationary process distributional properties are
  • Non-stationary process distributional properties
    are time-dependent
  • Integrated process non-stationary process that
    can be transformed into a stationary process by
  • Yt is integrated of order d, I(d), if it requires
    to be differenced d times to become stationary
  • Conventional statistical tests are invalid for
    non-stationary processes

ARIMA(p,d,q) models
  • General representation of I(d) process
  • ARMA(p,q) model of dth difference
  • Autoregressive AR(p) process
  • Yt a0 ?paiYt-i et
  • Moving-average MA(q) error process
  • Yt a0 ?qdiet-i
  • ARIMA(p,1,q) model
  • ?Yt ?0 ?p?i?Yt-i ?t ?q dj?t-j
  • Starting point for Box-Jenkins methodology for
    modelling univariate time series

Dickey-Fuller (DF) tests for unit roots
  • Unit-root processes are non-stationary.
  • Crucial to test for unit roots
  • AR(1) process
  • Yt ?1Yt-1 ?t
  • Subtracting Yt-1 from both sides yields
  • ?Yt ?Yt-1 ?t
  • where ? ?1 - 1
  • Unit root gt ?1 1
  • Dickey-Fuller test for unit root ? 0

Alternative forms of the DF test
  • Pure random walk
  • ?Yt ?Yt-1 ?t
  • Random walk with drift
  • ?Yt ?0 ?Yt-1 ?t
  • Random walk with drift and time trend
  • ?Yt ?0 ?Yt-1 ?2t ?t

The DF test statistics
  • t test of null hypothesis, ? 0
  • DF test statistic does not have standard t
  • Critical values depend on model specification,
    sample size and significance level
  • F test of null hypothesis, ? 0, jointly with ?0
    0 and/or ?2 0
  • F test has non-standard critical values

Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) tests
  • DF test assumes that the error term is a
    white-noise process
  • If ARMA error process, DF regressions should be
    augmented with additional ?Yt-j terms
  • Test statistics and critical values for ADF tests
    are the same as for the DF tests

Cointegration definition and interpretation
  • Suppose Yt, Xt are both I(1) processes
  • Yt and Xt are cointegrated, CI(1,1), if there
    exists ? such that Yt - ?Xt ?t I(0)
  • Cointegration implies that a long-run
    relationship exists between Yt and Xt they do
    not drift apart over time

Spurious regression problem
  • Regression of one random walk on another
    independent random walk
  • Regression of integrated variables with no
    cointegrating relationship
  • May have high goodness of fit
  • Extremely low DW statistic indicative of spurious
    regression problem

Testing for cointegration
  • Two principal tests for cointegration
  • Engle-Granger test apply unit-root test to
    residuals from cointegrating regression (but DF
    critical values not valid)
  • Cointegrating regression Durbin-Watson (CRDW)
    test no cointegrating relationship implies DW 0

The Granger representation theorem
  • If Yt and Xt are cointegrated, there is a
    long-run relationship between the two time series
    and the short-run dynamics can be described by
    the error correction model (ECM).

  • Long-run relationship
  • Yt ?Xt ?t
  • ECM (short-run dynamics)
  • ?Yt ??Xt ?Yt-1 - ?Xt-1 ?t
  • Two components of the current change in Yt
  • (i) the short-run response to current changes in
    Xt, ??Xt and
  • (ii) the partial correction of the previous
    deviation of Yt from its optimal long-run level,
    ?Yt-1 - ?Xt-1

Causality tests
  • Granger causality the future cannot cause the
    present or past
  • Xt fails to Granger-cause Yt if, in a regression
    of Yt on lagged Ys and lagged Xs, the
    coefficients on the lagged Xs are jointly

Application football gate attendances
  • Theory Gate attendance f(current and past
    playing performance, divisional demand)
  • Data Man Utd, average league gate,
    1946/47-2002/03 (57 observations)
  • Key results
  • ManUGate is stationary process (whole sample)
  • Autocorrelated residuals and possible ARCH
  • RALS ? D1AvGate and PtsGap as determinants
  • Dynamic model ? possible FA Cup effect
  • Evidence of structural instability, 1992/93
  • FA Cup effect significant pre-1992/93
  • Possible unit-root process pre-1992/93
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