Title: Diapositiva 1
1RICH Technology F. Garibaldi Hall A
collaboration meeting Jlab June 12 2009
- PID in the SBS momentum range
- RICH technique
- aerogel RICH
- - Hermes RICH
- Using it for PR-09-018
2N.B. in case of samples with different
population at a given separation power, the
resulting contamination of the largest populated
sample of particles in the other species will be
larger by a factor equal to the ratio between the
relative populations
3Cherenkov Light Imaging
focusing geometry proximity focusing
Ring Imaging CHerenkov counters
Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light
new direction correct the chromatic error out
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5CsI proximity focusing Hall A (liquid radiator)
ALICE VHMPID (CsI phot., gas radiator)
dual radiator (aerogel-gas)Hermes, focusing
Pgt 10 GeV/c
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7Aerogel RICH storyoptical property improvemets
vs time
T up to 2 ?m Hunt formula TAexp(-Ct/?4)
Rayleigh sc.
Absorption Clarity
Airglass (80s) A0.8
(opaque,absorbing) C0.02 ?m4/cm
(diffusing) ?Aerogel in Cher. counters
8Improving transmittance n1.03, t1cm
year A C producer ?(0.4?m)
07 02 96 80 0.96 0.005 0.95 0.01 0.8 0.02 Novosibirsk Novosibirsk Matsushita Airglass 5 cm 4 cm 2.3 cm 1 cm
? attenuation length
995 T.Ypsilantis, J.Seguinot, NIMA368(1995)
96 first focalized RICH with aerogel at CERN
(R. De Leo et al,NIMA) CERN-Bari-Milan-Rome-
coll. _at_ PS-T9 beam
1096 5cm of Matsushita aerogel, ?- 10GeV/c
one event
12.8?2.7 PMs
many events
??/? 8 / pe ??/? 2.3 / ring
11HERMES 27.5 GeV e- long.pol on
p,d,3He-long.trans.pol 1) Gas Cherenkov DIS
(94 -97)
- resol. dp/p2, dqlt1 mrad PID leptons
e98, contam. lt1
1297 the HERMES dual radiator RICH proposal
Aerogel RICH PID
?C 3? ring resolution
- focalized R 2.2 m
- n(aerogel)1.03, ?C242 mrad
- n(C4F10) 1.00137
- Npe (aerogel) 10
- ??/?(/ring) 1.2 (4.1 / pe)
- ??(/ring) 3 mrad
- ?C?-?Ck (4GeV,n 1.03) 9 mrad
3? k/p sep. (4GeV)
1311x11x1 cc
Dry N2 flow in aerogel!
Hydrophobic aerogel from Matsushita !
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15 0.75 PMT ? dominant pixel contribution
16funnels pixel contrib.even larger!
17PMTs fired-not fired!
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22- Readout electronics based on PCOS4, binary
readout, (gate 50 -100 ns) - Readout F.E. to PCOS VME Module 17.2 ms
(indipendent on occupany, basically constant) - 2. Readout VME Modules 10 ms
- 3. Readout speed 30 ms
23Hermes RICH (presently at UVA) fits very well the
SBS needs Entrance window 188 x 46.4 cm2 L126 cm
24 - May 96 Feasibility test
25 T ? Cher. ?s ? photoelectrons
Npe (calc.) 122
?(400 nm) 2.3cm
26exp.- calc. angle resolution ()
?c for single pe
- Pixel 2.3
- Mirror 0.6
- Point emiss. 0.7
- n disp. 0.5
- Chromatic 1.3
- Forw.Scatt. 0.4
- Surface 0.4
- Total (calc.)/pe 2.9
- Total (exp.)/pe 3.3
- Npe (exp.) 10
Npe 10
??/? 1.1 /ring
Npe10 3.3? k/p sep. (4GeV) Npe6 2.5?
k/p sep. (4GeV)
27RICH stability 1998
qC pe
qC ring
e gt 5 GeV
qC pe
e gt 5 GeV
28RICH stability 1999
qC pe
qC ring
e gt 5 GeV
qC pe
e gt 5 GeV
29RICH stability 2000
qC pe
qC ring
e gt 5 GeV
qC pe
e gt 5 GeV
30RICH stability 2004
qC pe
qC ring
e gt 5 GeV
qC pe
e gt 5 GeV
31RICH stability 2005
qC pe
qC ring
e gt 5 GeV
qC pe
e gt 5 GeV
32RICH stability 2006
qC pe
qC ring
e gt 5 GeV
qC pe
e gt 5 GeV
33RICH stability 2007
qC pe
qC ring
e gt 5 GeV
qC pe
e gt 5 GeV
34 qC ring ? n (egt5GeV) plot vs day
35average n (egt5GeV)
Dn 0.0003
Dn 0.0003
Dn 3 10-4 in 10 years! Dn 110-4 in the
last 5 years!
36pe reconst.starting point distribution
e gt 5 GeV
The Hermes RICH detectorfits very well the SBS
one RICH HERMES half stored to be used at Jlab !
a real stable aerogel RICH !
DNpe lt 0.2 in 10 years!
37The PhotoDetectors
- Bialkali Photocath. D110 mm, QE(320nm)gt20
- Overall D125 mm 82 active area
- voltage -16 KV
- Electron optics cross-focussed
- demagnification 2.3
- Anode Si pixel 1 mm x 1 mm (320x32 matrix)
- 2048 pixels, size at photocath. 2.5 x 2.5 mm2
pixels, size 2.3 x 2.3 mm2
C.DAmbrosio, RICH2007, Oct 16, 2007
38 ??/?(/pe)() and Npe for HERMES
with old (t5cm L2.3 cm) and new (t4cm L4cm)
n1.03 aerogel old (1) and new
(2.5x2.5mm2 ) pixel size
- old new
- Pixel 2.3 0.3
- Mirror 0.6 0.5
- Point emiss. 0.7 0.6
- n disp. 0.5 0.5
- Chromatic 1.3 1.4
- Forw.Scatt. 0.4 0.4
- Surface 0.4 0.4
- Total (calc.)/pe 2.9 1.8
- Total (exp.)/pe 3.3 (2.0)
- Npe (calc.) 12 18
- Npe (exp.) 10 (15)
- Total /ring 1.1 (0.55)
6? k/p sep. (4 GeV)
39RICH with Multilayer Radiators
NIM A548(2005)383
- Demonstration of principle
- 44 array of H8500 (85 effective area)
p/K separation with focusing configuration 4.8s
Toru Iijima, RICH2007 _at_ Trieste
40n multilayer aerogel
monolayer multilayer
Xray density (n) meas.
41Recent tests in Frascati by our group in coll.
with LHCb
Npe sring
Multilayer ? Single layer ?
42aerogel RICH summary
BELLE year 96
98 02 04 07
type foc. foc.
foc. prox. prox-2lay.s n
1.03 1.031 1.03
1.05 1.047-1.057 ? (cm)
2.3 2.3 4
4.5 5 t (cm) 5
5 4 2
2 ??/? ???(/pe) 8
3.3 (2.0) 4.5 4.6
Npe 12.8 10
(15) 6.3 10 ??/? ???(/ring)
2.3 1.1 (0.55) 1.9
43- PR-09-018 SSA with SBS
- Measurement of the Semi-Inclusive p and K
electro-production in DIS regime from
transversely polarized 3He target with the SBS
BB spectrometers in Hall A - G. Cates, E. Cisbani, G.B. Franklin, B.
Wojtsekhowski - and the SBS Collaboration
- http//hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite
44Hadron Arm SBS
- Magnet 48D48 - 46 cm gap
- 2 Tm field integral -100 ton
- Insert for beam pipe
- GEM chambers for tracking with 70 ?m resolution
- HERMES RICH for hadron-ID
- Segmented Hadron CALO (15x15 cm2 blocks)
- Angular Resolution (p 4 GeV)
- sJ_h 0.090.59/p mrad (0.3 mrad)
- sJ_v 0.141.34/p mrad (0.4 mrad)
- Vertex Resolution 0.534.49/p mm (0.2
cm/sinJcentral) - Momentum resolution sp/p 0.03 p0.29 (0.4 )
- CALO Trigger Threshold 1.5 GeV (online), 2.0
45Main Background from g Compton in Aerogel
- Electrons gt 2.1 MeV produce Cherenkov lights in
aerogel - Probability of Compton scattering for 2-5 MeV
photons in 5 cm aerogel 3 - Compton scattering rate in aerogel (photon
fluxabove probability) 2.3 GHz - Mean photo-electron by electrons produced in
aerogel 5 (10 pe in HERMES for full electron
track) - Additional suppression due to geometry and near
threshold effects 0.6 - Total rate on single PMT (QE 20) 2.350.60.2
700 kHz - Coincidence window of 50 ns 700 kHz x 50 ns
lt5 firing PMT occupancy
46Challenges in large acceptance/high luminosity
- RICH PID high segmentation of photon detector
(2000 PMT) is the optimal solution - Expected 35 extra hits/event fromsoft photons ?
Compton electrons in aerogel (50 ns gate
width) ? 2-5 occupancy
Electronics based on PCOS4 Binary readout, 20 MHz
transfer bus from front-end cards to VME buffered
module Total dead time of lt30 ms ? few kHz (lt10
dead time)
47ALICE/STAR RICH Reconstruction
- Expected 12 occupancy with ?3s p/K separation
- Performance proved by MC and STAR (3--5
occupancy) real data.
D. Di Bari, RICH07/Trieste
According to Montecarlo JLab-HERMES-RICH should
be able to handle moderate (5) occupancy
48Development of Cherenkov Light Imaging Techniques
is a lively and fertile field of research with
beneficial feedbacks in many other scientific
sectors. It would not have advanced to
thepresent state without Tom Ypsilantiss ideas,
enthusiasm, constructive arguments andoutstanding
49Backup slides
501) n dispersion (633 nm)
minim.deflec. l 4m ? high precision ?n/n10-4
nav1.0304 Dn310-4
?n/(n-1) 1.5 reduced to 1.0 by
sorting similar-n tiles
0.5 /pe
512) chromatic dispers. n (?) meas.
1.3 / pe
523) forward scattering
- due to large inhomogeneities (aC) of ?, mostly on
the surfaces - responsible of fuzzy vision of objects through
aerogel - influence dNpe/d? not Npe
- forward peaked (? Rayleigh isotropic)
- dep. on pH of solvent used in gel
aC gt ? FS
5 cm of aerogel 23 of Cher.ph. are FS _at_1.55
mrad ? ??FS
aC lt ? Rayleigh
0.4 /pe
534) surface irregularities
avoid internal reflectionsblack tape on lateral
0.4 / pe
pe start point dist.
54geometrical contributions to ??C
1) pixel
2) focal plane
(??/?)opt.aber. (d/R)2 0.5
?? ?/2R(??/?)surf.imp. 0.3
mirror alignment
a)b) (??/?)mirror 0.6 / pe
3) point emiss.
(??/?) point 0.7 / pe
55aerogel opt. properties contrib.s to ??C
- 1) n dispersion in the different tiles
- 2) chromatic dispersion n(?)
- 3) forward scattering
- 4) tile surface irregularities
aerogel Selected 850 tiles over 1200 11x11x1 cc
from Matsushita 2 planes, 5 rows, 17 columns, 5
one aerogel radiator
Optical characterization of n1.3 aerogel of the
HERMES RICH E.Aschenauer et al., Nucl. Instr. and
Meth. A440 (2000) 338
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58Propose to measure the SSA of SIDIS processes
n?(e,ep?)X and n?(e,eK?)X
- Extract Sivers and Collins (and Pretzelosity)
asymmetries on p and K with high statistics - Provide 2D binning (at least) on the relevant
variables x, P? and z, for both hadrons - Provide Q2 dependence
- Explore for the first time the high x valence
region (with overlap to HERMES, COMPASS, JLab6
- Understanding of QCD dynamics in the nucleon by
the Sivers effect - Improve knowledge of the nucleon structure in
terms of parton distribution functions - Shed more light on the origin of the nucleon spin
59Polarized SI-DIS process
60Experimental Setup and parameters
BB e-arm at 30o ? 45 msr GEM Tracker Gas
Cherenkov Shower ? GMn/PR-09-019 SBS h-arm at
14o ? 50 msr GEM tracker excellent PID /
Event rate 104HERMES 60 days of production
expected stat. accuracy 1/10 of proton HERMES
Beam 50 ?A, E8.8 and 11 GeV (80 long.
Pol.) Target 65 polarized 3He ?
GEn(2)/PR-09-016 ? Luminosity 1.41037 cm-2s-1 ,
0.05 sr
The simulation has been executed using AliRoot,
the official simulation framework of the ALICE
Material photon transmittances and CsI
photocathode quantum efficiency
C5F12 refractive index as a function of photon
RICH 2007, 16 October 2007
G. Volpe
62Studied setup
Focusing setup the focusing properties of a
spherical mirror of radius R 240 cm, are
exploited. The photons emitted in the radiator
are focused in a plane that is located at R/2
from the mirror center, where the photon detector
is placed.
RICH 2007, 16 October 2007
G. Volpe