Title: Lecture Outline
1Lecture Outline
MAN 6721 Strategic Management
2Class 1
Course Overview Introduction to Strategic
Management Thursday, October 18, 2007
3Defining Strategy
Definition 1 A strategy is a theory about how to
gain competitive advantages. A good strategy is a
strategy that actually generates such
advantages. Definition 2 Strategic management is
the process of specifying an organizations
objectives, developing policies and plans to
achieve these objectives, and allocating
resources so as to implement the plans.
4Strategy Leads to Action
New enterprise leaders use strategy to get ready
to go into action. They know their number one
competitor and have chosen how they will position
themselves against that competitor. They have
prepared for a tough fight. They have lined up
specific resources ready to use they have a map
telling them the path to get to the goal, where
along the way they expect to fight marketing
battles, and a calendar of their planned actions.
They do not blindly run out to fight and see
what will happen, figuring out what to do after
competitors make their countermoves.
5What is Competitive Advantage?
- Competitive Advantage
- Every firm should have one or more unique forms
of competitive advantage - A firms competitive advantage comes from its
ability to perform activities more distinctively
or more effectively than its rivals - A competitive advantage gives a firm an edge over
its rivals
6Nature of Competitive Advantage?
- How to Create a Competitive (or Unfair) Advantage
- There must be something different about a firms
offerings vis-à-vis competition's offerings. - Oyster Bay Story
- If all firms strategies were the same, no firm
would have a competitive advantage. - Competitive advantage is the result of doing
something different an/or better than
competitors. - Jack Welch Its All in the Sauce
7Illustration of Strategy as a Mechanism of
Preparedness and Action
8Examples of What Strategy Might Be All About(1
of 2)
- Superior products
- As in the case of Upper Crust Pizza
- Superior service
- As in the case of Gary Drug
- Superior customer knowledge
- As in the case of Google
- Superior partners
- Partners can add power to an enterprise
9Examples of What Strategy Might Be All About(2
of 2)
- Superior strategy
- What are the clever things a firm does to
outmaneuver the competition (as in the case of
Dell Computer) - Superior process
- Captured through a head start or early mover
advantage, as in the case of Luminetx - Superior culture
- What makes a company a great place to work in the
eyes of its employees (as in the case of
Southwest Airlines)
10CD Baby Case
11Central Questions that Strategic Managers Must
Do we have a coherent theory for obtaining a
competitive advantage? (Segway example)
What is happening in our industry? (Dogster,
Do we have unique capabilities that makes it
hard for our competitors to copy us? (LA Gear)
What is our competition going to do? (Apple
IPhone example)
Can We Execute our Strategy? (Planet Hollywood
12Apply These Questions to CD Babys Current
Do we have a coherent theory for obtaining a
competitive advantage?
What is happening in our industry?
Do we have unique capabilities that makes it
hard for our competitors to copy us?
What is our competition going to do?
How should we respond?
13Apply These Questions to Luminetxs Current
Do we have a coherent theory for obtaining a
competitive advantage?
What is happening in our industry?
Do we have unique capabilities that makes it
hard for our competitors to copy us?
What is our competition going to do?
How should we respond?
14Strategy is Like a Game of Chess
Strategy is somewhat like a game of chess, and is
all about positioning your own pieces to gain
15Strategic Management Process
External Analysis
Strategic Choice
Strategy Implementation
Competitive Advantage
Internal Analysis
16A Firms Mission or Mantra
- Mission
- A firms mission is its long-term purpose.
- Missions define both what a firm aspires to be in
the long run and what it wants to avoid in the
meantime. - Missions are often written down in the form of
mission statements. - Mantra
- A very short expression that captures the essence
of what a company is all about.
17Examples of Mission Statements(1 of 3)
18Examples of Mission Statements(2 of 3)
19Examples of Mission Statements(3 of 3)
20Examples of Corporate Mantras
- Google
- Dont be evil (The Search)
- Nike
- Authentic athletic performance
- Starbucks
- Rewarding everyday moments
- Disney
- Fun family entertainment
21In-Class Exercise
Real Mission Statement
Hypothetical Mantra
The mission of Wendys is to deliver superior
quality products and services for our customers
and communities through leadership innovation and
22In-Class Exercise
Hypothetical Mantra
23Strategic Management Process(Reminder)
External Analysis
Strategic Choice
Strategy Implementation
Competitive Advantage
Internal Analysis
- Objectives
- Specific measurable targets a firm can use to
evaluate the extent to which it is realizing its
mission. - High Quality Objectives
- Are tightly connected to elements of a firms
mission and are relatively easy to measure and
track over time. - Low Quality Objectives
- Either do not exist or are not connected to
elements of a firms mission, are not
quantitative, and are difficult to measure or
difficult to track over time.
25Making Well Informed Strategic Choices
External Analysis
Strategic Choice
Strategy Implementation
Competitive Advantage
Internal Analysis
Armed with a mission, objectives, and completed
external and internal analyses, a firm is ready
to make its strategic choices.
26Advantages of Engaging in the Strategic
Management Process(1 of 4)
- Provides a Sense of Purpose for a Firm
- A strategic plan includes a mission statement or
a corporate mantra. The sentiments represented
in these statements provide a sense of purpose
for a firm. - Johnson Johnson Example
- Three things that motivate employees the most
- Group cohesion
27Advantages of Engaging in the Strategic
Management Process(2 of 4)
- Aids In Decision Making
- Having a strategic plan enables the leaders of a
firm to ensure that day-to-day decisions fit with
the long-term interests of the organization. - Does the decision push us further towards meeting
our objectives or further away from them?
28Advantages of Engaging in the Strategic
Management Process(3 of 4)
- Brings Everyone in the Company Together
- Having a strategic plan encourages everyone in a
company to work together to achieve common aims. - Army of one
29Advantages of Engaging in the Strategic
Management Process(4 of 4)
- Focus On Forward Thinking
- The planning function forces managers to think
ahead and consider resource needs and potential
opportunities or threats that the organization
may face in the future.
30Goal Having A Unique Strategy
If you have the same strategy as your competitors
Your strategy is a wash
If the strategy is different but is easily copied
It provides only a temporary advantage
If the strategy is different but is hard to copy
It is strong and sustainable
31Outcome Of Having A Unique Strategy
Companies that forge a unique way of doing
business gain lower costs, higher prices, or
both. While their competitors increasingly
resemble each other and are forced to compete on
price, strategically positioned companies avoid
the bloodbath by following the beat of a
different drummer.
Philip Kotler
32 Distinctive Competencies and Competitive
Terrain(1 of 2)
- Distinctive Competence
- Special capabilities, skills, technologies, or
resources that enable a firm to distinguish
itself from its rivals and create competitive
advantage. - Ideally, a firms competence or skill is so
distinctive that others will not be able to copy
it easily.
33 Distinctive Competencies and Competitive
Terrain(2 of 2)
- Competitive Terrain
- Refers to the environmental setting in which a
firm competes. - Firms typically have different possible terrains
in which to compete.
34Putting it Together Essence of Strategy
Strengths and distinctive competencies
Competitive advantage over rivals competing on
the same terrain
Match in a unique way
Leads to
Terrain (Business environment you choose)
35Barriers to Strategic Management
- Demands on Managers Time
- Ambiguous and Uncertain Operating Environment
- Resistance to Change