Title: Post-Newtonian Propulsion Technology
1Post-Newtonian Propulsion Technology
- Benjamin Thomas Solomon
- B.Sc.(Elec.Eng.)(UK), Dip.OR(UK), MAOR(UK),
MBS(Bank Fin)(Ireland) - Technology Inventor
- International Space Development Conference 2001
- May 24 28, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
2Relevant Accomplishments
- An Epiphany on Gravity, under review .
- Wormholes Create Unresolvable Paradoxes,
Aug/Sep 2001, Journal of Theoretics. - Post-Newtonian Propulsion Technology, May 2001,
NSS-ISDC 2001, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
3The Need for New Technology
Cost Structure Proof of the Need Required Characteristics
Variable Costs It requires 22 lbs of expensive fuel to send 1 lb of payload into orbit. Estimated cost per Shuttle launch is 500m, or about 100m per astronaut. 200-1,000 / passenger 20,000-100,000 / launch
Operating Costs Today, NASA, is the only organization, that is capable of inter-planetary manned space flight. NASAs FY2002 budget is 14.5 billion. Handles about an estimated 30 astronauts per year. 250,000 passengers / day.
Development Costs Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Atlas V, rockets took 10 years and 1billion to develop. A new model spacecraft every 2 years.
Feasibility Long range space travel, beyond the Solar System, is infeasible with propellant based propulsion systems.
Viability Commercial space tourism for the masses, is not viable with the current cost structure.
4Key Innovation Technology Elements
Time Dilation
- Time Dilation Gravity Process Model
- Electromagnetic Time Dilation Process Model
- Electrical Circuit without Moving Parts
5Time Dilation Gravity Process Model
- Non-linear time dilation causes the effect of
gravity and not the other way around. - An Epiphany on Gravity, under review.
6Electromagnetic Time Dilation Process Model
- Under certain conditions electromagnetic fields
can cause localized time dilation. - Will be published when patents are granted.
7Electrical Circuit without Moving Parts
- An electrical circuit, without moving parts, has
been developed that can create a force directly
from energy in effect, change its own weight. - The direction of the weight change can be
reversed by changing the electric field polarity
or by turning the device upside-down.
8Three Generations of Device Development
- First Generation Device is a cylinder.
- Second Generation Devices are disc shaped.
- Third Generation Devices are disc shaped with
more sophisticated electric field generators.
9The Video
- Stop for video presentation of experiments.
10First Generation Experiments
11Second Generation Experiments
12Measuring Weight Change
13Weight and M-Current Profiles
Experiment conducted in March 2000
14Room Temperature Superconductivity
15Observations in Basic Physics
- Experimental repeatability.
- Not due to the Earths magnetic field.
- No electric field no force.
- No magnetic field no force.
- Both electric and magnetic fields must be present
to observe a force. - Increased e-voltage increases net weight change.
- Increased m-current increases net weight change.
16Weight Change Progress
Results Achieved Period
1mm deflection Nov/99 Feb/00
0.1g weight loss (1 hour) Dec/99 Jan/00
0.5g weight loss (3 hours) Jan/99 Feb/00
1.0g weight loss (3 hours) Mar/00 Aug/00
3.0g weight loss (3 hours) Aug/00 Sep/00
3.0g weight loss (1 hour) Apr/01
17The Post-Newtonian Effect
- Current rocket technology uses Newtons 3rd Law
of Motion, equal opposite reaction, to achieve
motion. - Post-Newtonian Propulsion Technology achieves
weight change without this 3rd Law. In effect,
the device folds spacetime to create a force and
thus, a change in weight.
18Technology Roadmap
Milestones Date Status
1. Basic Physics 1973-2001 Completed
2. Experimental Devices 1999-2001 Completed
3. Prototype Engine 2001-2004 Funds Req.
4. Launch Vehicle 2004-2008 Funds Req.
- Ken Touryan, National Renewable Energy Lab, for
feedback and equipment loan. - PK Sen, and Tom Cummings, University of Colorado
at Denver, for lab access. - Rob Davis, University of Denver, for lab access.
20Contact Information
- Benjamin Thomas Solomon
- eFax (US) 801-365-8995
- eMail SolomonSpace_at_aol.com
- Web Site http//www.QuantumRisk.com