Title: Dutch offshore developments and prospects
1Dutch offshore developments and prospects
- SenterNovem
- Ruud de Bruijne
- Jaap t Hooft
- Ministry of Economic Affairs
- Imar Doornbos
EWEC 2006, Athens
2(No Transcript)
3Dutch offshore developments and prospects
- Content
- First 2 wind farms (108 MW and 120 MW)
- New long term approach Transition sustainable
Energy supply
4Dutch offshore developments and prospects
- First 2 wind farms (108 MW and 120 MW)
- New long term approach Transition sustainable
Energy supply
5Offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee History
- 1997 Feasibility study (SenterNovem)
- 1998 Government launches physical planning
procedure EIA - 2000 Government selects location
- 2000 2002 Consultations, final decision
location and legal procedures - 2003 Approval location by Council of State
(irrevocable) - 2001 Call for Tender
- 2002 Noordzeewind obtains exclusive rights
- 2003 2005 Project development
- 2003 2005 Start Monitoring Programme (baseline
studies, SenterNovem/RIKZ) - 2005 Financial closure
- 2006 Start construction
6Offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee
- Owner Noordzeewindsubsidiary of Shell and NUON
- Construction EBCconsortium Ballast Nedam
Vestas - 108 MW (36 Vestas V90)
- 10 18 km from shore
- Water depth 18 m
- Monopiles, 70 m above sea level, 30 m into seabed
7Offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee
- Planning- financial closure May 2005- grid
connection Winter 2005-2006 - start
construction on site April 2006- end
construction October 2006 - Monitoring and evaluation programme- technical
and economical- environment
8Monitoring evaluation programme (MEP)
9MEP results www.offshorewind.nl
10MEP technology economy
- Adaptations to the maritime climate
- Combined load of wind and waves
- Morphology (foundations)
- Serial installation and operation
- Maintenance strategy
- Control strategy for grid integration
- Forecasting energy output
- Guidelines and calculation models for offshore
wind farms
11MEP environment Baseline Studies
- Scope- Benthos- Demersal pelagic fish- Sea
mammals- Marine migrating birds
12Wind farm Q7
- Developer E-velop / E-Connection
- 120 MW (60 Vestas V80)
- Expected production 438 GWh/a
- Authorisations completed,
- Power purchase ENECO
- Realization - Construction started 2005
(onshore cables)- Commissioning expected in
13Grid integration
- Study Connect II (Ministries of Economic Affairs
Transport and Water Management TSO TenneT)-
grid- physical planning- legal - Short term (2010 max. 700 MW)- grid
connection no major bottlenecks - Long term- different technical possibilities
for offshore grid(s)- roles responsibilities
of parties involved
15Dutch offshore developments and prospects
- First 2 wind farms (108 MW and 120 MW)
- New long term approach Transition sustainable
energy supply
16Dutch offshore developments and prospects
- First 2 wind farms (108 MW and 120 MW)
- Medium term (2010) next step max. 480 MW
- New long term approach Transition sustainable
energy supply
17The Dutch energy policy
Transition Sustainable Energy Supply
18Energy transition
- Close co-operation authorities stakeholders
- Strengthen social support
- Connected to RD innovation
- Strong leadership- Captains of industry-
Interdepartmental administration
19The long term prospects for offshore wind energy
- Next decadesIncreasing e-consumption (doubling
tripling) - Electricity production port folioPossible
Transitions to CO2 free power- clean fossil
coal gas CCS- industrial and domestic CHP-
bio mass- (offshore) wind- other RES - Offshore wind- high potential (6 15 GW)-
competition with rest of port folio
20Offshore Wind Energy Transition
- Nowoffshore wind premium price 0.097 /kWh
- Futureoffshore wind competitive
- Market development innovation must go hand in
hand gt Controlled Development
21Offshore Wind Energy Transition
- Scope of the Transition Offshore Wind Energy
- Energy - grid integration (net codes, balancing,
physical planning)- increase value (reducing
costs, forecast production) - Hardware - wind turbines control systems-
foundations, installations and OM - General conditions- technical and environmental
requirements- consents procedures and public
22Offshore Wind Energy Transition
- Examples of partners and projects
- Coalitions- we_at_sea (industry, RTD institutes)-
Transition Platform Sustainable Electricity /
Offshore wind (ppp) - Grid integration- Connect II (Ministries TSO)
- International co-operation- Upwind (FP 6 IP
aimed at 5-10 MW turbines)- Technology Platform
SmartGrids- Wind Energy Technology Platform -
COD- IEA (wind grids)
23More information
www.offshorewind.nl www.senternovem.nl www.minez.n
- r.de.bruijne_at_senternovem.nl
- j.t.hooft_at_senternovem.nl
- i.o.doornbos_at_minez.nl