Title: EECS 110: Lec 7: Program Planning
1EECS 110 Lec 7 Program Planning
- Aleksandar Kuzmanovic
- Northwestern University
2EECS 110 Today
Computing to the max
The not-so-subtle art of singling out the best
(and worst) of anything
Hw 3 due Sunday
Lights On!for fun and safety
How to break apart a tough problem
3Notes from prior hwks
def rps(p1,p2) """ rock-paper-scissors
judger """ if 'p1' 'p2' return 0
def rps(p1,p2) if p1 p2 return
def letterscore(let) if let in 'zq'
return 10 (lots more)
4Notes from prior hwks
def rps(p1,p2) """ rock-paper-scissors
judger """ if 'p1' 'p2' return 0
The string 'p1' is not the same as the variable
p1 !
def rps(p1,p2) """ rock-paper-scissors judger
""" if p1 p2 return '0'
The string '0' is not the same as the number 0 !
no docstring!
def letterscore(let) if let in 'zq'
return 10 (lots more)
Capital letters count! (It should be letterScore.)
5What CS is really about
thinking like a machine
int guess
str s1
str s2
str s3
str s0
making decisions
high or low
repeated actions
6What CS is really about
thinking like a machine
thinking for a machine
int guess
deciding how to use these tools
str s1
str s2
str s3
str s0
creating your own tools ...
making decisions
creating your own data structures ...
high or low
repeated actions
7Top-down program design
Given a description of the problem
Wanted a function that solves it
8Top-down program design
Given a description of the problem
Wanted a function that solves it
with as much detail as possible
1. Visualize what the program will do
2. Break up the work into a set of smaller tasks
3. Compose solutions for these tasks (functions)
variables, lists, ifelifelse, recursion
- What do you need for each?
- Are these tasks still too big? if so, go to
step 1
1. Visualize what the function will do ...
9Top-down program design
Given a description of the problem
Wanted a function that solves it
with as much detail as possible
1. Visualize what the program will do
2. Break up the work into a set of smaller tasks
How to do this
3. Compose solutions for these tasks (functions)
variables, lists, ifelifelse, recursion
- What do you need for each?
- Are these tasks still too big? if so, go to
step 1
1. Visualize what the function will do ...
10Monte Carlo Monty Hall
Suppose you always switch to the other door...
What are the chances that you will win the car ?
Run it (randomly) 1000 times and see!
How can we write MCMH?
11Monte Carlo Monty Hall
How can we write MCMH?
What is the input/output of your function?
What data do we need to keep track of?
12Monte Carlo Monty Hall
How can we write MCMH?
What specific actions does your function need to
13Monte Carlo Monty Hall
How can we write MCMH?
Put it all together into an algorithm
14Monte Carlo Monty Hall
Then translate the algorithm to code!
def MCMH( init, sors, N ) """ plays the same
"Let's make a deal" game, N times returns
the number of times you win the car """ if N
0 return 0 don't play, can't win
carDoor choice(1,2,3) where is the car?
if init carDoor and sors 'stay' result
'Car!' elif init carDoor and sors
'switch' result 'Spam.' elif init ! carDoor
and sors 'switch' result 'Car!' else
'Spam.' print 'You get the', result if
result 'Car!' return 1 MCMH( init, sors,
N-1 ) else return 0 MCMH(
init, sors, N-1 )
15Sorting a List
Sorting a List
What is the input/output of the function?
What data do we need to keep track of?
16Sorting a List
Sorting a List
If we had an easy way to find the maximum of the
list, how could we use this to sort the list?
17Taking only one
def removeOne( e, L ) """ this function
removes one element e from the top level
of the list L """ if len(L) 0
return L L is empty elif e L0
return L1 remove this one
else return
L01 removeOne(e,L1) keep
the non-e element and then keep going
removeOne(42, 5,7,42,8,42)
removeOne('p', 'computer programming')
'comuter programming'
A recipe for life ?
and python already has it for us
The hard part is knowing what we want to maximize!
19Google Inc
to the max
If we want the highest price
max( 449.5, 580.0, 562.4, 481.3, 498.3, 414.5 )
What if the months are in there, as well?
max( 449.5,'apr', 580.0,'may',
562.4,'jun', 481.3,'jul', 498.3,'aug',
414.5,'sep' )
20"Best" word
def scrabbleScore(w) see homework 1!
Let's abbreviate this function as scsc(w)
def bestWord( L ) """ finds the "best" word
from L, a list of words here, "best"
means highest scrabble score """
21"Best" word
def scrabbleScore(w) see homework 1!
Let's abbreviate this function as scsc(w)
def bestWord( L ) """ finds the "best" word
from L, a list of words here, "best"
means highest scrabble score """ if len(L) lt
2 return elif return
else return
22"Best" word
def scrabbleScore(w) see homework 1!
Let's abbreviate this function as scsc(w)
def bestWord( L ) """ finds the "best" word
from L, a list of words here, "best"
means highest scrabble score """ if len(L) lt
2 return L0 elif scsc(L0) lt
scsc(L1) return bestWord( L1 )
else return bestWord( L01 L2 )
23A suggestion
def scrabbleScore(w) see homework 1!
Let's abbreviate this function as scsc(w)
def bestWord( L ) """ returns the word in L
w/max scrabble score """ LOL scsc(w),
w for w in L LOL bestPair max( LOL
) return bestPair
24The last word on bestWord
def scrabbleScore(w) see homework 1!
Let's abbreviate this function as scsc(w)
using raw recursion
def bestWord( L ) """ finds the "best" word
from L, a list of words here, "best"
means highest scrabble score """ if len(L) lt
2 return L0 elif scsc(L0) lt
scsc(L1) return bestWord( L1 ) else
return bestWord( L01 L2 )
using max
def bestWord( L ) """ returns the word in L
w/max scrabble score """ LOL scsc(w), w
for w in L bestPair max( LOL )
return bestPair
gtgtgt bestNumber( 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
) 40
gtgtgt bestNumber( 100, 200, 300, 400 ) 100
gtgtgt bestNumber( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7 ) 8
gtgtgt mode( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7 ) 7
What is bestNumber ? mode ?
Nothing but the best!
abs( x ) is built-in to Python
Use bestWord as a guide
Write this function using max/min or recursively
def bestWord( L ) """ example code """
LOL scsc(w), w for w in L bestPair
max( LOL ) return bestPair
def bestNumber( L ) """ returns the in L
closest to 42 """
Write this function however you like
Consider defining a helper function !
def mode( L ) """ returns the element
appearing most often in L """
abs( x ) is built-in to Python
Use bestWord as a guide
def bestWord( L ) """ example code """
LOL scsc(w), w for w in L bestPair
max( LOL ) return bestPair
Write this function using max/min
def bestNumber( L ) """ returns the in L
closest to 42 "" LOL abs(w-42), w for
w in L bestPair min( LOL ) return
Write this function however you like
Consider defining a helper function !
def numberOfTimes( w, L ) """ returns the
in times w repeats in L """ return sum(kw
for k in L)
def mode( L ) """ returns the element
appearing most often in L """ LOL
numberOfTimes(w,L),w for w in L return
def sort( L ) """ a list of elements in L,
sorted from hi to low """ if len(L) lt 1
return L else
def sort( L ) """ a list of elements in L,
sorted from hi to low """ if len(L) lt 1
return L else return max(L)
sort(removeOne( max(L), L ))
31sort(L, maxFun)
def sort( L, maxFun ) """ a list of elements
in L, sorted using maxFun """ if len(L) lt 1
return L else return
32sort(L, maxFun)
def sort( L, maxFun ) """ a list of elements
in L, sorted using maxFun """ if len(L) lt 1
return L else return maxFun(L)
sort(removeOne( maxFun(L), L ))
Will this work?
33sort(L, maxFun)
def sort( L, maxFun ) """ a list of elements
in L, sorted using maxFun """ if len(L) lt 1
return L else return maxFun(L)
sort(removeOne( maxFun(L), L ), maxFun)
34sort(L, maxFun)
def sort( L, maxFun ) """ a list of elements
in L, sorted using maxFun """ if len(L) lt 1
return L else return maxFun(L)
sort(removeOne( maxFun(L), L ), maxFun)
What happens if you call gtgtgtsort( L, min )
35See you in Lab !