... happened to like the email idea more. DFJ granted $300, ... Packaged web email product with Hotmail's software ... Never restricted number of users unlike Juno ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
The need to set aside some extra hours outside the workday
Difficulties in communication
Web was just a directory of information
The idea of a web-based communication tool
5 Business model
No ISP or email provider subscription
Free service
Revenue model based on marketing
Provide access to subscribers
Track subscribers surfing habits
Allow advertisers to customize advertising information
6 Where the initial investment came from
December 1995
Venture capital firm of Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ)
For the purpose of selling a web-based DB
DFJ happened to like the email idea more
DFJ granted 300,000 for 15 of the company
7 Marketing approach
DFJ started viral marketing for HotMail
Viral marketing happens when users of a service or product advertise the service or product by simply using it
In hotmail, a message ends with an advertisement directing the recipients to the hotmail registration site
This is not junk-email
It is not very different from a banner ad
8 Target market
Initial marketplaces
Consumer market
Corporate market
Packaged web email product with Hotmails software
Bhatia decided to focus on the first marketplace
9 Managerial approach
Salaries and stock options were used to attract employees
My greatest accomplishment was not to build the company, but to convince people that this is their company. I showed people how this would ultimately benefit them. . . . We initiated the avalanche.
10 Launching hotmail
100 subscribers in the first hour
100,000 subscribers in a month
1 million in less than six months
11 The road to maturity
Growth issues
Intermittent service outages
Junk mails
Never restricted number of users unlike Juno
Implemented a new, highly scalable and redundant architecture
Able to sustain more than 50,000 new users a day
Provided filters for users
Automatic control on the mailing behavior of the users
12 Technical solutions
Were particularly excited about the load balancing design of this architecture, When users log on to Hotmail, they get the least busy path to their e-mail, which dramatically enhances their online experience.
13 Flourishing
In 1997
over 5 million subscribers
Second largest email provider after AOL
Competitive advantages
No need to subscribe for a special internet access
Revenue model based on advertising
Geographic expansion
No limit on the number of new subscribers
Easy to subscribe
14 Whats up now
Hotmail options
Merge with a large portal like MSN
Microsoft lacked a free web-based email service
Go public
Huge competitors like AOL and CompuServe with a huge capital
Remain private
Juno and USA.net continued to thrive
15 Wise decision
For company survival
Develop partnership
Risk giving away potential profits to the competitors