Title: Its not just a job Careers in Student Affairs
1Its not just a jobCareers in Student Affairs
- Jasi OConnor
- Director of Residence Life
- Concordia College
Tri-College Residence Life Staff
Conference October 7, 2006
2Why Student Affairs?
- improve the quality of campus life
- enhance student learning
- attract and retain qualified students
- provide students with satisfactory housing,
health services, and recreational facilities - coordinate student activities
- help make college financially accessible to
students - help students make career decisions
- support the needs of nontraditional students
(commuter, older than average, special
3Whats Out There? The world beyond Residence
- Admissions
- Financial Aid
- Residence Life/Housing
- Campus Activities
- Student Leadership and Service
- Career Services
- First Year Experience Program
- Judicial Affairs
- Student Union Operations/Activities
- College Counseling
- Orientation
- Multicultural Student Affairs
- Academic Support Services/Advising
- Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Programs
4How Do I Get From Here to There?
- Decide
- Graduate School
- Work
- Both
Fulfilling Career
5If You Decide to Work
- Get Experience Now
- Find out what opportunities are available to you
as an undergraduate. - Can you do an internship?
- Can you work in an office?
- Do you have someone who is willing to mentor you?
- Youve already got some experience by being an
RA! Find ways to build on that and take on more
6If You Decide on Graduate School
- Research programs
- http//www.naspa.org/gradprep/index.cfm
- Find out what graduate admissions tests you need
to take - GRE
- Explore financial aid opportunities
7What?! I Can Go to Grad School for Free??
- Many graduate programs offer graduate
assistantships in Student Affairs. These often
include - Tuition waiver
- Monthly stipend
- Meal plan
- All of the above
8What?! I Can Go to Grad School for Free??
- Many schools have Graduate Hall Director
positions, which offer benefits such as - All the things mentioned before
- Stipend, tuition waiver, meal plan
- Furnished apartment
- Free utilities/cable TV/internet hookup/telephone
- Valuable work and leadership experience
9Whats the Best Path for Me? How to Get More
- Talk with your Hall Director
- Contact the Office of Student Affairs on your
campus - Talk to a Student Affairs professional who works
in an area of interest for you - Visit the Career Center
- Attend a professional conference, if possible
- Experiment
- Get online!
10What I Love About My JobWords from Student
Affairs Professionals
- I enjoy working with students - helping them to
discover themselves, challenge themselves, etc.
I also enjoy the working environment - education
is incredibly important to me and since I'm not
gifted with the patience to teach, Student
Affairs work allows me to remain in that general
educational environment. I find that my core
values and beliefs also fit very well with the
mission of higher education - with its focus on
diversity and improving the lives of others.
Finally, I feel that it is just an incredibly
fun, exciting and challenging field - no 2 days
are the same and the interactions with students
keep me feeling young.
11What I Love About My JobWords from Student
Affairs Professionals
- For me, there is a nice balance between working
with people and having time to work individually - Being able to contribute to the
students' educational experience in more informal
ways, outside the classroom. - I enjoy giving student leaders the tools
necessary to be successful in their positions and
then being present to watch as they utilize these
skills in their work as leaders.
12What You Need to Know
- Most entry level SA positions require you to work
some nights and weekends. - Budget constraints of higher education
- Flexibility is a requirement
- You ARE a role model
- Difficulty describing what your job is to
students, staff, and outsiders"
- When you look for grad programs, try to talk to
someone who has graduated from that program - Enter this career if you truly enjoy working with
students and helping them develop their skills - Recognize that you wont necessarily get paid
according to your worth (but youre probably
already used to that) and that it is important to
further your education if you want to be
successful - I strongly feel that these careers need people
who are ok with chaos constant interruptions
and changes in directions. For the most part
that is what makes my job so interesting and
satisfying for me but it also causes a lot of
stress if I let it!
14Online Resources
- The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Has job listings and articles related to higher
ed - Oshkosh Placement Exchange (OPE)
- Regional placement conference for Residence Life
positions - American College Personnel Assoc. (ACPA)
- Has job listings National professional
organization - Natl Assoc. of College Personnel Administrators
(NASPA) - Has job listings National professional
15Online Resources, continued
- Association of College and University Housing
Officers-International (ACUHO-I) - Has job listings Residence Life related
materials - StudentAffairs.com
- Information about Student Affairs, including
websites, listserves, online courses, and more! - HigherEdJobs.com
- Great job listing site!