Title: FIAP Franciscans International Asia Pacific
1FIAPFranciscans International Asia Pacific
Aitape Diocese West Sepik Province
West Papua
3Social Justice Issues
- Disabled people exploited in boarding houses
- People with HIV/AIDES and
- Homosexual teenagers struggling to be accepted
- Short term imprisonment of women
- Detained Asylum seekers
- Asylum seekers not permitted to work
4The 2 Feet of Social Justice
Systemic Change
Charitable Works
Charitable works
6 7Lessons
- Vulnerable people intelligent, highly skilled
risk-takers - Immigration process flawed, cruel
- Responsible citizens ashamed
- Powerless
Franciscans International
Asia Pacific
Charitable Works
Systemic Change
9From Local to Global
Improved conditions UNHCR Geneva
Regional Meetings Governments
Asian Womens Groups
Issues for WaR world-wide Regional Meeings
Conclusion Accepted by all Governments
Women victims of gender-based violence
Aust. Government WaR Program
Increased resources WaR Program Australia
International Handbook to protect women and girls
in camps throughout world
10New York
Franciscans International
11Formal Structure
FIAP Bangkok Office (2008)
- for grassroots Franciscans
to influence international human rights
standards, and to bring witness to human rights
13Systemic Change
The Right to development The Environment Human
Rights Peacemaking
14The Right to Development
- Physical survival
- Intellectual, Economic, and
- Political development
suffering deprivation marginalization understandi
ng meaning implementing policy
15The Environment
- Uncontrolled use of natural resources
- Forests
- Land
- Water
- Fisheries
A powerful minoritys over consumption, over
Deteriorating ecosystems Depleting
resources Proliferating inequality
Poverty Conflict
16Human Rights
- Thematic Issues
- UN Commission on Human Rights
- Migration in Europe
- Religious Freedom
- Human trafficking
- Violence against Women
- Extreme poverty
- UN Norms on transnational businesses
- Optional Protocol to ICESCR
Regional/Country Issues West Africa Latin
America Asia Eastern Europe Western Europe North
America Oceania
- Facilitate peaceful
- solutions to
- Violence
- Conflict
- War
Monitor disarmament process Official written and
oral interventions at UN forums
18F I and F I A P
Partnership of all humanity
Environmental protection Participation in
resource conservation and environmental protection
Social development Personal well-being and
community well-being
Economic Development Increases productive
capacity of poor people
19Submissions to UN 2006
December Hague Conference on Dalit
Women October Human Rights Council and the Right
to Water July General Assembly Informal
Interactive Hearings on international Migration
and Development July FIAP meeting in
Bangkok May-June High level meeting on AIDS in
New York Feb-Mar Commission on the Status of
Women Human Rights Situation in Papua,
Indonesia Right to Education in Pakistan
Human Rights Mechanisms
20Human Rights in Occupied Iraq
- Recommendations
- Uphold and respect international lawre civilians
- Ensure establishment of a sovereign Iraqi
government - Programs bring about material, economic and
psychological reconstruction - Rebuild infrastructure health and education and
legal institutions - Bilateral relationships re aid and cooperation
- Commission on Human Rights monitoring
21West Papua
- Issues
- 1.Indonesia unprepared to dialogue with Papuans
- 2.Implementation of Special Autonomy Law
unresolved. - 3.Political interests are destroying social
cohesion - 4.Heavy Indonesian military presence
- 5.Cycle of impunity prevents protection and
promotion of human rights - 6. Judicial system protects perpetrators
- 7. Papuans feel unprotected
- 8. Timber illegally appropriated, illegal fishing
- 9. HIV and AIDS second highest in Indonesia
trafficking of persons, and alcohol abuse
unchecked - 10.Migrants dominate job market
- 11.Benefits from mining, logging and fishing not
invested in public service
22West Papua
FI Recommendations
- Peace Initiatives to address conflict and build
peace - Recommend UN Commission on Human Rights to
- Protect the life of the Indigenous Papuans and
treat as equal citizens - Indonesia fulfil international obligations
- Indonesia grant full access to Human Rights
Commissioners - Convention on Elimination of Racial
Discrimination - Mainstream Human rights education
- Indonesians fully participat in the PapuaLand
of Peace program
23Franciscans International
- The UN Instruments are the
- sacred scriptures for global governance
- understood by every race and
- every faith.
- Written specifically to protect the vulnerable in
society and - the environment.
Asia Pacific Update
25International human rights the problems and the
possibilities of working in Asia Pacific Chris
Sidoti Executive Director, International Service
for Human Rights in Geneva
- One third of the worlds surface area
- but a large part of it is ocean, mountains and
desert - Two thirds of the worlds people
- with nations ranging in size
- from China and India, each with over 1 billion
people - to Nauru, Tuvalu and Kiribati, each with only a
few thousand people
- Not one region but six!!
- The Pacific
- South East Asia
- North east Asia
- South Asia
- West Asia
- Central Asia
- and in each there is a reflection of the
diversity of the Asia Pacific as a whole
- The peoples of the Asia Pacific
- their drive and energy and
- sheer determination
- cultures of ambition and motivation
- the hunger for change
- the kids!!
- The collapse of authoritarian regimes
- but the difficult management of transition
- Natural resources, including good agricultural
lands and seas - but the threats of environment disaster
- Wealth!! Asia is not Africa
- Diversity itself
- Contribution of the Christian churches as
institutions that are across the region - Within the diversity of Asia it is impossible to
find values that are - common to all Asia and
- exclusive of everyone else
- Human rights as the unifying vision
- The language of rights has its origin in time and
place but it is not the exclusive product of any
one religious, cultural or political tradition - In fact Catholic Christianity came very late to
the human rights cause, affirmed only in the
early 1960s by John XXIII and then by the Vatican
Council - The religious texts of all major religions are
silent on rights but they all resonate with the
concepts we now call human rights - Common values of compassion, human dignity and
respect - Justice (righteousness) as the basis of
vertical and horizontal relationships
30Human Rights Training in the regionCross
cultural interaction
31Greater awareness of Human Rights Issues from a
Franciscan Perspective
32Right Relationships Resources
33Greater awareness of Human Rights Issues in the
Asia Pacific region
34A specific spiritual approach to human rights
and political realities
Franciscans International (FI) works on behalf
of the poor for peace, justice and the care of
35Resources WE can offer FI Asia Pacific
- Intellectual encourage students, ex-students and
parishioners to attend Human Rights workshops in
Bangkok - Encourage members of other congregations and
parishes to participate in the workshops. - Offer personnel to assist with courses
- Spiritual keep the project in our community
prayer - Host Franciscan youth for World Youth Day
- 3. Economic contribute seed funding until the
project is self sustaining
36- There is a need there is no specific catholic
human rights training in the Pacific
- Economically
- it is do-able, if each
- congregation in each country contributed
373. Human Rights training and advocacy
would have a Franciscan basis
- 4. FI Asia Pacific would link into FI
Internationals global vision
38Franciscans International Asia Pacific
Charitable Works
Systemic Change