Title: An Institutional Repository Model for the Humanities
1An Institutional Repository Model for the
Humanities Targeting Academic Research for
Deposit and Disclosure http//tardis.eprints.org
- http//eprints.soton.ac.uk
- Creating a broad IR model
- Supporting ease of use for depositors of
different backgrounds - Refining software offering assisted deposit,
good citation metadata - Creating visibility tools for researchers
A Multi-disciplinary Institutional Repository
(IR) Route Map to Open Access to Research
- Developing a repository for all disciplines
- House of Commons report recommends IRs July 2004
- The TARDis Route
- Building on current practices and user
requirements - Publications database with full text where
practicable - Core requirement one input many outputs
- Developing added value services e.g.
- Book covers
- Links to Amazon
- Supplementary material
Back to the future with TARDis The Open Access
Revolution via the Southampton University
Research Repository An e-Prints service informed
by user needs and good information management
practice Feeding into generic EPrints software
Mark Brown Jessie Hey Natasha Lucas Pauline
Simpson eprints_at_soton.ac.uk
Presented at
Tim Brody, Lesley Carr, Jessie Hey
Pete Hancock