Title: Native Deciduous Azalea Micropropagation
1Native Deciduous Azalea Micropropagation
2Presentation Overview
- What azaleas are and their significance
- The long-term objectives of this project
- This summers specific objectives
- Propagation techniques
- Explant disinfection
3Native Deciduous Azaleas
Genus Rhododendron Sub Genus Pentanthera
- Due to their highly attractive and distinctive
flowers, their diverse ecological distribution,
and their tendency to hybridize in the wild,
native deciduous azaleas represent an intriguing
system from botanical, evolutionary, and
horticultural perspectives.
4Species native to U.S.A.
- West Coast Native Azaleas
- R. occidentale
- East Coast Native Azaleas
- R. vaseyi
- R. canadense
- R. canescens
- R. austrinum
- R. flammeum
- R. periclymenoides
- R. alabamense
- R. atlanticum
- R. calendulaceum
- R. prinophyllum
- R. viscosum
- R. arborescens
- R. cumberlandense
- R. prunifolium
- R. eastmanii
- At least 17 species native to the United States.
- One species newly discovered!
5Our species
R. arborescens
R. cumberlandense
R. calendulaceum
R. viscosum
6Our Study Populations/Species
- Locations
- 1. Gregory Bald
- A. cumberlandense
- B. arborescens
- C. viscosum(?)
- 2. Copper Ridge
- A. cumberlandense
- B. arborescens
- C. viscosum(?)
- 3. Hooper Bald
- A. calendulaceum
7Unique Hybridization
Seedling 11- 1
Seedling 11- 2
Parent Gregory Bald 11 Rattlesnake Cream
Seedling 11-3
8Long Term Objectives
- The establishment of a reference plant
population. - Assess the correspondence between morphological,
karyotypic and genomic parameters. - Assess phylogenetic
- relationships amongst
- these plants.
9This Summers Objectives
- Continue production and preservation of source
102. Refine procedures for obtaining, introducing,
and raising reference plants.
11- 3. Create a reference/preservation planting on
Upland's Campus.
- Seedling
- Classic Shoot Propagation
- In Vitro or Micropropagation
13In Vitro Propagation
14In-Vitro Propagation Continued
15Explant Death!
- Its normal to lose 80-90 of explants to
16Plant Tissue Disinfection
Standard 10 bleach 1 ml tween 20
(detergent) 10 minute wash 3x 10 minute H20
17NaDCC and Accel-TBDisinfectant Pilot Studies
- 99 Dichloro-s-triazinetrione, dihydrate
- 1 others
- Chlorine-based pool sanitizer
- 55 available chlorine
- Accel-TB
- 0.5 H2O2
- 99.5 others
- BroadSpectrum disinfectant
- Fungicidal
- Tuberculocidal
- Virucidal
- Bactericidal
18NaDCC Test 1
0, 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, and 2.2 grams/500
ml H20 1 ml tween 20 10 minute treatment 3
sterile 15 minute rinses
Contamination 67 contaminated.
Random dispersion. Browning
None Observations 1. NaDCC does not seem to be
phytotoxic at concentrations from
0-2.2g/500ml. 2. Little contamination among
control explants at 0.0gNaDCC/500 ml indicates
low levels of original explant contamination.
19NaDCC Test 2
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 11 g/500 ml H20 1 ml
tween 20 10 minute treatment 3 sterile 15 minute
Contamination None Browning 80-90 brown
death over all concentrations. Observations 1.
Phytotoxicity observed over all concentrations,
including concentrations not previously
phytotoxic to explants. 2. Still very little
contamination. 3. High levels of toxicity may be
due to smaller/younger explant pieces.
Greenhouse Source Plants
20Accel-TB Test 1
Accel-TB at strengths of 100, 90, 80, 70,
60, 50, 40, 20, and 0 100 is full
commercial strength 1 ml tween 20 10 minute
treatment 3 sterile 15 minute rinses
Contamination None Browning Complete
phytoxicity from 100-70, 50 phytotoxic from
60-0. Observations 1. Ranges 70-50 may be
effective disinfection concentrations. 2. Still
no contamination 3. Plants used in this and
NaDCC Test 2 are from greenhouse.
Greenhouse Source Plants
21NaDCC Test 3 Rinse
Outside source plants NaDCC at 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
g/500 ml 1 ml tween 20 10 minute treatment 3
sterile 15 minute rinses
Contamination 87 contamination from
3.0g-7.0g Browning 1 or 2 deaths/concentration.
Observations 1. Contamination present in
outside plants!
22NaDCC Test 4 No Rinse
Outside source plants NaDCC at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
7, g/500 ml 1 ml tween 20 10 minute treatment
Contaminated Brown Survival 0.0g/500ml 5 1 0 1.
0g/500ml 5 1 0 2.0g/500ml 1 5 0 3.0g/500ml 0 3
3 4.0g/500ml 2 4 0 5.0g/500ml 0 6 0 7.0g/500ml
0 6 0
browning from 10-18 days
23Accel-TB Sweet Spot Test
Outside source plants 70 - 21mins, 16mins,
13mins, 10mins, 5mins 60 - 23mins, 18mins,
14mins, 10mins, 5mins 50 - 25mins, 20mins,
15mins, 10mins, 5mins 1 ml tween 20 3 sterile 15
minute rinses
Contaminated Brown Survived 70- 83 0 17 6
0- 90 3 7 50- 83 13 4 Observations 1.
Significant contamination seen for all time
lengths and concentrations.
24Overall Observations
- Low contamination levels on greenhouse plants.
High levels on outside plants. - Individual plants react differently to
disinfection techniques. - Proposed Disinfection Tests For Next Year
- 1. NaDCC no wash 2.0g-4.0g/500ml H20 (and
variations) - 2. Addition of fungicide wash or soak to
disinfection process.
- Dr. Whipple
- Paul Lightfoot
- Earl Sommerville
- Don Hyatt
- Vivian Abney
Sunrise at Hooper Bald