Title: Between 2- and 3-colorability
1Between 2- and 3-colorability
Rutgers University
2 The problem
Independent Set
Bipartite Graph
3 The problem
Independent Set
Bipartite Graph
4 The problem
Independent Set
Bipartite Graph
5 The problem
Independent Set
Bipartite Graph
6 The problem
Independent Set
Bipartite Graph
7 Examples
- Trees NP-complete
- A. Brandstädt, V. B. Le, T. Szymczak, The
complexity of some problems related to graph
3-colorability. Discrete Appl. Math. 89 (1998)
8 Examples
- Trees NP-complete
- A. Brandstädt, V. B. Le, T. Szymczak, The
complexity of some problems related to graph
3-colorability. Discrete Appl. Math. 89 (1998)
9 Examples
- Trees NP-complete
- A. Brandstädt, V. B. Le, T. Szymczak, The
complexity of some problems related to graph
3-colorability. Discrete Appl. Math. 89 (1998)
- Graphs of bounded vertex degree NP-complete
- J. KratochvÃl, I. Schiermeyer, On the
computational complexity of (O, P)-partition
problems. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 17 (1997)
10 Examples
- Trees NP-complete
- A. Brandstädt, V. B. Le, T. Szymczak, The
complexity of some problems related to graph
3-colorability. Discrete Appl. Math. 89 (1998)
- Graphs of bounded vertex degree NP-complete
- J. KratochvÃl, I. Schiermeyer, On the
computational complexity of (O, P)-partition
problems. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 17 (1997)
- Complete bipartite Polynomial
- A. Brandstädt, P.L. Hammer, V.B. Le, V. Lozin,
Bisplit graphs. Discrete Math. 299 (2005) 11--32.
Is there any boundary separating difficult
instances of the (O,P)-partition problem from
polynomially solvable ones?
Is there any boundary separating difficult
instances of the (O,P)-partition problem from
polynomially solvable ones?
Yes ?
13Hereditary classes of graphs
- Definition.
- A class of graphs P is hereditary if X?P
implies X-v?P for any vertex v?V(X)
14Hereditary classes of graphs
- Definition.
- A class of graphs P is hereditary if X?P
implies X-v?P for any vertex v?V(X)
Examples perfect graphs (bipartite, interval,
permutation graphs), planar graphs, line graphs,
graphs of bounded vertex degree.
15Speed of hereditary properties
E.R. Scheinerman, J. Zito, On the size of
hereditary classes of graphs. J. Combin. Theory
Ser. B 61 (1994) 16--39.
Alekseev, V. E. On lower layers of a lattice of
hereditary classes of graphs. (Russian) Diskretn.
Anal. Issled. Oper. Ser. 1 4 (1997) 3--12.
J. Balogh, B. Bllobás, D. Weinreich, The speed of
hereditary properties of graphs. J. Combin.
Theory Ser. B 79 (2000) 131--156.
16Lower Layers
- constant
- polynomial
- exponential
- factorial
17Lower Layers
- constant
- polynomial
- exponential
- factorial
- graphs of bounded vertex degree
- graphs of bounded tree-width
18Minimal Factorial Classes of graphs
- Bipartite graphs
- 3 subclasses
- Complements of bipartite graphs
- 3 subclasses
- Split graphs, i.e., graphs partitionable into an
independent set and a clique - 3 subclasses
19Three minimal factorial classes of bipartite
- P1 The class of graphs of vertex degree at
most 1
20Three minimal factorial classes of bipartite
- P1 The class of graphs of vertex degree at
most 1
- P2 Bipartite complements to graphs in P1
21Three minimal factorial classes of bipartite
- P1 The class of graphs of vertex degree at
most 1
- P2 Bipartite complements to graphs in P1
- P3 2K2-free bipartite graphs (chain or
difference graphs)
22(O,P)-partition problem
Let P be a hereditary class of bipartite graphs
Problem. Determine whether a graph G admits a
partition into an independent set and a graph in
the class P
23(O,P)-partition problem
Let P be a hereditary class of bipartite graphs
Problem. Determine whether a graph G admits a
partition into an independent set and a graph in
the class P
If P contains one of the three minimal factorial
classes of bipartite graphs, then the
(O,P)-partition problem is NP-complete. Otherwise
it is solvable in polynomial time.
24Polynomial-time results
Theorem. If P contains none of the three minimal
factorial classes of bipartite graphs, then the
(O,P)-partition problem can be solved in
polynomial time.
25Polynomial-time results
Theorem. If P contains none of the three minimal
factorial classes of bipartite graphs, then the
(O,P)-partition problem can be solved in
polynomial time.
If P contains none of the three minimal factorial
classes of bipartite graphs, then P belongs to
one of the lower layers
- exponential
- polynomial
- constant
26 Exponential classes of bipartite graphs
Theorem. For each exponential class of bipartite
graphs P, there is a constant k such that for any
graph G in P there is a partition of V(G) into at
most k independent sets such that every pair of
sets induces either a complete bipartite or an
empty (edgeless) graph.
27 Exponential classes of bipartite graphs
Theorem. For each exponential class of bipartite
graphs P, there is a constant k such that for any
graph G in P there is a partition of V(G) into at
most k independent sets such that every pair of
sets induces either a complete bipartite or an
empty (edgeless) graph.
28NP-complete results
J. KratochvÃl, I. Schiermeyer, On the
computational complexity of (O,P)-partition
problems. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 17 (1997)
Theorem. If P is a monotone class of graphs
different from the class of empty (edgeless)
graphs, then the (O,P)-partition problem is
29NP-complete results
J. KratochvÃl, I. Schiermeyer, On the
computational complexity of (O,P)-partition
problems. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 17 (1997)
Theorem. If P is a monotone class of graphs
different from the class of empty (edgeless)
graphs, then the (O,P)-partition problem is
Corollary. The (O,P)-partition problem is
NP-complete if P is the class of graphs of vertex
degree at most 1.
30One more result
Yannakakis, M. Node-deletion problems on
bipartite graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 10 (1981), no.
2, 310--327.
31One more result
Yannakakis, M. Node-deletion problems on
bipartite graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 10 (1981), no.
2, 310--327.
Let P be a hereditary class of bipartite graphs
Problem(P). Given a bipartite graph G, find a
maximum induced subgraph of G belonging to P.
32One more result
Yannakakis, M. Node-deletion problems on
bipartite graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 10 (1981), no.
2, 310--327.
Let P be a hereditary class of bipartite graphs
Problem(P). Given a bipartite graph G, find a
maximum induced subgraph of G belonging to P.
Theorem. If P is a non-trivial hereditary class
of bipartite graphs containing one of the three
minimal factorial classes of bipartite graphs,
then Problem(P) is NP-hard. Otherwise, it is
solvable in polynomial time.
33Thank you